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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
Posts 3
Comments 19

Understanding the history of complex ice crystal habits deduced from a holographic imager

Simulating the Journey of Pollen in the Atmosphere - Eos
  • Very neat! Interesting to consider the rupture of pollens through "osmotic shock" and lightning. I wonder if these can make up significant populations of accumulation mode particles. Single particle fluorescence should be able to answer that. And, even if numbers are low, might they be efficient cloud nuclei?

  • Analysis: Most research on PFAS harms is unpublicized
  • Absolutely. Press releases will always overhype research to make it interesting to read. It is unfortunate those in the scientific community feel they need to do this. Many institutions pressure their researchers to submit these press releases so they can show off what they do to the public. As I type this, I realize how the institutions themselves feel they need these public summaries for their survival. Would taxpayers ever support research if they don't understand it??

    Perhaps what is most needed is to drop the spin and hype while still informing the public about the scientific process and results!

  • Scientists propose Webb Telescope has detected stars powered by dark matter
  • Hunng...this is so unsatisfying. I get that we can infer the presence of dark matter, but we (me and others likewise uninformed) are lacking a good, physically plausable explanation of what it really is. WIMPs? Axions? What process is so pervasive that makes these represent so much mass and energy in the universe?

  • Gordon Moore (1929 - 2023) Gordon Moore (1929–2023)

    Microchip entrepreneur and architect of Moore’s Law.

    I had no idea Moore (of Moores Law fame), had his roots in Chemistry.

    What Does the Future Hold for this Instance?
  • This is a great answer, thank you very much! I can see how it might be a fun project to have my own instance and interact with other such as this awesome one. This gives a lot of info to use in "managing expectations". If anything, I am always happy to connect with others sharing a passion for science.

  • What Does the Future Hold for this Instance?

    I just discovered mander today and am super excited by it. At numerous points in my musings on lemmy communities, I have returned to the question of sustainability. This is what brought me to mander: the thought that an instance can shut down at any moment, so I sought to diversify. Now I am encouraging some of my favorite subreddits to migrate here, and I was confronted with the same question of sustainability. It was phrased a bit more bluntly: " who pays for it and for how long?"

    When the means dry up, what happens? Is the server transferred to another "owner"?

    Are the costs low enough that it can be supported by existing resources (assuming user donations and a generous "owner")?

    External funding: Wikipedia might be a good model to follow? Government funding? Surely some of us have written grants.

    I really want to see something like this grow and prosper. However I also want to be sure it is worth the time for the contributors and that I have good answers to my favorite forums when presented with the above questions.


    What communities do you want to see on Mander?
    • Astrophotography
    • Printed circuit boards
    • Electronics
    • Optics
    • Atmospheric science
    • Air quality
    • Meteorology
    • Sensors (also noted by Salamander)
    • arduino
    • 3dprinting
    • minerals
    • fluorescent minerals

    I'll add more as I think of more

  • What communities do you want to see on Mander?
  • Second for the sensors! In a related vain, I have been looking for a community to cover printed circuit boards, electronics, ask electronics. The pcb subreddit was a great resource where people would provide design reviews.