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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
Posts 2
Comments 72
Did someone tell Steam it's not April 1st yet?
  • To be fair, "game of the year" feels like it's meant to measure popularity, while "most innovative" sounds like it shouls measure how innovative a game is, which is perhaps why the two awards get such different reactions.

  • Cannot get a single game working on Linux
  • Ah it did indeed show much more info! I could pick out two things that seemed like error messages, I'll search the internet for them later but gotta run for Christmas celebration in a minute.

    When starting Steam it told me "unable to init and enumerate GPUs with Vulkan" and "BInit - unable to initialize Vulkan!", which sounds potentially serious.

    On trying to start the games (and maybe at other occasions too) it told me

    Glib-GIO-CRITICAL **: g_setting_schema_source_lookup: assertion 'source != NULL' failed

    I'll look into them when I get the time, but I wanted to write them here anyway for completeness. Thank you for your help!

  • Cannot get a single game working on Linux
  • I haven't tried a natively supported game, I'll go ahead and see if I can do that.

    I have tried updating the Nvidia drivers. I'm not sure I understand what you mean by recommended diagnostics problem? Thank you for the tips!

  • Cannot get a single game working on Linux
  • ProtonDB is great, I did look at it which is why I expected to be able to run those games! Even people on protonDB that had to tinker to get it working seemed to at least be able to start the games, so I couldn't find anyone with problems matching my case. Thanks for the tip though! If I don't manage to figure it out with all help in this thread I might try one of the gaming distros :)

  • Cannot get a single game working on Linux
  • I've heard that League is usually problematic on Linux, but it's not a deal breaker, my computer is dual booted anyway so I could always play it on Windows.

    All the games, League aside, are purchased through Steam. I have only tried these games I mention, since they are the only games I've been playing since I set up my Linux partition, but since not a single one of them worked at all I have assumed that's it's probably not the games that are the problem.

    Nvidia-smi confirms I'm using 545.29.06. About Vulkan though, i l noticed now that when I launch Steam through the terminal it says "unable to enumerate GPUs with Vulkan" and "Unable to initialize Vulkan". Could maybe that be the source of the issue then? Thanks a lot for your help either way!

  • Cannot get a single game working on Linux

    Hey all!

    So I've been wanting to get into Linux gaming for a while thanks to inspiration from this community, but I've struggled to get it working, and after a final try today I'm starting to lose hope. I haven't gotten a single game working, most of them using Steam and Proton, but I also tried League of Legends through Lutris. I don't know what to try next, other than maybe installing a different Linux operating system and trying again. Anyone with some advice on what I can do, or where I can turn for help? I've searched online as best I can but didn't find anything that seemed relevant.

    Some details of what I've tried if anyone is curious: on Steam I tried Trine 4 and Jusant today, previously also Baldur's Gate 3 a few months ago. The games simply don't launch, though for BG3 and LoL at least the launcher starts. Usually no error message, but Trine did for once tell me "GPU error detected" today. I've tried both Proton Experimental and whatever the newest version is at the time, today Proton GE-Proton8-14. Some system details:

    Distro: Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS RAM: 16GB CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 1600 six-core GPU: Nvidia GeForce GTX 1070 GPU Driver: Nvidia 545.29.06 (proprietary)

    What are you playing this weekend? 2023-12-13
  • Haha, when I first read your comment I thought you were referring to the first map, before you beat the Prospector, and I was confused how you spent more than 12 hours there 😆 But now I've actually gotten to the second act and I totally get what you mean! I don't like the atmosphere nearly as much there, but I hope I'll have the enthusiasm to finish the game anyway

  • Replik: ”Öppen källkod för ai-modeller är en samhällsrisk”
  • Jo, och jag köper helt att det är lättare att reglera modellerna så länge det bara är ett fåtal företag som har tillgång till dem. Jag är bara skeptisk mot att skadan av att modellerna ska vara tillgängliga som open-source är större än vad vi orsakar genom att aktivt arbeta så att bara ett fåtal privata aktörer ska ha kontroll över i princip all den här banbrytande teknologin.

  • Replik: ”Öppen källkod för ai-modeller är en samhällsrisk”
  • Om vi köper att farten på ai-utvecklingen är farlig så känner jag ändå att författarens förslag på att sakta ner den känns lite konstiga. Varför sakta ner utvecklingen genom att just undvika öppen källkod? Det känns som det tillvägagångssättet bara förstärker problemet att det är ett fåtal jätteföretag som har nästan all kontroll av tekniken och är de som suger åt sig inkomsterna. Jag kan inte påstå att jag är överdrivet påläst, men varför inte istället begränsa företagen, eller vad för data som får skrapas från internet för träning? Eller rent av begränsa de otroliga mängderna data som samlas på internet just för att träna såna ai-modeller?

  • What are you playing this weekend? 2023-12-13
  • I've only gotten to the second act so far, but it's new enough for me to still have interest! I saw on howlongtobeat that it should take around 12 hours, so I hope that me being ready for that will make me last until the end.

  • Grundskolan ska bli helt mobilfri
  • Jag känner mig hoppfull om att detta ska underlätta för elever i skolan, mobiler känns som att de mest åstadkommer syftet att suga åt sig så mycket uppmärksamhet som möjligt, jag tror knappast det är något som har positiv påverkan på inlärning!

  • Advice on Arcane Trickster

    Hi all, I'm not sure if I'm playing Arcane Trickster wrong, or of that subclass just isn't for me, so I'd love some advice.

    I'm level 4 now, and I find myself never using my spells in combat. I love trying to figure out the best ways to gain advantage for my sneak attacks, but since all my spells take a whole action to cast, I never feel like they are worth using for this purpose, when I can try to hide or go to an ally to help them fight in melee. Is there some neat way to use Arcane Trickster in unison with all the sneaking and backstabbing, or do the two objectives not quite work together?
