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MrFloppy MrFloppy
Posts 10
Comments 56
I wonder how much fun they are having out there that I will probably never get to experience...
  • French is so difficult to learn because of the pronunciation. Spanish is much easier to learn in comparison. I don't get why all school in Germany prefer French as third language before Spanish.

  • Why does my toilet suddenly start running water then stop?
  • Easiest way: put a little weight on the Part which close the valve/plunger.

    A bit harder: try to clean the bottom/o-ring of the valve/plunger.

  • Why does my toilet suddenly start running water then stop?
  • There are different ways. Do you have a picture?

  • Time for dinner
  • Greetings from the Netherlands?

  • Why don't you...
  • My 5 years old can make 100 push ups, if nobody looks.

  • Splatoon 1 with Pretendo

    After a long time, I tried Splatoon again via the Pretendo user. (easy setting - no Homebrew) It worked great, without any problems and ¿because it was Sunday? a group always formed quickly.

    What did people do before smartphones to pass the time when you were bored?
    • Work more.
    • Go to church.
    • Go to a witch burning.
    • Participate in a crusade.
    • From which century are you asking?

  • It's cadmium-enriched!
  • Reminds me of "my first vape" and "happy hour playset" from Adam Padilla

  • ich🇮🇱=🤨iel
  • Es ist das Bandlogo von "Van Halen". [Quelle: Südpark]

  • Peanut allergies could ‘plummet’ by 71% with simple new intervention
  • If your child is older than 6 years and has peanut allergy, I would advise to think about "Aiimmune Palforzia" therapy. Perhaps it is available in your country. After 6 months maintenance phase you can switch to 2x M&Ms daily, instead of the palforzia maintenance dose. We have now completed two years with this therapy and my child can tolerate 5.5 peanuts instead of 0.1.

  • ich🇮🇱=🤨iel
  • So führt man Symbole zusammen..

  • ich💙iel
  • Permanently Deleted

  • WiiU Splatoon Server down?
  • Ok - thanks. Yes it's not my first language and it was not clear for me. Words often have two or there meanings and I was not sure about it. So I asked.

  • WiiU Splatoon Server down?
  • Thanks for your Support. I will register at Pretendo, donate something and hope for the future.

  • WiiU Splatoon Server down?
  • Why the downvotes? Bad englisch? I don't get it.

  • WiiU Splatoon Server down?
  • Very cool. Looks good - I will try it.

  • WiiU Splatoon Server down?
  • Thank you for the Information. Down, or dead.. forever?

  • WiiU Splatoon Server down?
  • Is it possible to use this with the wiiu console, or only with PC?

  • WiiU Splatoon Server down?

    Is it possible, that the splatoon server is down these days?

    japanese or broken knees
  • Fluent in Italian or face the battalion.

  • japanese or broken knees
  • Yeah. After a while you know, how it works and can beat the system (and yourself) which does not make any sense.

    • First word of the sentence with capital Letter
    • Just a few short words to write (in espanol every time __ "es")
    • In memory you can first play all words and the difficult word is the last
  • LEGO BOOST MOC on Android or Windows

    Is it possible to create my own programm-sequences for LEGO BOOST MOCs on Windows PC? Is there an APP for Windows, which I can use to connect?

    Or is it just possible with smartphone/tablet? If yes: Which App can I use instead of the LEGO BOOST App? (because the LEGO BOOST App is just for the 5 plans from Lego and there is no creative mode)


    LEGO BOOST on Windows PC

    Is it possible to create my own programm-sequences for LEGO BOOST MOCs on Windows PC? Which App can I use to connect?

    Or is it just possible with smartphone/tablet? If yes: Which App can I use instead of the LEGO BOOST App?


    Just in case, someone needs "Nett hier."

    Nett hier, zu Feddit: German speaking Lemmy Community.

    Perhaps someone needs this for another plattform.



    Leonardo is it you?



    Kit for GPS supported Yardforce robotic lawn mower finally available

    I've been following the project for a year now and Clemens Elflein has actually managed to get the topic off the ground professionally. Recently, his kit is available, with which you can upgrade a cheap Yardforce robotic mower to GPS support. This eliminates the need to lay boundary wires.


    LinkedIn: He's so happy where he is.


    Why converts *.gif to *.mp4

    Why converts *.gif to *.mp4 ?

    Isn't *.gif more popular and easier to show direct/automatical in any browser and app?


    May be written here about compatible alternatives to LEGO Technic?

    As a child, I was thrilled by the LEGO Technics sets. Especially 2-in-1 or 3-in-1 sets. While looking for Technic sets for my son, I found that this range went in a direction I didn't like at all.

    • Either it's way too simple and has little to do with Technics (one, or two small technic functions).
    • Or LEGO technics is way too expensive, only for the showcase and without a B-Model (no 2-in-1).

    As an alternative, the name "CADA Master" or "Mould King" often comes up.

    • Does anyone have positive experience with these alternatives?
    • And is it allowed to write about it here?


    @ Here a small mousetrap tinkering, which I built last week with my son. And the first test, if I can share a moving *.gif here in
