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Morgikan Morgikan
Posts 3
Comments 77
Unremoval of Piracy Communities @
  • Hmm, so you say there was a DMCA takedown notice but that the thread contained no material or links to material. You also say you can't provide evidence of it even happening. Yeah, I'm going with you didn't actually receive one and are just trying to retroactively come up with a good reason.

  • Unremoval of Piracy Communities @
  • Can you post the DMCA notice you received? It should include what the copyright material was which would be interesting given it was discussion only.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • That might have been me asking for it, but if you find a mod to that, please let me know!

  • Router for multigig internet
  • SFP is pretty straightforward. Most of the SFP modules you can buy you just connect and they work. For something like that, you would be doing fiber to ethernet hand off at a switch. Then you have pretty much everything run to the switch including router and just VLAN isolate. It's not super complicated, but if you never messed with VLANs it might be better to go with something pre-packaged unless you're up for learning.

    You could also do a DIY router and run a multi-gig SFP+ network card over PCIe. You still have to purchase a separate SFP module for that, but that is another option.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • There are some people who actually study probability patterns in randomness. That subjects beyond me, but a quick summary of what they usually say is that something like what you're describing or triplets or various other things are actually quite common and don't disprove randomness.

    Just one example of a conversation like that:

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • Because you've already expended your spell slots for that level.

  • What is your contingency for when the ISP goes down?
  • I set up a backup cell connection to my cable internet connection. Sketchy Chinese 4G LTE modem. My router was a DIY job I set up off of Ubuntu Server. Everything ran to a Cisco switch and then was VLAN isolated. For the two WAN connections, I ran scripts from the router that periodically tried to reach out to several DNS providers and then average response rates to determine if the main connection was up. If not then it would modify default routes and push everything to the cell.

    The cell connection had pretty low data cap, so it was just for backup and wasn't a home style plan. I used the old TTL modification trick to get it to pass data like a phone. When I moved the backup to 5G, TTL modification stopped working and I had to resort to creating tunnel interfaces to an actual phone. Since that tunnel is limited in bandwidth to the lowest value, my speeds were really cut in half.

  • 'The Game Just Fundamentally Undermines Itself': Game Designer Breaks Down 'Baldur's Gate 3's Most Fatal Flaws
  • I disagree with some of their assessment. Specifically the point that you really aren't given enough information to weigh out which decisions you go with and that is something problematic. Unknowns are pretty inherent with Dungeons and Dragons. In tabletop, you typically don't know what the outcome is going to be. You can only veer towards decisions you think will be a net positive and then hope you make your rolls.

    With a couple of exceptions, no decision you make is really game over for you. It just changes how the story unfolds.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • Gluttony might be an interesting idea. It's not necessarily necromantic, but the idea of using magic to force a person to eat until they cannot continue and literally rupture.

    Or, and this probably sounds stupid, but you could have a modified form of the grease spell that's just wet noodles. I don't know if you've ever stepped/slipped on wet noodles, but it's disgusting and traumatic.

  • Drizzt Do'Urden by R. A. Salvatore
  • Before Baldur's Gate was a thing, I remember reading Homeland by RA Salvatore. It was 1994 and my sister gave it to be as a bday present. I couldn't put it down and it firmly cemented me into Dungeons & Dragons. I already had been playing some gold box games like Hillsfar, but that book got me seriously addicted.

  • My husband has been playing too much
  • I just read that in my mind in the narrator's voice.

  • (Spoilers Act 3) Leaving the House of Hope like
  • I did the House of Hope first and missed the gauntlets. Damn it.

  • [Spoiler] Shadowheart resolution kinda weird? (Spoilers act 3)
  • My take on this is that Shar knew about the prism, but simply just did not care. Sharran documents like to refer to the Dead Three as "godlings" which makes a lot of sense from the perspective of Shar. She's old. Like really old. To her the Dead Three are not much more than mortals who tricked their way into a fractional amount of power, so their machinations are childlike at best and nowhere near on the scope of what Shar is capable of.

    I agree though that Shar wouldn't thematically ever make any personal appearance or have any direct involvement with any of her plots. That isn't her style. She would whisper commands to super high level followers, but even then never divulge the why of it. You would just get orders not explanations.

  • Any feedback from port knockers ?
  • A VPN would give you access to a network, but not necessarily the devices on that network. It adds another layer of security as the user not only has to have SSH credentials/keys, but they also have to have the same for the VPN. SSH and VPNs would really be used in conjunction with each other.

    It's onion security.

  • What would you like to see here in this community?
  • Probably not relevant to the console players, but mods and patches always interest me.

  • Is it just me or is Starfield kinda meh?
  • To make matters worse, the space around each planet is it's own load zone. Star systems are just collections of these zones. I don't think they can patch zone loading as it's done so much by design. It's like they took what they had in FO4 and just slapped a sticker on it that said "space sim".

  • Is it just me or is Starfield kinda meh?
  • Yeah, those people are so heavily invested in this game that it has to be great at all costs. I mean dropping $100 just to play a few days early and the subsequent justifications made after the fact really speak to that.

    I've heard people talk about how this is the greatest game ever released. Like dude, this isn't even the greatest game released so far this year.

  • Is it just me or is Starfield kinda meh?
  • I'm feeling the same way. Starfield isn't a bad game, but it's very meh. I enjoy the ship building aspect, but otherwise nothing really grabs me with this game.

    Combat is a good example, too. There just doesn't feel to be any impact to the weapons. Mobs just get shot but don't really react to it. I know they will flee at times which is nice, but close range SMG fire to ones torso should illicit more of a response.

    Fast travel also seems to be an detractor. Being able to fast travel anywhere you've been even if that place is across the galaxy really removes a lot of the exploration vibe the game would have otherwise. I know this isn't a space sim, but a lot of the systems they have don't really mesh well with others.

    Starfield is like mediocre lite-RPG / space sim crossover that doesn't do either very well.

    Edit: I also want to point out that Bethesda did not come up with the "NASA-punk" aesthetic, either. I've seen articles about that. The Expanse has been doing that for years now. Even before that, I can think of at least two Matt Damon movies from 2015 and before that used it as it's setting. Point being it's not anything new.

  • Isobel Was A Heretic Anyway

    Today I learned just how badass Stormlords are at rag dolling groups.


    Good vs Evil: Companion Options

    I'm currently slow going through BG3 with many different playthroughs (as you do when you can't decide on a player character). I've noticed that evil characters are locked out of what seems like the majority of companions though. Does anyone know the complete list of the companions available to evil characters are?

    So far, I know the following are probably locked out:

    1. Minsc
    2. Jaheria
    3. Wyll
    4. Karlach
    5. Halsein

    Evil gets Minthara, but is that it?


    Dwarf Cremation

    I'm tired of carving new burial chambers or adding to the existing mass grave and was thinking of recycling what I already have. The problem is those tombs are already in use.

    Will my guys be cool with their friends and family returning to the earth via magma incinerators?
