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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (

Main SFW/non-lewd account. I use this one for normal posting and browsing.

Sys-admin and professional ADHD-haver.

For NSFW/lewd content check my secondary account @[email protected]

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Comments 24
9 UN staffers killed in airstrikes in Gaza
  • Well, you assume semi-wrongly there.

    Israel bombs every place the Hamas is using. The problem is, the Hamas is regularly using civilian buildings. And Israel doesn't care at best or at worst is using this to have a real excuse for it.

  • Hamas supporter fucked hard publicly [18+]
  • Honestly, yeah. At least about the Israeli government.

    Unless you are a damn hypocrite, you shouldn't accept anyone committing war crimes, killing civilians and so on.

    Obviously supporting a terror organization is also horrible.

  • Israel's order to cut food and water from Gaza difficult to judge from afar, says Foreign Minister Penny Wong
  • Well, looking at the Geneva convention and Article 8 "War Crimes" of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, "Intentionally using starvation of civilians as a method of warfare by depriving them of objects indispensable to their survival, including wilfully impeding relief supplies as provided for under the Geneva Conventions."

    And one committing a crime doesn't allow the other to do the same. So either get pissed at both sides for war crimes or get pissed at none. But trying to excuse war crimes for one side in a war is a disgustingly hypocritical thing to do.

  • its even more outdated
  • I use it on windows. The client is totally fine for the most part.

    Though for some reason it regularly screws up the device-connection, forcing me to reconnect the device, loosing access to every old message. Seems to be a rare bug though, as my family also uses the windows client and theirs never has this problem (out of 8 device 1 has this problem)

  • Lemmyns of Lemmy, what was your scariest moment of your life?
  • When I was in 3rd grade, I had a classmate that had really bad parents. Drugs, beating him and their dog up and so on. We only found out about this later though.

    One day after school, me and my best buddy met him on our way home, walking towards us with a glass bottle in his hand. When he was almost next to us, he smashed the bottle, grabbed a shard and stabbed my buddy. 3 stabs into his forehead, 5 in his chest, before running away.

    Thankfully he wasn't very strong and we were only around 30 meters from our neighbors house, so my friend survived and doesn't have any permanent damage beside the scars.

    Even now it's still unreal to me, how an 8 year old boy can play with you in school and 30 minutes later stab you with glass shards.

    In case anyone is wondering, the last thing I know about that boy is that his parents beat their dog to death, got jail time for beating him and the youth welfare office took him away.

    And yes, simply writing about it still sends me on an emotional roller-coaster, even though it's been almost 21 years since then.

  • Bei Reise durch AfD-Hochburg wird mir klar, warum Menschen rechts wählen
  • Naja, können ja einfach die EU Richtlinien ignorieren, die strafen nicht zahlen und alle Zahlungen an die EU einstellen.

    Klar, das Verfassungsgericht könnte da einen Strich durch die Rechnung machen, aber mit einer einfachen Mehrheit kann man bereits eine weitere kammer gründen, die dann spontan mit afd treuen Richtern gefüllt werden muss. Und natürlich überträgt man dieser neuen kammer die entscheidungsgewalt bei wichtigen Fragen. Alles mit ner einfachen Mehrheit möglich.

    Und die EU kann nichts machen. Höchstens versuchen Deutschland loszuwerden, aber EU austritt wollen ja eh viele afdler.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • Das Verfassungsgericht hat ja mehrmals bestätigt, dass verfassungs-/demokratiefeindliche Parteien sehrwohl verboten werden können... aber erst wenn diese tatsächlich eine Gefahr darstellen.

    Leider wurde nur nirgends festgelegt ab wann eine Partei eine Gefahr darstellen kann. Ab 51% wo sie einfach so Gesetze durchzwingen können? Oder doch erst ab ner 2/3 Mehrheit, wo sie dann einfach das Grundgesetz ändern und die Verfassungsrichter austauschen/abschaffen?

  • Google IS selling all my personal information in Google Domains to Squarespace?
  • Squarespace isn't buying your data though, it is buying domains.

    It's the same as a company getting sold to another company, eg. Microsoft buying Blizzard entertainment wasn't selling data, even though personal data of customers was transferred from blizzard to microsoft. It legally isn't selling your data.

    And if someone has a problem with it, the only solution is deleting everything he has on the domain and canceling the subscription.