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If you're reading this, take a deep dive into a sea of shit.

Posts 3
Comments 122
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  • Ah yes, why not just defend a whole class of people just because of their identity, and not who they are as a person. 🤪🙄

    This is as stupid as racism. Reverse racism =/= equality.

  • Can anyone confirm?
  • Do you mean I certainly think I do or or do you mean a group of people not including me means I do?

    You haven’t clarified any of those yous for me. How am I supposed to know if you mean me or a group of people who are not me?

    Spoken like a true troll

  • Can anyone confirm?
  • Truly a fine example of an American citizen ^. When the semantics are used as an escape mechanism from the point about being xenophobic. Truly a conversation mastermind. Or should I say manipulating xenophobe? Who knows? You certainly seem to think you do.

  • Can anyone confirm?
  • If you feel insulted by it, does that mean you do in fact spend your time licking your flag?

  • Can anyone confirm?
  • You can go spread your xenophobia elsewhere now. That way you'll be able to return to your hobbies faster, isn't that great?

  • Can anyone confirm?
  • I know education is hard to find in the states, but come on, even a first grader knows that "you" can represent a group of people? Unless... It's worse than I thought in your specific case.

  • Can anyone confirm?
  • Oh idk, maybe when you said "insulting me" when I talked about licking the flag and conspiracy theories? Unless you actually identify with that, in which case there's no more discussion to be had here as I'm clearly wasting my time and keeping you from your hobbies.

  • Can anyone confirm?
  • Oh idk, maybe when you said "insulting me" when I talked about licking the flag and conspiracy theories? Unless you actually identify with that, in which case there's no more discussion to be had here as I'm clearly wasting my time and keeping you from your hobbies.

  • Can anyone confirm?
  • I didn't realise you represented all Americans. You clearly don't appear very important at first sight.

    Seems like you've caught a serious case of hypocrisy, no one is allowed to make fun of your country because "MURICA"

  • Can anyone confirm?
  • You could just go back to licking your flag, but I guess conspiracy theories are close second in terms of American hobbies?

  • Can anyone confirm?
  • I could quote anything you've said in this thread as being contrarian, but let's see what sort of bullshit you come up with next to dispute that, I'm waiting:

  • Can anyone confirm?
  • You are by proxy for defending it. And for agreeing with it. It's not difficult to argue in good faith, but you seem to stumble at "arguing".

  • Can anyone confirm?
  • You're literally mocking everyone of a nationality that isn't your own with this post. That's being xenophobic. Look it up.

  • Can anyone confirm?
  • You did that to yourselves with this post lmao. Also funny how you're the portrait of the American lack of self awareness I previously mentioned.

  • Bad Pun
  • Not boost.

  • Can anyone confirm?
  • Oh my bad, I guess shitposting is about being xenophobic. That's what all words mean in American.

  • Can anyone confirm?
  • It's not difficult to be fair.

  • Can anyone confirm?
  • Look it doesn't have to be serious, but at least make fun of everyone equally instead of putting yourself on a pedestal like you always do.

  • It's never been a better time to switch to Firefox on Android
  • Samsung internet rocks and you can't tell me otherwise.

  • Can anyone confirm?
  • Could've made it any number of silly, funny things. But no, you had to go for the "joke" that is.. checks notes.. "triggering people like you".

    Cool joke bud.

  • Avatar upload?

    Hi, I've been trying to upload an avatar for the past 10 min unsuccessfully (this also goes for the banner btw).

    My avatar is, at this point, 3.7kb... After massive compressing. It is a jpg.

    This seems like it should be small enough by all metrics, I can't even compress the image any more than this. And yet I still get "file too large" error messages.

    Is there something specifically about that I should know about image uploads? Is it the file format? Or just a bug?

    2 Motorola is disabling Android phones purchased through unauthorized sellers in Mexico

    In Mexico, Motorola is has been disabling smartphones sold through unauthorized retailers, effectively killing a customer's new phone.

    Motorola is disabling Android phones purchased through unauthorized sellers in Mexico
    32 Shell no longer allowing journalists to participate in financial presentations

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