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Minimum wage
  • @Burn_The_Right I know you will, and I don't care.

  • Minimum wage
  • @Burn_The_Right do it pussy, I want the vids.

  • Minimum wage
  • @Burn_The_Right spoken like a socialist

  • Minimum wage
  • @Burn_The_Right i don't feel attacked at all, I feel sorry that you still see two fake and gay oppositional sides that are holding hands behind the scenes, while they rob everyone blind.

    Trump is the biggest RINO ever, he was a Democrat for years and most of the standard Republicans are pro WW3/Harris.

  • Minimum wage
  • @Burn_The_Right you think those are the only articles with those stories about those banks? search for yourself, or don't, but don't act like I just gave you the contents of the internet.

  • Minimum wage
  • @Soup 🤔 is it obvious? seems obvious they're funding both sides to me, but apparently not to you? Are you sure you're looking in all directions or just where you've been told to look?

  • Minimum wage
  • bankers don't give a shit about red team or blue team, they've just been stealing from everyone. Good luck!

  • I hope this time I get across
  • @whydudothatdrcrane I'm sure you'll blend in after just a few more doctors visits.

  • I hope this time I get across
  • @UnderpantsWeevil nice straw man argument bringing up masculinity. There are plenty of effeminate males, that's how doctors fuck with their heads to get them signed up for perpetual medical bills.

  • I hope this time I get across
  • @whydudothatdrcrane roflmao "women with dicks" is not real.

  • I hope this time I get across
  • @whydudothatdrcrane believing the earth is flat is right up there with believing a eunuch is a woman, some funny shit to watch on the internet and stay away from IRL.

  • I hope this time I get across
  • @whydudothatdrcrane "gender" is a mental disorder, you're right it's not physical at all, yet doctors keep cutting off breasts and penises to apparently "affirm" a mental disorder has a physical appearance to associate with it.