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Michohl Michohl
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Comments 3
What do you use Anilist or MAL for anime tracking?
  • Android app isn't available for Galaxy S22+ :(

  • Redditors, how do you like Lemmy?
  • You should be able to hit the three dots at the top right, then under post view you can select "small card" which is what you're describing I think

  • Nvim golang dev setup
  • My neovim is more tailored for Go development.

    The important bits are I use lsp-zero for my LSP (probably going to switch to native lsp because this causes segfaults for me sporadically) and I use nvim-dap to get a proper debugger experience.

    I used to consider vs code a must for real dev work but this config has everything I considered important feature wise.

    The only "home brewed" part is I wrote a lua plugin to look for a any env file specifications in .vscode/launch.json and load that file so the variables are available to the debugger which can also leverage these vs code files.