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MetaPhrastes MetaPhrastes

FOSS enthusiast and software developer

Posts 7
Comments 47
[release] 1.7.5
  • God knows why this has been approved for open tests but not for production.

  • France’s Elites Are Turning Their Backs on Public Education
  • Not French here, but it's a common tendency across many western countries. Public education means higher expenditure and some countries are choking with debt so they have to brutally cut funds (education and healthcare are the preferred target, with education being at the first place because consequences are not immediately visible). The problem is not the elites anyway, it's the rest of people letting them do it and justifying it. If their children will become cheap workforce, their parents will be to blame too.

  • UN expert condemns UK crackdown on environmental protest
  • There are other countries following the same path, enforcing draconian punishment towards environmental activists (labelled by the press as "ecological terrorists").

  • [release] version 1.6.0
  • That's strange, I made sure they are applied immediately and that they are persisted after every restart... uhm... looking into it further...

  • [release] version 1.6.0
  • You can make it sticky by disabling the edge-to-edge option im settings but that's not what you are asking. And you are right, the change has been introduced recently starting with version 1.5.3.

    A proper way to solve this would be to add another option if edge-to-edge display is enabled, to make it not completely transparent but with just some alpha.

  • [release] version 1.6.0
  • Known issues so far:

    1. profile failing to load for some users if logged;
    2. community titles should be shown instead of name@instance whenever possible;
    3. upvote not working in Explore section if first action on the right side;
  • version 1.0.0-RC1 is out! Release 1.0.0-RC1 · diegoberaldin/RaccoonForLemmy

    What's changed feat: spoiler support; markdown rendering improved (#31, #48) feat: mark posts as read; hide read posts (#43) feat: custom colors for upvotes and downvotes feat: report post and com...

    Release 1.0.0-RC1 · diegoberaldin/RaccoonForLemmy

    Greetings to you, trash pandas and fellow creatures of the night! Finally the first release candidate of the application is out. From now on I'll be working only on bug fixes and enhancements towards the first stable release.

    Depending on your feedback and the amount of work required, the stable release can be on mid-November or early December.

    Thank you to all those who showed interest in the project and contributed so far with requests, reports, suggestions and encouragement.


    version 1.0.0-beta21 is out Release 1.0.0-beta21 · diegoberaldin/RaccoonForLemmy

    What's changed feat: share URL from web view feat: back to top from FAB menu feat: new color names feat: full-height images feat: change UI font feat: show cross-posts (#58) feat: expand/collapse ...

    Release 1.0.0-beta21 · diegoberaldin/RaccoonForLemmy

    If anyone is willing to help with tests, bug reports, feature requests and general feedback, you're welcome as usual.

    For next week's release, I'll be working on the migration to Lemmy 0.19 but if there is room for other forms of improvement, speak up! 🦝


    version 1.0.0-beta19 is out! Release 1.0.0-beta19 · diegoberaldin/RaccoonForLemmy

    What's changed feat: compatibility with MastodonRedirect (experimental) feat: change UI font; layout improvements enhancement: improve dark theme; fix: inherit system theme enhancement: visibility...

    I've released a new version with the fixes (and some features) of the feedback I have received.

    See you next week 🦝🦝🦝

    My wife always wanted a child with an unusual spelling of a popular name
  • It was worth it. It must remain for the memory of the posterity.

  • [poll] beta testers: how often do you prefer updates to be published?

    Just to make sure I do not annoy anyone with too many updates but at the same time every feedback contribution is valued and addressed in a timely manner, how often would you prefer new beta versions to be released?

    So far I've gone with one every other day but that seems too much, maybe I should slow down a little bit and release just once (or twice) a week. What do you think? Please lemmy know in the comments.

    OT: I'll be attending a conference this week so sorry if I can't answer quickly especially in the second half of the week.


    version 1.0.0-beta18 is out! Release 1.0.0-beta18 · diegoberaldin/RaccoonForLemmy

    What's changed feat: possibility to disable image loading feat: possibility to open community icons and user avatars fix: pagination for posts and comments enhancement: improved navigation drawer ...

    Release 1.0.0-beta18 · diegoberaldin/RaccoonForLemmy

    Hello to all trash pandas and fellow creatures of the night! This post is intended to both welcome you to this community and inform you that a new beta version of the app has been released.

    If anyone wants to help by trying it out, report bugs, propose changes/features or anything, you're welcome.

    Stay hungry (for trash) and be creative!


    My wife always wanted a child with an unusual spelling of a popular name
  • It was very popular in the 80s and 90s, indeed. With the new millennium it became slightly less "trendy" in favour of other "foreign-sounding" names. Trust me, Italians really like loans from foreign languages, even for peoples' given names. This often create a comic contrast with very Italian family names e.g. "Jennifer Fumagalli" or "Thomas Bongiovanni" which sound a little kitsch but it's also adorable.

  • Heartstopper: Hungarian retailer selling graphic novel fined under LGBT law
  • You don't like a product? You don't buy it for you or for your kids as long as you materially provide for them. The company which sells it goes bankrupt and that's it. No need for prosecuting / banning by law the ideologies you don't like. As simple as that. Otherwise you are implicitly admitting you are wrong.

  • Poland's far-right parties foment anti-Ukrainian sentiment
  • I was wondering how much time would have passed before anything like this happened. The history of that part of Europe is so blood-soaked that one just has to scratch the surface a little bit to find ethnic cleansing crimes. Profiting of it for political propaganda is terrible, though.

  • Italian uproar over judge's 10-second groping rule
  • The one about the "10-seconds rule" for sexual harassment generated a flood of ironic videos on TikTok and was in general received very badly by younger generations because the girl was "one of them" and they could relate. The other one is received with total indifference. Plus there's another: the son of the president of the Senate has been accused of rape and his father publicly declared that she was on drug/she waited 40 days to "remember" and sue the complaint so she is unreliable. All in a very short amount of time. To me it's a generational clash, unfortunately the younger don't have right to vote (and if they do they don't go voting) and the ones who rule are white/male chauvinists.

  • Italian uproar over judge's 10-second groping rule
  • As an Italian, I feel truly ashamed. There is another case on the news in these days concerning the reduction of the sentence for a man who killed and torn to pieces his ex girlfriend due to "his being very affectionate but her being too libertine". What has gone wrong with this country?

  • Italian uproar over judge's 10-second groping rule
  • The decision has been taken by a college of judges of the court (which is even worse than a single person).

  • Parts of Italy could see highs of 48°C in the coming days stoking fears of an increase in heat-related deaths. Croatia, France, Greece, Spain and Turkey could also face temperatures of around 40°C.
  • As an Italian, that was indeed a good one! 😅😅😅 Sad but true, maybe people think to solve the problem like that here.

  • Doctors stage biggest walkout in NHS history. Senior hospital doctors, known as consultants, in England will also begin a 48-hour strike on July 20, with radiographers following suit from July 25
  • Totally agree. It's a tendency in all European countries: national healthcare is seen as public expenditure negatively affecting national balance, and private clinics are on the rise. Let's hope, at least, that taxes will be cut as well, otherwise we'll end up with a system that has the worst of the European model combined with the worst of the American one.

  • SUSE plan on forking RHEL and make a RHEL compatible distro available for everyone
  • There have been several acquisitions in the meantime, that's true, but remembering the past helps not to be fooled again.

  • Recent French riots boost support for far right's anti-immigration rhetoric
  • How strange, who would have guessed it... The timing is far from "perfect" though, national elections were last year. Maybe in next year's European elections some change will be visible.

  • Musk claims Meta hired dozens of Twitter employees to build Threads.
  • Maybe he feels like some of those ancient Pharaohs who had the architects building their pyramids killed afterwards in order not to reveal anyone the inner secret passages.

  • Mutual intelligibility between romance languages

    Nothing rigorous or scientific, but an interesting test of mutual intelligibility between romance languages, considering Romanian has evolved separately from the other major and minor languages/dialects of southern and eastern Europe. I like that Iulian, the conductor of the experiment, chose mostly non-cognate words to make the game non trivial (except for the "greier"/"grillo" pair) and some of them had slavic origin (e.g. "mândrie" coming from old slavic "mondrŭ") which would have been unintelligible for the average Italian speaker.
