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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
Posts 5
Comments 316
Just remember to put all your energy into electoral eye washing and never into thinking about systemic problems!
  • Sorry are we supposed to be working on the assumption that there is some broad support for the mass revolt of the working class or something?

    Protest, rally, petition, write, learn, educate, participate, vote. Doing only one is not doing enough.

  • You have until this time next year to move off Windows 10
  • No-one directly suggested this was intended for a company deployment. If people want to break TOS in the privacy of their own homes then that's up to them.

    Edit: I'm dumb, didn't see this was c/sysadmin

  • shockedpikachu.jpg
  • For once I have nothing to say except:

    I hate them. I hate them. I hate them. I hate them. I hate them. I hate them. I hate them. I hate them. I hate them. I hate them. I hate them. I hate them. I hate them. I hate them. I hate them. I hate them.

  • Centerists
  • From my reading, all the people doing blocking that I've seen were against my opinion and against the meme and were more inline with the centrist position. I would be happy to have evidence otherwise though

  • Centerists
  • I still think it's easier than you would suggest. If you're willing, please bear with me as I have a lot to say in response (as you can see)

    How about this sentence: "Chinese tourists are loud, obnoxious, have no respect for the places they visit, and are harming our city."

    If they (the person in the example) think it's inherent to all Chinese tourists, then yes. It's racist. That easy. In this particular scenario, saing "the're harming our city" is particularly something i would investigate. Now you might ask "well how do you determine if the person thinks it's inherent?" And well... you can't. Not really. But if I respond to the person with "well, there might be things influencing youe experience. Not every Chinese tourist is rude, in fact a lot of tourists are rude worldwide", they can either respond by reflecting on the opinion and realize over a larger disussion that maybe it's just rich tourists in general that are rude, and the Chinese tourists that they've met have seemed somewhat wealthier... or they say "no, they're all rude it's just their culture." The latter response of course being a refusal to engage with the discussion. You can continue trying to convince them if it's a friend or family or you're just really persistent, but at a certain point... Some people will not change their mind in 1, 2, 5, 10, or even 100 discussions on the topic and it's better to say "I understand your experience, but you are factually wrong, and we won't consider your opinion for lawmaking and social outcomes"

    Another example: "Whenever I read a story about an elderly Asian being attacked in my city, it's always by a black man."

    Still pretty easy, I might ask for clarification if I heard that, but given the wording you've provided, it doesnt set off any dogwhistle alarms in my head. "Whenever I see a natural disaster in Florida on the news, it's always a hurricane" is a lot different that "Hurricanes only hit Florida" or "Florida only gets hit by hurricanes"

    "Never engage" sounds nice but in practice that philosophy tends to lead to ever-narrower echo chambers.

    If I gave you the impression that I was advocating for "never engage" I'm sorry but that's not my position, and it's seemingly not the position of many of the other people in the thread. No one reasonable is saying to exile people for disagreeing on a retirement funding policy, or whether it's better to put your child in sciences or arts, etc.etc. What is being said per the tolerance paradox is that intolerance should not be tolerated and the people that try to compromise between "everyone should have the same rights" and "I want to ban/hurt/endanger this group" or "this group's mere existence endangers our own" should go with them.

    Because anyone who argues for something being not racist is seen as a suspected racist.


    This kind of absolutism is why Leftism always descends into a circular firing squad imo.

    I'm feel as thought most people in the thread have been rather nuanced. If nothing else, I feel I have been. The only "absolutist" thing being said is "bigotry shouldn't be tolerated". Do you mind providing an example of this that doesn't just point at the intolerance paradox?

  • Centerists
  • Easy. Something is racist if it essentializes characteristics of a person or group, based on their skin colour or ethnic group; or if it makes derogatory assumptions about a cultural item/act/thing.

    • "Jews are greedy" = Racist statement

    • "Immigrants are violent" = Racist statement

    • "Asians are better at math" = Racist statement

    • "White people don't season their food" = I don't give a fuck personally (am white) but yes there is some level of racism in the statement

    • "Dreadlocks are dirty" = racist statement

    • "Israel is an genocidal state" = not a racist statement

    • "People native to Tibet, the Andese, and the Ethiopian highlands are better adapted to high altitudes" = not a racist statement

    • "white people have historically been more responsible for subjugating other races" = not a racist statement

    Some things are worse than others, but the point isn't to just shun anyone who says something bigoted. It's to shun anyone who is bigoted and truly believes that they are correct so they won't engage with arguments that they are presented. Or to shun centrists who argue for "finding a middle ground" between the bigoted position and the correct one.

    I fell down the alt-right pipeline in highschool, and now I'm a nonbinary leftist landing somewhere between social democracy and anarcho-communism. I of all people have to believe in not just sending bigoted people to the gulag... But the trick is that no matter what, democratic platforms shouldn't be given to those ideals. You shouldn't be able to run on a platform of blocking trans healthcare, deporting a made up number of ""illegal immigrants"" (undocumented migrants), or fucking "being a dictator on day one". And defending those acts also should be heavily looked down upon.

  • Centerists
  • I was recently reminded about the caveats that Germany has on the "no Nazi parties" rule. It's truly insane that it's essentially (this is hyperbole, but less than you'd think) "you can ban a party from running if they're Nazis... As long as they call themselves Nazis, and they've won an election, and the leader is called Hitler, and the leader went to art school. All other parties must be allowed to run"

  • Centerists
  • To everyone pearl clutching in response to this correct meme with one of the following phrases:

    • "That's how you create an echo chamber"

    • "paradox of intolerance doesn't say how to fight fascism"

    • "This is about silencing opposing thought"

    I would like to take this moment to remind you that the paradox of intolerance isn't about exiling those who disagree on economic policy; it's about recognizing and directly opposing those who are trying to harm or disadvantage others and doing so in a meaningful way that will actually change the outcome. You can't debate Hitler out of doing a genocide, but you could have jailed him before he gained power.

    Being too spineless to call out and fight intolerance enables fascism. The longer you live wrapped up in your civility politics, the overton window shifts further right, and it strengthens the fascist support. It happened in pre-WW2 Germany, and it's being repeated in dozens of countries worldwide. If you feel the urge to block me, go ahead...

    ...but know that this is your fault

    Edit: spelling

  • Facebook and Instagram Restrict the Use of the Red Triangle Emoji Over Hamas Association
  • Sorry, i dont want to be rude, but do you actually have any arguments other than gesturing at the article & giving both-sides-isms?

    Hamas has committed war crimes, yes, however it shouldn't be ignored that Israel is currently engaged in terrorism, genocide, land grabs, torture of prisoners and more. Simply saying "both sides bad" lays the blame more evenly than it should be laid.

  • Facebook and Instagram Restrict the Use of the Red Triangle Emoji Over Hamas Association
  • The article also mentions that Israel has started using it in their own propaganda videos. showing the triangle over targets as they're hit, and when you flip it like that there's a very clear implication of destroying the symbol of freedom... Which is to say, I still fail to see your ultimate point. You're just pointing at the news article and saying "SEE! THEY SAY ITS BAD!"

    Could you provide some actual argumentation to go with that?

    And just so it doesnt seem like I'm running, "Targeting reticle" would imply a weapon optic or similar, hence my confusion. "using it to mark targets" would have been clearer.

  • Facebook and Instagram Restrict the Use of the Red Triangle Emoji Over Hamas Association
  • Now I might just be too stupid to understand what I'm displaying, but last I checked, the red triangle has been a symbol of pro-Palestinian support since the Palestinian Revolt in uhhhh... 1938. It's possible Hamas might have co-opted it, but then you might as well ban the Palestinian flag as well since that's the source of the triangle, and it has also existed since 1917, I'm failing to follow how this is a symbol of Hamas

  • homelab MetaCubed

    Alternatives to Tenable Nessus?

    In the past, I've used nessus for vulnerability scanning my lab, but as my service count has grown, the 16 IP limit is becoming a little unwieldy.

    Is anyone able to recommend an alternative that fits at least most of the requirements I have?

    • Free (preferably in both senses of the word)

    • Doesn't use Docker, even if containerized, I'd prefer to avoid having my scanner share a host with another service... and I'm not incredibly well versed with Docker

    • Scans multiple systems (I tried Trivy, but as far as I can tell it only scans the system you install it on)

    • Has a webui for management of scans

    Alternatively, if anyone is willing to lend some advice for the configuration of Wazuh... I deployed the service months ago with the expectation that it could be used for vulnerability scanning (the Dev was in a few reddit threads suggesting that it had the capability), but i haven't been able to configure it properly.

    I appreciate any advice people are willing to offer!

    Edit: fixed formatting

    ThinkPad MetaCubed

    Linux on Thinkpad P14s Gen2 issues

    I'm pretty new to using linux as a desktop solution (I use it for servers but have been working on switching over for desktop). I recently installed NixOS on my P14S Gen 2 and have found that while my backlight works inside the OS, I have no backlight in UEFI and GRUB.

    I did complete a microsolder repair on the eDP connector on the motherboard due to liquid damage, however all SMDs and downstream chips have been thoroughly verified, and as detailed below, issues doesn't persist in windows.

    Boot sequence goes as follows:

    1. System powers on (No backlight)

    2. Smartbeep diagnostics screams it's head off (No backlight)

    3. BIOS/UEFI beep (still no backlight)

    4. Diagnostic Grub beep (You guessed it, no backlight)

    5. OS splash - Backlight is now on

    I am unsure if there is a way to resolve this, but any advice would be greatly appreciated as I can't seem to find anyone else with this specific presentation of a "no backlight" issue.

    Troubleshooting already tried:

    • Update firmware using fwupdtool, fwupdmgr, and vantage in windows - no change

    • Reinstall windows - behavior stops

    • Dual boot windows - behavior stops if windows was the last OS booted

    • New display cable - no change (tried before realizing this is OS related)

    • Install a different distro - Ubuntu, Debian both have same behavior and I'd like to stay on NixOS if I can

    • Increase GRUB compatibility delay - no change

    • Increase UEFI boot delay - no change

    • Change graphics adapter in UEFI - no change

    • Disable quick boot, secure boot, TPM, set sleep mode to Linux, etc. - no change

    • Probably more that is at this point, forgotten

    Edit: fixed formatting, added troubleshooting completed so far and more detail that was initially neglected



    not interesting MetaCubed

    Federated Suitcase Wheel
