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MerfMerf MerfMerf
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Comments 24
One PC screen is more than enough...
  • Except vitual desktops can't quite replicate the usefulness of a second screen in portrait orientation.

  • Elon refusing to pay google for hosting could be behind the instability issues.
  • Unfortunately that sort of behaviour is common in many sectors where large companies subcontract with smaller companies.

    The tactic basically created the whole factoring concept (buying invoices, or using invoices as security for a "loan"/credit).

    Over here in Sweden it was construction companies that initially fuelled the development, and the large companies basically required very long payment terms (60+ days) from their subcontractors and then waited to the very last day to dispute the invoice by complaining on some part of the work, further delaying payment. A small subcontractor could often not front being out that much money (2+ months of salaries, materials and other operating costs, cost of fighting the dispute etc) and ended up going bust. Enter financial institutions buying (or "lending" with the invoice as security) the invoice, letting the subcontractor get paid immediately, but of course not the full amount since the factoring company wants to profit from the deal. The factoring companies being backed by large financial institutions (banks typically) have enough money that they can sit out those long payment terms and other "bullshit" since they know those large construction companies ARE good for the money they are owed EVENTUALLY.

    Still carves into the margins for the small actors.

  • Kan man erbjuda memes här? Eller är det seriös nyhetsrapportering som uppskattas mest?
  • Jag uppskattar memes i lagom nivå och i princip alltid när det ligger lite ansträngning bakom och inte bara en lat dussinkopia med marginell textändring.

    Så jag personligen säger kör hårt tills det blir så mycket att det motiverar en egen community!

    Den här var bra!

  • USA: Fördömer aktionen – men inte tillståndet
  • Det uttalandet är ju inte på något vis indikation på minskat stöd. Om något är det ett uttryckt stöd för vårt system och vår demokrati (man fördömer inte tillståndet som gavs). Det här är ju precis som att de allra flesta är för åsiktsfrihet utan att för den saken hålla med om alla uttryckta åsikter.

  • Riksbanken höjer styrräntan till 3,75 procent
  • Får för en gångs skull vara nöjd med att haft omotiverad (fast just nu verkar det motiverat!) hög olust kring lån/skulder och därmed inte har ett enda lån.

  • Jag fyller 40 i sommar.
  • Kör på det du vill göra! Slappa är gött och retro-spel är trevligt.

    Grattis (i förskott antar jag)!

  • Tell your Monster Hunter origin story
  • Definitely! World hooked another couple of friends since the barrier of entry was lessened with it being on PC.

    Fingers crossed for many more excellent MH games in the future!

  • Tell your Monster Hunter origin story
  • Got into MH with MH4U. Completely lucked into it. Had gotten myself a 3DS primarily intending to do small indie games and retro games, but happened on MH4U and thought that sure I might give a bigger tripple A style game for the 3DS, just to see how something that scale of a game would be on a handheld... And I got HOOKED. Then as I expressed my surprise at this to local friends, and praising the game, a couple of others got it as well and we started hunting together, both online but even better in local mode, which exposed the game to some others that didn't even have 3DSes and got them interested enough to buy both device and game!

    Since then I've been stuck, playing MH4U, Generations (and ultimate), World, Rise and a bit of Stories 2.

    Favourites are MH4U and World.

    Edit: Lance main, Hammer secondary... But have used most weapons at least a bit.

  • Glad Midsommar Allihopa!
  • Glad midsommar!

  • Ansvarig utgivare på instanser?
  • Nu har jag inte läst på ordentligt, men kan tänka mig att det finns en intressant frågeställning kring hur man definierar hur många en plattform når.

  • YSK the updated steering wheel hand placement
  • Meanwhile I'm here avoiding airbag related injuries by driving cars old enough not to have any. True big brain move right there if I do say so myself.

  • Mechanics or flavour first?
  • It depends!

    Sometimes I've looked at some rules interaction that looks fun, then build a character around that.

    Other times I have a concept for a certain type of character (aesthetics, personality and/or archetype) and from there look for mechanics that can help realise that vision.

    Yet other times I have a backstory in mind and that story and the setting drives the game mechanics choices.

  • OneD&D is going to fix Challenge Rating
  • Too bad many of those changes make the game more boring. Obviously it will be easier to make a balanced CR the more static and predictable the game is made to be, unfortunately for me that makes for a boring game.

    CR is a tool to help a DM build encounters that are interesting for the players (and themselves) to play. If one sacrifice fun and interesting for the sake of making a system that is easy to balance I think that achieves nothing. I would much rather see the guidance to the DM improved to account for certain aspect like high burst damage, summons, ability to remove x monsters from the equation, level of equipment, etc.

    Tabletop RPs strength is its dynamic nature.

  • Liten bil ur minnesarkivet: Ahlgrens glassbilar (2014)
  • Det är ju det som är bra!

  • YSK that you can edit titles on Lemmy, unlike Reddit.
  • Using Jerboa on Android and I think I see an edit timestamp, but it is rather discreet and not super useful for your edit since it was so close in time. It looks like it lists: timeOfPost (timeOfEdit), so for example:19h (19h).

    A more prominent indication of an edit would probably be good to have.

    Edit: spelling

  • YSK that you can edit titles on Lemmy, unlike Reddit.
  • Editing titles much later can be useful for example when discussing news or findings that later get disproved, at which point one could edit the title to reflect that so that future readers don't risk going down the path of trusting it.

  • What was so wrong with 4e?
  • There seem to have been some good ideas i 4e, but the overall game just didn't appeal to me.

    A lot of things felt samey. No matter if spells or abilities they all seemed to be very similar to the core with just a coat of flavour paint applied on top.

    The balancing and the overall focus of the rules made it seem video gamey to me and that is/was already covered by actual video games and not what I want out of a tabletop rp experience.

    To make matters worse the changes in their "primary" setting didn't appeal much to me either (and apparently not to many others since they basically did away with most of it for 5e).

  • Liten bil ur minnesarkivet: Ahlgrens glassbilar (2014)
  • Vad gäller Ahlgrens bilar är jag ganska konservativ och tycker de "vanliga" traditionella bilarna är absolut bäst. Får erkänna att "reservhjulen" gör sig bra också, fast då enbart i kombination med de vanliga bilarna.