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MegaMichelle Michelle Hughes

Ann Arbor City Council thoughts, and also random nonsense.

Special abilities: Flying, shooting lasers out of eyes -- you know, "girl power". "Ms. Information". (She/Her) πŸ³οΈβ€βš§οΈ

DJ on WCBN-FM, 88.3, Tue 6-9am Eastern time. I play music that is made primarily by people other than cis men. And then I talk about city council stuff.

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Comments 10
egg_irl [Transfem meme]
  • @Kaiyalai @Caitlyynn @squirrel

    Yeah, I was definitely into girls in a gay way and couldn't explain it. People would say that a girl I liked was gay and I'd be real excited and people would be like "but that means she's not into guys and you're a guy" and I'd be like "does not compute"

  • LaTeX coffee stains
  • @sjmarf

    I couldn't find a link to coffeestains the package except in the image, so I transcribed it out here in case anyone wants to click it.

  • In an age of LLMs, is it time to reconsider human-edited web directories?
  • @Emperor

    Y'know, come to think of it, Wikipedia might be a better project to point to here. All the content on there is hand curated. When I'm interested in a subject, I usually go to wikipedia first instead of a search engine. Sometimes I am directed out to other websites from there.

    I set up a quick keyword search so I can type "wp blah blah blah" into my url bar and it searches wikipedia.

  • In an age of LLMs, is it time to reconsider human-edited web directories?
  • @Emperor

    Yeah. Sorry, I was hesitant to post links at first before I vetted them.

    It looks like "Curlie" is the official continuation of the DMOZ project:

    The other ones I was seeing, it turns out, are static mirrors of 2017 DMOZ.

  • In an age of LLMs, is it time to reconsider human-edited web directories?
  • @ajsadauskas @degoogle

    It looks like there's a couple projects to continue the directory DMOZ. I hope they're sharing work with each other!

  • Mouse Pad [[email protected]]
  • Alternate ending: Teeny tiny menstrual products aisle.

  • egg_irl [Transfem]
  • @squirrel

    Sooo relatable!

  • egg_irl[Transmasc CW:phallic]
  • @SpermGoobler @BiNonBi

    A cis man on egg_irl? Uhhh, yeah, me too!

  • Traffic crashes cost Americans $340 billion a year
  • @adude007

    Yeah, a lot of roads are designed so that people drive fast and feel safe not paying attention. Roads inside cities should be designed so that people drive slowly and pay lots of attention.

  • Traffic crashes cost Americans $340 billion a year
  • @feduser934 @adude007

    I'd say well designed roads are the first line of defense. Cars crash into people who are not in cars all the time.