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Maven Maven (famous)

The most annoying thing about being famous is having to tell everyone how famous you are.

Posts 374
Comments 517
The Story of Kris Lindahl and his Billion Billboards
  • I would absolutely LOVE if more people posted here! I could add more and more of my own but I don't want to limit the community to any specific region or give it the identity of only where I reside.

  • I wonder what it could be
  • Hoodwinked (2005)

  • Hoodwinked (2005) - A Serious Analysis

    I made a video essay about Hoodwinked and included a shoutout to lemmy and this community! Check it out!

    Blender Rule
  • Well, the video will be public as soon as YouTube stops claiming the video because I play the Kieth section.

  • Blender Rule
  • I just spent the last 3-4 months working on a deep dive video essay on the 2005 movie Hoodwinked and I'm about to upload it to the YouTube channel for an Esports League.

  • Stuck

    cross-posted from:

    United States | News & Politics Maven (famous) Trump hit with $9,000 fine for violating hush money trial gag order

    The former president is ordered to delete Truth Social posts attacking witnesses – or face jailtime

    Trump hit with $9,000 fine for violating hush money trial gag order
    A win for accessibility!
  • The Promenade was actually just 1/4th of the Promenade with 2 of the walls being painted to look like it kept going. Kinda like a wile e coyote tunnel.

  • Introvert rule

    cross-posted from:


    NEW JOB!



    sharkfucker420 explains Salmon mating.
  • Ig. I really liked the disconnect from the good info and the name.

  • sharkfucker420 explains Salmon mating.

    Source post:

    It's gonna hunt me for sport isn't it
  • I know for a fact that I hate it

  • Drake threatened with lawsuit over diss track featuring AI Tupac
  • He had AI Tupac tell people that liking young girls is a gift.

    Edit: that isn't a joke Lyrics

  • Dark Souls would’ve been a better game in early access, says dev behind Dark Souls-like early access game No Rest For The Wicked
  • As for the Lemmy aspect, this sub is often just a bot auto-posting articles from popular news sources on gaming. So if it's from this community it might not actually be real buzz on Lemmy.

  • Margot Robbie explains Applebee's

    @[email protected]


    The perfect commit message

    PSA: TF2 No Longer Supports P-Rec
  • Yes :D glad to see my fame proceeds me.

  • PSA: TF2 No Longer Supports P-Rec
  • No, but honestly idk how necessary it is anyway. The in game system is good enough for the most part.

  • PSA: TF2 No Longer Supports P-Rec

    The new 64 bit TF2 update broke a few mods. One of those is the popular mod p-rec that's commonly used by competitive players to record matches.

    If you have it, make sure to swap to the in game system as soon as possible so you can avoid losing demos.

  • Multishot

  • What is your opinion?
  • As with any relationship, you can either decide it's not worth it to keep bringing up... Or if it matters a lot to you, you can break up.

    Sometimes, even with a lot of communication, the relationship just doesn't work. Not everyone is meant to be. Sometimes your needs are very different from your partner(s) needs and separation is the best way to make you both happier in the long run.

  • Art of Seduction
  • The comic doesn't mention how MANY plants they can identify... Just that it's multiple...

    "Yes... This is grass alright... And this one? Tree..."

    Maybe even hit them with the classic "you can tell it's an aspin because of the way it is"

  • What is your opinion?
  • Everything you said here was so good honestly.

    I am extremely happy whenever my partners find someone who can help make them as happy as I try to. I want my partners to have the happiest possible life ever and it's unfair to everyone involved to stop them from being able to get that happiness.

    I think something a lot of monogamous people forget when talking about poly is that jealousy is a pretty natural thing to happen... Even in polyamorous relationships.

    I've felt jealous before in my situation, the difference is that I talked with my partners and found a good solution and set of boundaries that made everyone happy vs trying to control their time and life.

    I said this in another comment but the most loved I've ever felt was when my fiancé helped me pick out my outfit for my first date with my bf (who I'm also to a year with!!). I also love helping them both with their relationship struggles and life issues and so on. I love them both tremendously.

  • C'mon Charlie!

    cross-posted from:

    Political Memes Maven (famous)

    C'mon Charlie!

    Ate The Onion Maven (famous)

    Grok ate the Onion


    Violence is flooding the sheets




    This is what peak performance looks like


    On the platform formerly known as Shrek

    cross-posted from:


    "prompt engineering"


    On the platform formerly known as Shrek


    You can turn into a lamp... Once

    You technically could turn back but the spell requires speech and cognition... Neither of which a lamp has.
