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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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Christian communities face growing political divide as religious affiliation declines
  • I agree. I come from a protestant background and am now Orthodox. I never knew why I was so disinterested in church as a kid. I guess it seemed disingenous, trivial or arbitrary. This turned out to be true. A few years ago I acknowleged that something was missing and attended an Orthodox church. I had been researching for a while.

    It is a world of difference. The problem with a lot of these denominations is that they try to "stay relevant" when Christ is always relevant. The liturgy does not put man at the center either. The entire parish faces God. Much of Western Christendom is falling victim to the self worship of the secular world. You can see it most recently with the acceptance of the gay agenda splitting the last remaining mainline protestant denominations even though it is clearly a sin.

    People want boundaries and guidance. They hunger for it. The Orthodox church has changed very little in 1300 years and provides clear direction. The structure seems constricting from the outside but in reality it is freedom. Freedom from sin and to worship God in the way of the apostles.

    There's no way to make it "more relevant" because everything else is irrelevant.

  • Is anyone else highly concerned with the SCOTUS ruling that the POTUS is immune from criminal liability?
  • confuse and demoralize

    Oh man now I'm a Russian disinfo agent

    Discourages participation in the democratic process

    Uh. As opposed to what? Pretending that a privileged oligarchy doesn't exist? The bedrock of the democratic process is free exchange of information, no matter how inconvenient, and the enforcement of laws. Without one we are in danger. Without either we aren't a democracy.

    Truth matters

    The "truth" is that Joe Biden is a member of a protected class. Despite enormous circumstancial evidence (including bank records indicating payments in excess of $20 million to Bidens family and associates) his house hasn't been raided, his devices haven't been seized, he hasn't been brought in for questioning or made in anyway to feel uncomfortable outside of the headaches related to his son.

    That's why there is 'no evidence'.

  • Is anyone else highly concerned with the SCOTUS ruling that the POTUS is immune from criminal liability?
  • Well is there any evidence?!

    The title of the article is literally about the oversight committee demanding communication records as recently as last fall.

    Biden is a uniparty member and for all of this smoke he was never properly investigated by the justice department at home or abroad. Every inquiry is some anemic posturing.

    Special counsel David Weiss let Hunter Biden's most egregious financial crimes elapse past the statute of limitations -- convenient. Hunter was making millions overseas in Ukraine and moving it through Romania and China. He wasn't investigated for years until he ended up picking up a gun charge.

    Why would an energy company in Ukraine pay Hunter Biden, a crack smoking drug addict, 50-80k a month if not for political access or a quid-pro-quo? Who is "the big guy" in Hunter Bidens email? Why were they trying to give him a plea deal that would absolve him of everything last July? If this were anyone that was not a member of the privileged class they wouldn't be able to move due to all the investigation instead you are labeled as crazy for thinking this is old fashioned political corruption.

    Wikipedia dismisses it as a Russian disinfo conspiracy theory. Where have we heard that before? 🤔

    It goes back to my original point these people are above the law.

  • Is anyone else highly concerned with the SCOTUS ruling that the POTUS is immune from criminal liability?
  • I don't know why people care. Obama dronestriked an American citizen and nothing happened. Snowden revealed that we are all under mass surveillance and nothing happened. Biden withheld funds from Ukraine to halt an investigation into his son and nothing happened. This ruling just reflects reality.

  • Orthodox Christianity Manmoth

    "God is not in books" (Fr. Roman Braga)

    What the Upper-Middle-Class Left Doesn’t Get About Inflation
  • Current inflation is being caused because of high interest rates

    Lowering and raising interest rates directly correlates with the increasing or reducing inflation.

    When rates are high there is less money in the market because people by bonds because they guarantee a return of x%. This means there is less money in the market and the currency becomes stronger.

    When rates are low money floods the market as people acquire assets, property etc The decreased price of loans like mortgages results in increased demand which results in more expensive houses.

    If you have a lot of cash buying a house in a high interest market is actually the best case because houses have to be priced lower to compensate for the mortgage costs.

    All that being said China lowering it's interest rate will make loans cheaper but increase inflation. They have a weird real estate market though.

  • Ohio judge blocks ban on gender-affirming care for transgender minors—for now
  • You have been lied to.

    No I haven't. Sorry but kids don't get to do whatever they want precisely because they might kill themselves or engage in self harm. That's a symptom of something else. I suspect it's lack if a structured home life, unmonitored internet access, pornography and the hypersexualized culture at large among other things.

    Minors (especially teenagers) will do anything for attention and being 'trans' is often a means to that end. Even worse it's often presented as a solution for problems it can't solve. Parents can fall into this trap too.

    This gives kids more time to grow up without having permanent changes

    Yeah there's nothing permanent about stunting a childs adolescence while everyone around them naturally grows into their bodies and actually learns what it's like to be a man and a woman instead of weirdly speculating on the sidelines. We're robbing kids of normal childhoods by not just allowing but often encouraging them to obsess over this stuff.

    Kids should have hobbies, read books, be responsible for chores at home and be raised by parents not the state. Adults can do what they want but they need to leave kids out of it.

    Self-harm and suicide statistics are cited repeatedly as perhaps THE primary argument for the child trans stuff as if it is that cut and dry. It's not. I can guarantee these situations are way more complex than anyone wants to admit. Something like 1 out of every 2 or 3 adults are on antidepressants in the west. It's not because they are transgender it's because we have a nihilistic culture that offers no meaning to life outside of consumption and worship of self.

  • Semiautomatic firearm ban passes Colorado's House, heads to Senate
  • It doesn't say you get any firearm

    It says shall not be infringed which means what it says. There is no prescription for what is allowed but instead the opposite. The government cannot and should not prevent the population from arming itself. If people think that's disagreeable then they should amend the constitution not defy it.

    The constitution was written by people who had just overthrown a government. This amendment wasn't written to protect the rights of hunters. It's specifically to enable the people to take control if the government gets out hand.

    Also, which militia are you a member of, specifically?

    Do you think the US would allow a militia to exist when it's entire purpose is to be a check on government power?

  • Ohio judge blocks ban on gender-affirming care for transgender minors—for now
  • If you block trans teens from receiving gender affirming care, some of them will commit suicide.

    "They will kill themselves if you dont do x" isn't an argument. If anything it's a problem statement.

    If you let them destroy their young, still forming bodies many of them will regret it and commit suicide later when they realize they have irrecoverably destroyed their natural sexual function. They are children with a limited capacity to understand the totality of how this will impact the rest of their life. If doctors and schools communicate openly and honestly with parents (which they don't) the situation can be handled in ways befitting a minor.

  • Orthodox Christianity Manmoth

    Spiritual Perfection - YouTube

    Orthodox Christianity Manmoth

    Lent Walk With Me: Overview and Differences from Catholic Lent (Pencils & Prayer Ropes) - YouTube

    Orthodox Christianity Manmoth

    Deny Yourself, Take Up Your Cross and Follow Me - YouTube

    Orthodox Christianity Manmoth

    A Brief History of Russian Orthodoxy In America

    Metropolitan Jonah (ROCOR) gives an informative lecture on the history of Russian Orthodoxy in America.

    Ever wonder why there are so many overlapping jurisdictions in North America? American bishops were at a synod in Moscow when Lenin's bolshevik coup started. The bishops were murdered. This decapitated the Orthodox church in America and prevented the fulfillment of unifying differing jurisdictions into a larger body. The results are still visible today.

    The communists murdered over 250,000 clergy and 20 million Christians over the course of the Soviet era. As a result ROCOR is perhaps one of the strongest anti-communist organizations in the United States today.

    Orthodox Christianity Manmoth

    Answers To Challenging Fasting Questions - Elder Epiphanios of Athens

    Orthodox Christianity Manmoth

    The Silent Angel - Documentary / Finale Version (English Subtitles / Full Movie)

    "Grandfather Dobri" was a beautiful philanthropist beggar who gave everything be had to the revitalization of churches throughout Bulgaria. While the editing is a bit hokey this documentary tells the story of a powerfully humble Orthodox Christian who truly gave his life over to God.

    Orthodox Christianity Manmoth

    Our Journey to Pascha 2024! (New Calendar)

    Sharing an image that outlines the key dates, themes and participation how-to's as we approach Pascha this year. Glory to God!

    Orthodox Christianity Manmoth

    Why sin gets worse after we find Christ

    Christianity Manmoth

    The Nuns of Shamordino ("We Will Not Work For Antichrist") [Soviet Communism]

    Posting this as we commemorate the feast of the New Martyrs and Confessors of the Russian Orthodox church who were murdered and tortured by the atheist, communist regime of the Soviet Union. Over 30,000 have been glorified. Holy New Martyrs of Russia pray for us.

    Community Requests. Manmoth

    Requesting /c/orthodoxchristianity

    I think the old moderator deleted his account. Kind thanks 🙏

    Here is a link to my previous request from November:

    And September:

    Community Requests. Manmoth

    Requesting /c/orthodoxchristianity

    I think the mod deleted his account. Thanks! 🙏

    Christianity Manmoth Transgender people can be baptized Catholic, serve as godparents, Vatican says

    Transgender people can be godparents at Roman Catholic baptisms, witnesses at religious weddings and receive baptism themselves, the Vatican's doctrinal office said on Wednesday.

    Transgender people can be baptized Catholic, serve as godparents, Vatican says
    News Manmoth

    Leaked Nashville shooter manifesto shows motivation behind attack: 'Kill all you little f******' Nashville school shooter reportedly driven by anti-white hatred

    This manifesto has been kept under wraps since the incident on March 27 of this year, despite multiple media requests.

    Nashville school shooter reportedly driven by anti-white hatred
    Christianity Manmoth

    Israel flattens Gaza district, hits Orthodox church as invasion looms

    Christianity Manmoth

    Video: Metropolitan Jonah speaks at the Ludwell Orthodox Fellowship conference on why the American south is fertile ground for Orthodoxy

    Christianity Manmoth

    Video: "It is our responsibility as Christians" Oriental Orthodox wives about the martyrdom of their husbands

    True faith.

    Christianity Manmoth

    Video: Becoming Human in a Secular World (Fr. Stephen Freeman)

    This talk is long but great. Fr. Freeman has great material on understanding and dealing with shame and often offers poignant anti-modern critiques. In this video he focuses on what it means to be human, the illusion of control and being tolerant. Seriously worth a watch (or listen!)

    For the skeptics, I encourage you to watch the video in it's entirety before downvoting or criticizing.

    Christianity Manmoth

    St. John Chrysostom on weariness of prayer

    Community Requests. Manmoth

    Requesting /c/orthodoxchristianity

    I think the mod deleted his account. [email protected] requested the community as well. I don't care who gets it as long as the mod is active.
