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Malix Malix

The worst kind of an Internet-herpaderp. Internet-urpo pahimmasta päästä.

Posts 4
Comments 254
Warframe Players Have Baldur’s Gate 3 To Thank For New Romance System
  • so uh... do I need to forma the romance back to first date few times to get the most out of it? :P

  • [Full Series] ROBOCOP 1988 animated cartoon
  • I heard of a Robocop live action tv-show (which, iirc was terrible), but never had I heard of a kids' cartoon. ...Kinda curious to know how they managed to turn the violence of the movies into kids' show.

    The show seems to have 6/10 on imdb (, so ... not all bad, just very mediocre and forgettable, I guess?

    Either way, this is getting a watch from me, at least for an episode or two. Thanks!

  • Gauging interest in another painting competition
  • Not the best painter around, but I'd be willing to put up something on front of the judges. My painting pace is rather glacial, but I might get necron wraiths or Szeras done in... few months :D

  • Weekly what have you been playing discussion - week of July 22nd, 2024
  • Just finished Gunpoint - it's a fairly nifty puzzler about a somewhat goofy private eye with cybernetic frog pants and ability to rewire building electronics with his mind. The soundtrack is odd mix of noir-jazzy electronica, and it slaps.

    And right after I felt nostalgic, so I started scummvm and booted up Freddy Pharkas: Frontier Pharmacist. Did not remember laborious the start of the game is with what is essentially copy protection - mixing medicines to order. Beyond the copy protection shenanigans, the game is a Sierra-game through and through: vga visuals are neat, voice acting is goofy but well made, instant deaths... Though the game isn't as malicious as some early Sierra games.

  • Playstation's Concord™ Beta on Steam not going so good: max peak 2.3k players
  • Coming 23 Aug, 2024 This game plans to unlock in approximately 5 weeks

    Soooo... if it isn't even out yet, who's playing? The deluxe edition's pre-order bonus only lets players 3 days early.

  • Plumbers Don't Wear Ties, a remarkably terrible entry to the FMV genre popularized by Ripper and Night Trap, has returned to PC on GOG.
  • currently discounted pricetag is 15.79 € which feels quite steep for what it is as a "game", but I am somewhat interested in the documentary which comes with it.

    Maybe I'll wait for better discount.

  • Looking for games that feel like a summer adventure
  • A Short Hike. Essentially a short, cute animal-characters "collectathon" walking-sim/3d-platformer with some low-stakes "arcade" bits here and there. The low-res pixel-effect can be turned off.

    AER: Memories of old. Quite a bit in same vein as Rime/Sable, travel between floating islands and participate in low-stakes puzzles/platforming. Pretty charming, imo... and short. Can be finished under 2 hours.

  • How do people feel about reviews like this?
  • Master of Magic

    found it by putting part of the review text in quotes into google. bam, first result. Google-fu stronk. :)

  • ergo ftw
  • not to be rude, but the brand reads on the device :D

    anyhoo, going by the name & browsing their website:

  • How do people feel about reviews like this?
  • at least the review is about the game, and not some steam community award clown comment like "because nobody will see this: [whatever]" or some other form of useless meme.

  • 98% compatibility
  • yep. Tested GOG version of Cyberpunk and RT, DLSS, and all that work. Other than that, games with RT or DLSS I've tested and deemed working: Observer (RT&DLSS), Enshrouded (DLSS), Warframe (DLSS).

    I have a 3090.

  • 98% compatibility
  • nvidia user here, made a "soft switch" to linux some time ago, and got to say the current 555 series drivers made a world of a difference. Most games just work.

    Haven't made a full switch due doubts with music and video production stuff. But, slowly testing my way in and dualbooting between OS's in the meantime

  • For people who worry about Youtube buffering/skipping issues, it's fixed in Firefox 129, wait for Firefox 127.0.2
  • oh, I've been wondering about this, as I've had occasional youtube-video just enter the infinite buffering. Oddly it has only happened on linux o_O

  • Old but Gold
  • I know Åkerfelt and Abasi, but who are the other two?

  • Heretic - Fully Remastered [Fan made]
  • It looks like a shiny plastic toy.

    I was just about to say exactly this. For some reason the go-to effect seems to always be reflections. Why does everything need to be super glossy? Add lens flares while you're at it, why don't you.

  • Hundreds of thousands of people are now clicking a Banana on Steam [people leave it on, idle, for Steam's gift]
  • I play quite a bit of idlers and clickers, and they're generally quite low on the gameplay department, but this... this just looks minimum effort meme game. Doesn't seem like there's anything more than a click counter and an image of a banana.

    Am I missing something?

  • Does any genre do this better than power metal?
  • how about somewhat proggy folky metal with death/black/power metal thrown in? Moonsorrow. Orchestral... not really, but melodic with mouth harps, fiddles, etc folk instruments & 8-30 min per song, mostly about iron age pagan tribe's battles, lore and life. All of the songs in finnish tho, so some language barrier.

    Other than that, I'd probably go with Avantasia, Rhapsody, and such. Can't beat the classics :)

  • Does any genre do this better than power metal?
  • not really sure what I'd categorize Moonsorrow as... I guess their earlier stuff has "some" overlap with powermetal, but only kinda, mostly about "iron age pagan tribe warfare/battles/life" tho. Albums I'm thinking of are "Voimasta ja Kunniasta" and "Kivenkantaja", the newer stuff starts to veer towards blackmetal and more about death and despair, even if the frame of reference stays same-ish.

  • Nightly build downloads officially only available in discord - New Vegas Reloaded
  • it's like that friends -meme: "repeat after me: discord is not the place for documentation/wiki/distribution", and joey goes "discord is the place for documentation/wiki/distribution".

  • Ever fancied power washing dreadnoughts, knights and such? (Powerwash Simulator getting WH40k DLC)

    ...Yea I legit got nothing. What a weird concept but... I'm oddly down with it.


    Sometimes lore hits differently

    edit: also, no idea what's going on with the kirby lore, as referred in the comic.


    Capitan's timed automobile aquisitions are kinda, extremely tight?

    So, done several of this carjacking missions now, when they're timed, I usually get within like 200-300m away from the target until time runs out, even if I've literally leaned on the pedal and had straight road with next to no traffic on it.

    I can only assume there are more optimal ways to get to the destination than what the "gps routing" is giving me, unless I just plain old need to "gid gud".

    Give it to me straight, are these just brutally tight timewise or do I just plain suck?

    I wouldn't usually care for optional things, but El capitan berating me each time is getting old.


    So what's the deal with upgrading cyberware and stats going down?

    I have several pieces of cyberware, which when upgraded from tier 5 to 5+, basically all the ... tertiary? stats (the blue ones at the bottom of the item card) go down.

    While it is true that the main feature of the cyberware piece does USUALLY get marginally better, it seems weird that the other stats go down?

    But sometimes it seems to turn worse too, for example Deep-field Visual Interface, got a tier 5 version of it:

    • Crit Chance increases the further you are from the enemy (max. 95% at 90 meters)
    • Cool Attuned: +1% Crit. Damage per Attribute Point

    But when upgraded to tier 5+, the first stat becomes (edit: found a screenshot for this:

    • Crit Chance increases the further you are from the enemy (max. 92% at 95 meters)

    which to me feels just worse, unless I'm completely missing something here. Lower max cc at longer range? Wut?

    What's the dealio? Does the upgrade view not take into account some perks I've selected or something? Or taking them into account wrongly/partially/derp?

    It feels weird to not upgrade my gear because the higher tier item is just worse and I'm swimming in crafting materials.
