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Lycan Lycan
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Comments 19
"Strumming away" by Wolfbane.W!
  • I have never seen a capybara fursona before and now my day is made

  • Is there something you would like to share or say? today?
  • After living in this apartment for 4 years, I've finally put blinds up in the bedroom window. Blinds can really change the whole atmosphere of a room, so install them in your windows if you haven't already!

  • What's Lemmy reading?
  • I'm reading The Historian by Elizabeth Tova. It's been a difficult read because I have to actively fight the urge to skip ahead and see what happens—the story is so tense and stressful and I can't take it LOL.

  • Initial thoughts
  • Reddit has its fair share of "repeat" subreddits. This isn't unique to a decentralised platform.

    Personally, I think Spez is counting on users to think the way you do — make a big fuss, protest by leaving for 48 hours, and coming right back even if nothing has changed. Reddit has no reason to backtrack if they can just wait for the storm to blow over and everyone returns to business as usual after two or three days lol.

  • Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney Trilogy - Announcement Trailer
  • Ooo, this is exciting news! I can't wait.

  • New York City's food delivery workers will be the first in the country to get a minimum wage
  • This is excellent news. DoorDash taking legal action, however—I wonder (if they choose to take legal action) if that will postpone / stop this policy taking effect or if delivery companies will simply leave the city.

  • Slashdot -> Fark -> Digg -> Reddit -> Lemmy
  • Oekaki drawing boards ಥ⁠╭⁠╮⁠ಥ Oh how I miss thee...

  • How do you find books you want to read?
  • I will literally judge a book by its cover. I'll check the genre and synopsis of whatever catches my eye. Friends (or other people whose reading tastes I trust) are my only source of book recommendations.

  • Beehaw Community Icons
  • I love these! You did a great job with them. The honeycomb shape is particularly pleasant to look at.

  • Anyone on Beehaw been playing Splatoon this weekend?
  • Oh shit! I forgot about this! I'm logging in RIGHT NOW

  • Your favorite book tracking/cataloging/social apps and websites?
  • I've been trying BookWyrm and StoryGraph. They're both okay, but I'm still not entirely in love with either of them

  • In response to the disastrous Spez AMA, /r/Videos have announced that they will permanently shut down on 11th June, one day ahead of the planned blackout
  • This was my immediate reaction too. Reddit will likely replace the current moderator team of r/videos and reopen. Nonetheless I can appreciate and respect the gesture/message.

  • I just deleted my Reddit account.
  • I'm stealing "hive five" lol

  • So what made yall figure it out?
  • I was the stereotypical tomboy growing up: I hated the colour pink, had no interest in dolls, and actively fought against being put in dresses. When puberty began between 5th and 6th grade, I cried at being unable to fit my favourite hand-me-down clothes from my older brother. I was miserable when my mom took me shopping for training bras.

    I lived with a persistent feeling that something was off about me and my life until one morning in 10th grade journalism class. While browsing the net on a school laptop, I happened to come across the Wikipedia page for transsexual. I'd never heard of it before. I read the page from top to bottom during that class. My heart was racing, I had chills, and I felt scared for seemingly no reason. Everything seemed to click into place in that moment, and I knew I was reading about myself.

    Naturally, my sexuality flipped from heterosexual to homosexual. It felt natural and right and how things were always meant to be, and I never had cause to question it.

  • What are your favorite gaming YouTubers?
  • CJUgames, Many A True Nerd (MATN), ManlyBadassHero, and Markiplier are my favourites. Except for MATN, they all focus on horror games. I like MATN for his strategy game playthroughs, such as Civ or Xcom.

  • What daily games, like Wordle, do you play regularly?
  • I've lost 30 minutes of my life to Squaredle now. Thanks a lot lol

  • what is everyone's sexuality here?
  • I'm gay. Nothing special lol

  • Transparency on an issue with denied applications
  • When my application was accepted, I received an email letting me know.

  • Anyone else here right into emulation/roms/CFW and retro handhelds? What've you got + what are you playing?
  • I have an Anbernic RG351P and I'm currently playing Shin Megami Tensei and Klonoa: Empire of Dreams on it. For my desktop computer, I have RetroArch to play PlayStation 1 games from my childhood. Right now I'm working through Tail Concerto and Tomba!. I'm considering playing Jet Set Radio Future too because I'm so excited for Bomb Rush Cyberfunk lol.