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[!artisan]([email protected])

Posts 26
Comments 98
Early 00s LAN party
  • This one gets weirder the more you look. There's the guy typing on an imaginary keyboard (or using an invisible mouse), the fact that no-one really has any eyes, or that dark character who's got some device suspended in front of his face?

  • News from AR
  • and back up again, like a yo-yo.

  • Mars Rover Perseverance captures a partial eclipse by a moon.
  • I've heard that people claim the moon landings were faked, but (until now?) I'd never heard anyone claiming the Martian rovers were faked.

  • Abandoned theatre built in 1924

    Credit: LordExplores

    News from AR
  • They're back!

    e: err, 3 days ago. I wasn't paying attention I guess

  • Ancient Aliens [[email protected]]
  • And their unique way of walking

  • News from AR

    Bad news - another case of a missing admin with the only keys to stuff.

    From a reddit post:

    > Just seen this on IRC:

    > "the TLDR is basically: Best case, site comes back up we continue and change things in the backend, okay case, site is down for a little bit while we rebuild backend with likely a new domain, and worst case we close out and refugee you all elsewhere (we might still do this last part too hook up the community even if we are working on the backend"

    > ETA: IRC admin wrote "I'm currently trying to set up a place where refugees can go to"

    > ETA2: As far as I understand, someone went away and I quote "without the return of (this person), AR's continued existence is up in the air, we are attempting to work on solutions but he unfortunately seemed to hold more keys to the castle than we were fully aware."

    Nothing to see here, just some axolotls playing poker
  • I wonder if it's reflecting the dogs playing poker image:

    I did cherry pick this one tbh, but most of them have different types (and colours) of dogs.

  • Storage full
  • That's how it goes, if this was a universe where you'd monitored that, the bug wouldn't exist. Thanks for fixing 👍

  • Abandoned motor cruiser

    An abandoned motor cruiser slowly moulders away on the beach adjacent to Tranmere Oil Terminal.

    Credit: Darren B Hillman


    Storage full

    @[email protected]

    I tried to upload an image, but got the error IO error: Os { code: 28, kind: StorageFull, message: "No space left on device" }

    I'm assuming it's a different storage area than the main database, otherwise this will fail too...

    Abandoned bus in the Atacama desert
  • I'm guessing the chairs and mechanical bits were scavenged, but the outer shell was taken off first which is what we're seeing.

  • Ford Prefect with a towel
  • AI gets the joke that was a bit obscure even by the 90s when I first read those books.

  • Abandoned bus in the Atacama desert

    An abandoned bus in the Atacama desert outside of the oasis town of San Pedro de Atacama.

    Source: Pablo Garcia Saldaña pagsa_

    *Permanently Deleted*
  • The more I look, the weirder it gets.

  • Oxford becomes UK's electric bus capital as 159 vehicles join fleet
  • It's a Lemmy feature that happens when you use the crosspost button.

  • Alice in Wonderland pixel art wallpapers.
  • It kinda looks like it's been painted, which is a fun twist on pixel art.

  • Alice in Wonderland pixel art wallpapers.
  • I was surprised to see the artifacts when I looked at the full-sized image - even though I shouldn't've been cos AI gonna AI.

    It's really cool that it understands that it should look blocky, but not that the blocks should be aligned on a grid. It's accidentally been way more creative with the brief than if it'd emulated pixel art better.

  • Recent Nebula content
  • A tiny fraction of their users paying upfront (remember opportunity cost of money) is hardly going to doom them to insolvency.

    Look at this way - investors give money to a company now to receive money later. They risk capital now in exchange for future rewards. Lifetime subscribers pay a large fixed amount now to receive free service later. Same thing.

  • Switched from uTorrent to QBitTorrent
  • I do miss that really detailed block download page, but that's only cos I'd watch it instead of doing something useful with my life.

  • [OC] Abandoned Improvised Cold Storage Vault, at Mould Bay High Arctic Research Station, Canada
  • (You posted this 10 hours ago!? How did I miss it?)

    Love to see some more OC here!

    So this is on Prince Patrick Island? I can't imagine how cold it is up there at 76° latitude (not that it looks too cold in your picture).

  • Abandoned Art Deco power plant control room
  • I love Art Deco too. I've been to the Atlas Bar in Singapore which is amazing.

  • Abandoned Art Deco power plant control room
  • Thanks! I'd originally found this under the name "Special k" but I discovered it's Kelenföld and edited in some other links in as you were posting.

  • Abandoned Art Deco power plant control room

    Kelenföld Power Station is an abandoned power plant control room in Hungary. Built in the 1920s, it's a beautiful example of Art Deco industrial architecture and features a dramatic oval-shaped room lit by a large skylight. The plant originally ran on coal but was converted to natural gas in the 1970s. Much of the original control equipment remains intact on the green metal wall panels. A concrete bunker housed an air raid shelter during World War 2, underscoring the control room's role in a critical infrastructure at a turbulent time.


    Designed by two prominent Hungarian architects, site is protected under Hungarian law and so cannot be demolished. This does mean it also can't be restored and maintenance is difficult. It is occasionally open to tours and also film shoots, apparently.

    More info & photos


    Successful ‘treasure hunt’ recovers 1930s-era cameras abandoned on Yukon glacier

    In August 2022, a team located camera equipment that had been abandoned by famous explorers Bradford Washburn and Robert Bates in 1937 on the Walsh Glacier in Canada's Kluane National Park. The cameras contained decades-old images of the landscape that could provide data on glacial movement. After months of searching led by explorer Griffin Post and glaciologist Dora Medrzycka, they found pieces of Washburn's aerial camera and two movie cameras with undeveloped film. Medrzycka's guidance was crucial to the discovery.


    They hope the recovered film can be developed and provide a rare glimpse of the area as it appeared over 80 years ago. Finding the equipment after so many decades was an unbelievable validation for Post and his team.



    Abandoned VW Beetle


    In Henry Ford's abandoned city of Fordlândia

    Henry Ford dreamed of establishing Fordlândia, a rubber plantation city in Brazil, to ensure a steady supply of rubber for his automobiles. He invested millions to build the city from scratch, and included luxuries for the workers such as an 18-hole golf course and a dance hall.

    However, poor management led to pest infestations in the tightly planted trees. Workers also revolted as they were only paid a fraction of what Ford had promised and forced to abandon their local customs. As conditions deteriorated further during World War 2, Ford was forced to sell the failing operations for just $250,000 in 1945, despite having invested over $20 million (equivalent to $325 million in 2022).

    Fordlândia remains completely abandoned today, serving as an example of a grand vision brought down by cultural clashes and economic mismanagement.

    ! Aerial View of Fordlândia, Brazil, 1934 (source)

    ! What remains of Fordlândia Hospital (source)

    e: added more sources and edited content to be more accurate


    Bedroom abandoned to mould

    Photogrpaher: MGness /


    Abandoned Girl Scout Camp

    Beechwood State Park is located on the shores of Lake Ontario in Wayne County, New York, and was formerly the site of a Girl Scout camp. The camp closed in the late 1990s due to lack of money.



    [!]( [!]( [!]( [!](

    More info and photos


    Andrea Scialpi's camera work is often mistaken for CG/drone footage

    He also posted a compilation of his work on


    Abandoned railway station in Georgia’s breakaway region of Abkhazia

    On the eastern coast of the Black Sea is the Georgian region of Abkhazia, or the independent Republic of Abkhazia, depending on who you ask - Abkhazia has been recognised as an independent state by Russia, Venezuela, Nicaragua, Nauru, and Syria; however, Georgia and most of the UN consider Abkhazia a sovereign territory of Georgia.





    Other photos from Gagra



    More info and pictures

    • (Google Translated version)
    • Gagra on Google Maps

    Abandoned bike with its own Snopes page

    > A boy left his bike chained to a tree when he went away to war in 1914. He never returned, leaving the tree no choice but to grow around the bike. Incredible that this bike has been there for 98 years now!

    This bike, aka the "tree that ate a bicycle" on Washington's Vashon Island, has its own Snopes page (I won't spoil if this story's true):


    Rule of thumb of wee


    The abandoned Mark Twain Branch Library (now demolished)

    The Mark Twain Library in Detroit opened in 1940 and served as an important community hub for decades, hosting events and providing a safe space for neighbourhood children. However, as the surrounding area declined in the 1990s, the library's finances deteriorated and it was forced to close and then only open two days a week. It eventually shut down permanently due to disrepair and asbestos issues.

    Despite community fundraising efforts, plans to renovate the library were never realized. With no progress being made, the city demolished the building in 2011, much to the anger of neighbours who felt misled about how renovation funds would be used.

    The site where the Mark Twain Library once stood at the junction of Gratiot Avenue and Seneca Street is now an empty lot.

    More pictures and info:


    Valle dei Mulini, Italy

    Vallone dei Mulini, also known as Valley of the Mills, is a historic valley located behind Piazza Tasso in Sorrento, Italy. The valley gets its name from the flour mills that were built there as far back as the 13th century to grind grain. Over time, a sawmill was also established to provide sawn wood.

    However, the mills became isolated in 1866 when Piazza Tasso was established. The mills and surrounding area were eventually abandoned in the 1940s.

    The valley was carved out by two rivers and has very high humidity due to its geography. It is considered an enchanting view and known for its variety of unique and rare plants that have adapted to the moist conditions within the shaded valley.



    Gallery of abandoned hospitals in the US Eerie pictures of Abandoned hospitals in the US

    Photographer Johnny Joo took these eerie pictures while exploring America's East Coast and was able to glimpse into the dark history of these rotting institutions

    Eerie pictures of Abandoned hospitals in the US

    Loads of great pictures in this gallery: Eerie pictures of Abandoned hospitals in the US

    A few:





    The abandoned Ta Prohm temple in Angkor, Cambodia

    Ta Prohm is a 12th century temple located near Siem Reap, Cambodia that was originally built as a Mahayana Buddhist monastery dedicated to King Jayavarman VII's mother. It has been abandoned and reclaimed by the jungle since the 15th century. The temple is known for the trees that have grown out of its walls and roots.

    It was featured in the 2001 film Lara Croft: Tomb Raider which has led to it being nicknamed the “Tomb Raider Temple”.

    The layout includes multiple enclosures surrounding a central sanctuary. Carvings depict Buddhist scenes and deities, though many are now eroded.

    Despite restoration efforts, parts of the temple are still being reclaimed by the surrounding forest.




    The abandoned Gila River Memorial Airport

    This Arizona, USA airport has had more names than I've had hot dinners. Built in 1942 as Williams Auxiliary Army Airfield #5, it was renamed Goodyear Air Force Auxiliary Airfield after the war, then Goodyear Airport, Memorial Airfield and finally Gila River Memorial Airport.

    Now it's an aeroplane graveyard after failed plans to turn it into a casino.


    More info:
