I did GOMAD, actually more like 1/2 GOMAD. https://www.healthline.com/health/food-nutrition/gomad-diet for 4-5 months to gain weight. Went to gym as well so at least some of the weight goes to muscles.
Trying to eat more is going to be very difficult for you due to early satiety and not knowing how much more you actually need to eat and it is hard to count calories from random food and do math in your head all the time is annoying.
We skinny people think that we are eating enough but actually need to eat a lot more than we think. Maybe our bodies are not efficient at extracting the calories from food or high metabolism, I have no idea. I will be eating the same as my normal/over-weight/ friends but not gain weight. With GOMAD you can monitor the calories and can figure out at which point (calories) you start to gain weight, the math is easy to do as well.
In my opinion, Milk is the most easiest if you can handle milk. It is fast to consume, 0 preparation, easy to monitor/count the calories, easy to adjust as needed and can fit easily in to your normal habit/schedules and lastly no dishes (only cup) to clean up. The more easy something is to do the more likely you will stick to it.
I built up to it, started with 2 glasses of milk a day and slowly increased every few day to 1/2 GOMAD. Your bowels will tell you if you are drinking too much too soon. Go slow, the body digestive system, microbes needs to build up to it. Once I notice I was gaining weight I stayed at that amount for a few months, it was 1/2 GOMAD for me.
Note that this is not a long-term thing, I don't think it is healthy long-term, once you reach your goal, focus more on variety of food. I still drink about 1 liter of milk a day. One thing I notice that once you gain quite a bit of weight it is quite difficult to lose it.
For L'étranger I am only still halfway in the first chapter so I'm not too worried about ruining the book. I am happy to just understand what I am reading. I went back to the kit ember book after more than a month, the story came back easily but it is a graded reader and relatively simple content.
I found something but it is for chrome. https://github.com/Xodarap/Paranoid-Browsing
Yea ne quitte pas is sad. That playlist was just something I found online, I think it is created by an online school. It is mostly happy songs, and fairly clear in their singing.
I saw GIMS in that playlist.
Cool it looks very interesting, Metro also has French audio, added to my list of games to play.
That is cool I listen to french songs sometimes in background but have not used them for intensive study. I think those song which repeat words/phrases alot help me remember the word/phrases.
I like this artist, Stromae
I listen to this playlist of various artists sometime.
One of the first song I heard that got me interested in the language. Jacques Brel - Amsterdam another one of his song. Jacques Brel - Ne me quitte pas
For variety, you can try opera as well. They drag out each word which I find interesting. Example Habanera de "Carmen": "L'amour est un oiseau rebelle"
I paused on L'étranger last week (will push through this week maybe 1 page per day) because I got more engrossed in the graded book called "Ã la découverte du Canada", It was right at my level. Most of the words/phrases bolded in the book were the ones that I didn't knew. It was more pleasant to read due to less look ups. I completed reading the book.
The next graded reader will be a book by Kit Embers which I stopped at 64% previously.
Is there a way to generate fake user activity data to feed to Firefox or stripped down versions of firefox ?
So that the data is useless for anyone buying it.
Furthermore fake browsing data also messes up data collection by websites.
Donald Krasnov Trump.
I thought russians say sanctions make them stronger. They should be asking for more sanctions.
Why are you so bitter and sour, though.
All the shells should be stamped with the maple leave.
Krasnov Trump's foe due to threatening Trudeau with invasion,
Canada is not US foe.
good point, they will be out of UNSC as well.
Should have let the bear hunters sleep.
This Jerking Dick Vanker is a piece of shit, can't even make a simple deal. He only had 1 job to do.
lol yea, same experience when I first saw people using TL/NL. I think people use that to stay neutral on language on some forums. I've fixed the post.
Sentence mining from games.
Playing games in TL (Target Language) was one of my main goals in learning my TL. Creating this thread to share how I sentence mine from games.
Before I go further, note that there is a new tool called Wisp . For most users, WISP is probably good enough, but it is subscription based.
For me, I needed something that works with ANKI and didn't need all the other features of WISP. Actually, I mainly just needed a good game pauser so that I have time to read and understand the in-game text. Pausing the game was the main issue, many game don't have a pause feature.
The problems
- Not being able to pause games to read the text/subtitle in TL.
- How to get that text out from the game and into ANKI without typing it out every time in ANKI.
The 2 Solutions in summary :
Solution 1 was to go into the game folder, extract all the text and dump them into a text file, process them into shorter sentences and later import into ANKI. This deck can later be sorted by frequency using Anki addons like AnkiMorphs and/or FrequencyMan.
Solution 2 was to do it while playing game, find a way to play the game and pause the game to screen capture the text region and translate it.
I won't go into Solution 1 as that is very complicated and "hacky" and it is different for every game. I do use solution 1 if it is easy to access the game text data.
I will go into Solution 2 here.
Solution 2
- To pause games, I tried several tools, and eventually, I settled on a tool called Nyrna https://github.com/Merrit/nyrna
- For screen capturing, I use Windows sniping tool, rectangle region capture feature. It also has an OCR feature, or you can also use PowerToys Text Extractor.
- Alternatively, you can use DeepL application screen capture OCR translation feature.
Anki addons
- To convert screen captured text into Anki directly, I use PasteOCR. https://ankiweb.net/shared/info/1808435406
- For 1 click translation, I use DeepL Translator https://ankiweb.net/shared/info/972129549
- For google translate : https://ankiweb.net/shared/info/1536291224
Start Game, start Nyrna , and Anki add card dialog is open, Multiple monitors are good for this. I have ChatGPT open as well, if I need some grammar explanation.
I use Nyrna to pause the game at the part I wish to capture, I find clicking in Nyrna respond faster than using shortcuts.
While the game is paused, I use the Windows sniping tool to screen capture the text region.
In Anki add card dialog. I click on the "Paste image as text" button, which generates the text into one of the anki card fields.
Still in Anki add card dialog, I then click on the DeepL or Google translate button to get the translation.
I use ChatGPT to get more explanation as required.
I also screen capture the rest of the game as an image to add to the card.
If the game image is not good enough, I use AI (free credits on Leonardo AI or Microsoft Designer) to generate an image based on the text.
I am not sure of an easy way to get audio out, so for audio, I just use HyperTTS Anki addon.
Before using deck, i sort it using AnkiMorphs/FrequencyMan.
That is pretty much it. Let me know if anything is confusing. Feel free to share any other solutions, tips, and tricks on using games to learn languages.
Free Graded readers
Discover the engaging Story-Listening method with our 'Foundation Readers French'. Perfect for immersive and enjoyable language learning.

Free Graded reader for French learners. Please share others if you know of any.