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The Yankees stepped on me without my consent, so I'm destroying their capitalist hellhole. !

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Comments 122
Oh dear...
  • Is Russia Fascist?


  • F***skin from Korean babies used wtf
  • American media is disgustingly decadent; always publicly discussing about genitalia, sex, drugs and other yuck without a hint of shame.

  • 28 more sanctions in 7 countries
  • Thank you, US; for destroying the American empire for our sake.

  • I love boiling babies, yum yum
  • Western Maoists have never earned the hearts of the people and supplanted their dictatorship of capital and oppression, yet they claim to be the true heirs of "pure socialism".

  • I love boiling babies, yum yum
  • Furthermore to be Socialist would be to aid comrades internationally, yet China not only has not promised to ever do this (nor is this something Communist would ever dare hide from the Global masses), but they've actually done the opposite on multiple occasions."

    But China does aid "comrades" by working with any country, regardless of the complaints of the imperial core, and promoting mutually beneficial, win-win cooperation and pro-Global South industrialization and modernization. Just recently, China pledged to help defend Venezuela's national sovereignty and economic transition into an industrial economy rather than simply existing as a raw material exporter. China's foreign policy in the past has not always been great, but that does not mean that we should let the mistakes overshadow the accomplishments. That would just be historical nihilism. The commenter's idea of internationalism seems to be incessantly lending arms and money into so-called Maoist armies, but this is not China's approach to diplomacy—China is not the USSR and shouldn't strive to be!

    I'm not even going to bother with the rest of this childish take—nothing but rhetoric and overzealous dogmatism over material reality.

  • SecondThought: Why The Government Has Infinite Money
  • Taxes are imposed by the central authority on the working population to get them to start working and producing real, tangible goods and services, which generates the value of the currency.

  • SecondThought: Why The Government Has Infinite Money
  • Countries that possess monetsry sovereignty can always print their own currency. But I do agree that the currency will be deemed undesirable if it's not backed by the sufficient quanity and quality of goods and services.

  • Scrimps?🍤
  • Is there anything wrong with that?

  • Has anyone else seen this goofy anime and thought about how the 3 factions resemble fascism liberalism and communism?
  • I have noticed a trend of the publication dates of hit series switching to bi-weekly or monthly schedules, or even longer in order to combat author fatigue. For example, Black Clover switching to quarterly instead of weekly; Chainsaw Man (part 2) debuting as a bi-weekly when the first part was weekly. Not to mention the increasing trend of short- to medium-length stories instead of long stories.

    The era of major manga series being hundreds of chapters long may now be over! May Oda finish One Piece so I can find out what the hell the treasure is!

  • Comment directed towards the USA senator
  • I'm very uncomfortable with gun culture sigh I wish I wasn't living in this dystopian hellhole

  • Folks on Wikipedia discussing on the 'CPC/CCP Acronym' issue
  • I just use both, occasionally swapping out one for the other.

  • Do you think that the USA will ever become socialist, and if so, in how long?
  • The point was that I don't see it happening anytime soon.

  • Political memes @ lemmy world
  • The unpleasant reality is Russians, like the Chinese Americans have never, in all their long history, existed without authoritarian rule. They are culturally inured to it. They actively seek it. They’re broken, as a society, and only dissolving their society will cure them.

  • Political memes @ lemmy world
  • The unpleasant reality is~~, Russians, like the Chinese,~~ Americans have never, in all their long history, existed without authoritarian rule. Their people are culturally inured to it. They actively seek it. They’re broken, as a society, and only dissolving their society will cure them.

    I spotted a typo in that quote block, so I fixed it.