Lite webbnördig trädgårdsodlare med hundar. Kind of a web nerd gardener with dogs.
Pixelfed: @LenaA Webbsida/blogg:
I'm sorry, my notification settings were not right, I didn't see your answer until now.
I haven't been able to make the transfer yet, due to big problems ro run any ftp application on my crappy chromebook. I'll keep your advice in mind. Thank you!
I'm about to move a wp site installed with a one-click installer, but want to make a "proper" installation at the new host. Are there any special issues with such a transfer I should be aware of?
I'm about to move a wp site installed with a one-click installer, but want to make a "proper" installation at the new host. Are there any special issues with such a transfer I should be aware of? @wordpress \#wordpress