Yeah, you should kill them for destroying someone's property tho
No because they're a bunch of cowards that lurk at night to destroy your property
Yeah you don't deserve to live if you commit such degenerate acts. If we tolerate this behavior it will spiral into assault cases and even worse.
Whoopsie! My finger slipped on my trigger 21 times!
This is not boycotting, this is assaulting innocent people, but obviously the democrats can't understand that.
No sympathy either for the dumbfucks destroying my property, I will put you down, regardless of age if you touch my hard-earned property, regardless of age, political beliefs, or race.
"why was she wearing that, she deserves to be raped"
Everyone who does this bs deserves to be put down
I pray for the slow and painful death of any idiot vandalizing peoples hard-earned private properties. Tesla owners should now carry guns and not hesitate to fill the brains of these retarded idiots with tonnes of hot lead.
Lol are you gonna wallow in hopelessness for the next 4 years or actually do anything?
Nice to see we're on the same page
Can't have a political opinion nowadays, huh?
Deserved, we have other things to do than supporting a dictator