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Lemmy_2019 Lemmy_2019
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France Is Headed Towards Its Most Feral Right-Wing Regime Since the Nazis
  • A search returns this article alone. Bizarre. Is he trying to make this happen??

  • What industry do you work in and what are the LPT the general public should know about it?
  • Like everyone else, I get distracted and forget to do this. Then I look out at my car while standing at the register. Naturally, the numbers are not visible from this location...

  • How old is the oldest building in the town you live in?
  • We have 1168. Big splurge on ecclesiastical building in the 1100s.

  • What is Reddit doing
  • The Digg exodus....?

  • Sorry, there's no room for you.
  • Kotor looks gorgeous. Is it any way interesting there?

  • I’m in a park. The grass is being mown by a robot.
  • It's a past participle.

    e.g. "The park or meadow having been newly mown, had an air at once ornamented and natural."

    "An 82-year-old great-grandad survived being mown down by a car"

  • PSA: Remember that the internet isn't real life
  • I remember watching this happen to r/TheDonald in real time.

  • What's your fave movie of all time that you love to recommend to people?
  • Just to avoid confusion, it's called Coherence. That's why none of your friends watched it! LOL

    Edit: he said Cohesion.

  • Rich Americans are getting second passports, citing risk of instability
  • Google golden passport. Portugal and Spain were at it but I think many countries have shut down the programme.

  • When a real user uses the app
  • That one is a 'whoever' btw.

  • is there a way to not show thumbnails in the post list view?
  • iirc this is why I changed to Voyager.

  • How the hell do I make Google on Firefox (desktop and mobile) show "View image" like it used to??
  • I think I found a Greasemonkey script to do it? Works on my browser anyway.

  • To those with 2+ monitors on your machine: What's your use case, and how much does it actually boost your productivity?
  • I presumed he meant Apple because of the logo. But maybe I am very old...

  • What was your first experience using the Internet?
  • Lynx at the San Francisco public library! And Gopher was around before WWW.

  • Attention issues
  • Do you like the job? I'd change if I were you. Just my 2 cents.

  • Millennials, Gen-Z Want Original Movies and TV, Not Remakes — Survey
  • 'Prove' in this context means 'test'. Like the proof of the pudding is in the eating. Just an aside.

  • Whats your favourite poetic song Lyric
  • He looked beneath his shirt today

    There was a wound in his flesh so deep and wide

    From the wound a lovely flower grew

    From somewhere deep inside

    He turned around to face his mother

    To show her the wound in his breast that burned like a brand

    But the sword that cut him open

    Was the sword in his mother's hand

    The Lazarus Heart - Sting