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What is the worst thing you've ever seen? Either online or IRL? (trigger warning)
  • This video (no gore) of a brick smashing into a windshield and killing a woman. Those cries broke my heart

  • Loving the new updates, but what all has changed?
  • Magazine stats are now localized (yay!!!)

    Someone please explain this one, haven't been on here very long

  • TikTok video showing DoorDash driver cursing at customer over 25% tip sparks online debate over tipping culture in the U.S.
  • We get it

    I see three users in this thread not getting it. And the OP is replying to one of 'em. Not sure if you're blind or just want to be a prick mate, but if its the latter leave that attitude on Reddit yeh?

  • Quantum computer built by Google can instantly execute a task that would normally take 47 years
  • More about quantum computing

    Quantum computing, a remarkable leap in technological advancement, holds the potential to redefine our computational capacities. Harnessing the strange yet fascinating laws of quantum physics, it could significantly outperform classical computers in solving certain types of problems.

    Basics of Quantum Computing

    Traditional computers operate based on bits, which can be in a state of either 0 or 1. Quantum computers, on the other hand, operate on quantum bits, known as qubits. Unlike traditional bits, a qubit can exist in both states simultaneously, thanks to a quantum principle called superposition.

    Superposition increases the computing power of a quantum computer exponentially. For example, two qubits can exist in four states simultaneously (00, 01, 10, 11), three qubits in eight states, and so on. This allows quantum computers to process a massive number of possibilities at once.

    Another key quantum principle quantum computers exploit is entanglement. Entangled qubits are deeply linked. Change the state of one qubit, and the state of its entangled partner will change instantaneously, no matter the distance. This feature allows quantum computers to process complex computations more efficiently.

    Applications of Quantum Computers

    The unusual characteristics of quantum computing make it ideal for solving complex problems that classical computers struggle with.

    Cryptography is a notable area where quantum computing can make a significant difference. The capacity to factor large numbers quickly makes quantum computers a threat to current encryption systems but also opens the door for the development of more secure quantum encryption methods.

    In the field of medicine, quantum computing could enable the modeling of complex molecular structures, speeding up drug discovery. Quantum simulations could offer insights into new materials and processes that might take years to discover through experimentation.

    Challenges in Quantum Computing

    Despite its promising potential, quantum computing is not without challenges. Quantum states are delicate, and maintaining them for a practical length of time—known as quantum coherence—is a significant hurdle. The slightest environmental interference can cause qubits to lose their state, a phenomenon known as decoherence.

    Quantum error correction is another daunting challenge. Due to the fragility of qubits, errors are more likely to occur in quantum computations than classical ones. Developing efficient error correction methods that don’t require a prohibitive number of qubits remains a central focus in quantum computing research.

    The Future of Quantum Computing

    While quantum computing is still in its infancy, the rapid pace of innovation signals a promising future. Tech giants like IBM, Google, and Microsoft, as well as numerous startups, are making significant strides in quantum computing research.

    In the coming years, we can expect quantum computers to continue growing in power and reliability. Quantum supremacy—a point where quantum computers surpass classical computers in computational capabilities—may be closer than we think.

    Quantum computing represents a thrilling frontier, promising to reshape how we tackle complex problems. As research and development persist, we inch closer to unlocking the full potential of this revolutionary technology.

  • Quantum computer built by Google can instantly execute a task that would normally take 47 years
  • In a significant leap for the field of quantum computing, Google has reportedly engineered a quantum computer that can execute calculations in mere moments that would take the world’s most advanced supercomputers nearly half a century to process.

    The news, reported by the Daily Telegraph, could signify a landmark moment in the evolution of this emerging technology.

    Quantum computing, a science that takes advantage of the oddities of quantum physics, remains a fast-moving and somewhat contentious field.

    Quantum computers hold immense promise for potentially revolutionizing sectors like climate science and drug discovery. They offer computation speeds far beyond those of their classical counterparts.

    Potential drawbacks of quantum computing

    However, this advanced technology is not without its potential drawbacks. Quantum computers pose significant challenges for contemporary encryption systems, thus placing them high on the list of national security concerns.

    The contentious discussion continues. Critics argue that, despite the impressive milestones, these quantum machines still need to demonstrate more practicality outside of academic research.

    Astonishing capabilities of Google’s quantum computer

    Google’s latest iteration of its quantum machine, the Sycamore quantum processor, currently holds 70 qubits. This is a substantial leap from the 53 qubits of its earlier version. This makes the new processor approximately 241 million times more robust than the previous model.

    As each qubit can exist in a state of zero, one, or both simultaneously, the capability of storing and processing this level of quantum information is an achievement that even the fastest classical computer, however rapid or slow, cannot match.

    The Google team, in a paper published on the arXiv pre-print server, remarked: “Quantum computers hold the promise of executing tasks beyond the capability of classical computers. We estimate the computational cost against improved classical methods and demonstrate that our experiment is beyond the capabilities of existing classical supercomputers.”

    Even the currently fastest classical computers, such as the Frontier supercomputer based in Tennessee, cannot rival the potential of quantum computers. These traditional machines operate on the language of binary code, confined to a dual-state reality of zeroes and ones. The quantum paradigm, however, transcends this limitation.

    Revolutionary power

    It remains uncertain how much Google’s quantum computer cost to create. Regardless, this development certainly holds the promise of transformative computational power.

    For instance, according to the Google team, it would take the Frontier supercomputer merely 6.18 seconds to match a calculation from Google’s 53-qubit computer. However, the same machine would take an astonishing 47.2 years to match a computation executed by Google’s latest 70-qubit device.

    Quantum Supremacy

    Many experts in the field have praised Google’s significant strides. Steve Brierley, chief executive of Cambridge-based quantum company Riverlane, labeled Google’s advancement as a “major milestone.”

    He also added: “The squabbling about whether we had reached, or indeed could reach, quantum supremacy is now resolved.”

    Similarly, Professor Winfried Hensinger, director of the Sussex Centre for Quantum Technologies, commended Google for resolving a specific academic problem tough to compute on a conventional computer.

    “Their most recent demonstration is yet another powerful demonstration that quantum computers are developing at a steady pace,” said Professor Hensinger.

    He stressed that the upcoming critical step would be the creation of quantum computers capable of correcting their inherent operational errors.

    While IBM has not yet commented on Google’s recent work, it is clear that this progress in the realm of quantum computing has caught the attention of researchers and companies worldwide. This will open new prospects and competition in the evolution of computational technology. Let the games begin!

  • Texas pastor pleads guilty to possession of child sex abuse images
  • 5 year old but relevant paper studying 326 child sexual abuse cases in Protestant Christian Congregations. Majority offenders are male. Majority victims are also male. They may be pedophiles but hey, they're LGBTQ+ pedophiles! Rejoice, there's still hope for Christians!

  • Texas pastor pleads guilty to possession of child sex abuse images
  • Just Christians practicing their religion, nothing to see here

  • Twitter is now completely "walled" (dont wanna rattle cages with a wrong title whoopsie)
  • Don't tempt me.

    Gonna throw another tantrum? Have at it. That's all I've seen you do mate. You can keep flinging shit here since you're so full of it. I, however, will be signing off so might as well save your tears for another thread. Peace

  • Twitter is now completely "walled" (dont wanna rattle cages with a wrong title whoopsie)
  • I read your comments hence my reply. Now how about you take your own advice and read mine eh? I wasn't arguing against anything. I was telling you you're a right cunt. Clear enough for you mate? Now move on.

  • Twitter is now completely "walled" (dont wanna rattle cages with a wrong title whoopsie)
  • No one's shitting on you for pointing it out mate. See anyone calling the original commenter of this chain a dick for pointing it out? No? Because that's not the issue. People are shitting on you for being a cunt.

  • Google set to remove news links in Canada over online news law
  • Don't live in Canada

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