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Laura Laura

Just some random User :) Definitely didn’t join during the Reddit Exodus…

Profile image by @BonniieA (Twitter)

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Comments 2
Reposting something I saw on r/linuxmasterrace a while ago. Which one are you? I'm somewhere between the Tech Conservative and Newborn Paranoid.
  • Im probably somewhere between the first four panels. I’m debating about at least partly using Chromium again since some stuff I do doesn’t work on FF and like macOS and Windows the most since they (mostly) just work out of the box. However I’m not comfortable with WhatsApp etc, am using Ubuntu and Arch on some machines and do prefer Open source for some software categories. And for some stuff I’m manually checking the source code and am compiling it myself since I’m paranoid. (Mostly password manager and similar).

  • What's your "base" stack of choice?
  • For me it’s Ubuntu Server as the OS base, swag as reverse proxy and docker-compose for the services. So mostly SSH and yolo but with containers. I’d guess having something like Portainer running would probably be useful, but for me the terminal was enough.

    As folder structure I just have a services directory with subfolders for each app/service.