Maybe this pushes the development a little bit. Would be a good opportunity to ask for funding and other means of help.
Klingt nach ber ordentlichen Einarbeitung. Hängt natürlich immer vom Einsatzfeld ab, gibt Themenfelder die man erst nach Jahren beherrscht. Dennoch sollte dein Kollegy wenigstens die Grundlagen drauf haben.
Gibt auch andere Firmen wo neue Leute erstmal 6 Monate vom Management "eingearbeitet" werden. Da siehts dann anders aus.
Wirft die Frage auf was "Einarbeitung" bedeutet bei euch. Da ist das Spektrum leider auch sehr groß.
I can only second that. Its basically exactly my setup. Debian as stable base and every service as docker via docker compose. This way your system is stable and your services can upgrade as much as they like.
Only difference is that i use micro as editor. But thats just details.
Hier gibts ne Sammlung von zumindest Läden wo man bestellen kann:
Du gehörst echt zu der Sorte Mensch die ich nicht leiden kann. Da setzt sich jemand hin, startet was gutes und für dich ist es "irgendein Otto".
Für alle anderen hier der Link:
That is also my experience. Spawning in and directly running away and trying to lure people into some trap or fight with other enemies. Its boring.
Yeah i doubt it but it would be awesome. Still waiting for Tonfa or Magnet Spike in one of the base games.
Maybe they are dropping a new weapon at the end to surprise everyone.
I am so going to use the Charge Blade!
Maybe i did not have this many bad interactions in DS 1 - 3. At least it was less L2 Spam with some endgame weapon. Sure there was the occasional invader that was overpowered but the majority was fighting on common ground. Nowadays it seems like who can press L2 mlrw often and tank ghe hits.
Yeah seems so. Its just sad. I am always open for a nice duel but this is just akward.
Invader used to be fun, now they are just dumb
I have been playing the Souls games since Dark Souls, back in the day on the XBox 360. The Invader mechanic was always a nice touch to the game, most of the people tried to have a fair fight or at least they tried to fight you.
But now, since the DLC, all invaders we get are people trying to lure you to dragons or in a boss room or into another group of enemies because they only understand their L2 button smashing build and can't figure out how to fight properly without abusing some mechanic. Yesterday three people tried to one-shot me with the (thankfully now fixed) Perfumer Bottle Ash of war. Today someone started to shoot at me from afar with a canon and just ran away until he had enough help to finally kill me and my friend. It is just so damn boring going against one trick ponys... Where are the fair fights? Where are the manners? Where are the skillfull invaders that show me how a weapon is used beyond its ash of war?
It is so frustrating, i loved getting invaded in base Elden Ring, always tried to have 1:1 fights with fairness for both sides. But this now is just dumb.
Thank you for reading my rant.
Could you elaborate on your workflow for that? I am really interested in doing the same.
Aber wenn du es schon nicht schaffst beim fahren auf so einfache Dinge wie die Geschwindigkeit zu achten weil du telefonierst oder mit dem Kopf schon beim Kunden bist, wie willst du dann auf gefährliche Situationen schnell und ordnungsgemäß reagieren?
Was vielen Vielfahrern leider nicht mehr bewusst ist, sind die physikalischen Kräfte die sie mit ihrem 2t Auto da so freisetzen.
Und wieder frage ich mich warum Männer müssen und Frauen dürfen. Klingt irgendwie nicht gerecht.