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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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rules for thee, but not for me
  • I modded a Discord for a Gamesworkshop video game and it was like that. It really boils down to whether or no people see it as benefit or nevessary burden. I was offered the mod by devs for making some guides and took it because i knew my discomfort with weilding that power would be for the benefit of the community. I would bend over backwards to not take things personally or react but alot of edgelords still made it into an "us vs them" mentality.

    I've also been permabanned from a steam game hub by power tripping mods who couldnt handle someone calmly disagreeing with them and thought they had the right to insult me and ban me for standing up for myself, then pretend like i was the one who was in the wrong for not eating their shit with a smile. (Distant Worlds 2/Slytherine Games)

    It's like being in politics, you gotta find people who feel obligated to do it as a public service and not those who have any desire for power.

  • ‘Mutiny Brewing’ Inside State Department Over Israel-Palestine Policy
  • Err, idk they seem more like an albatross. Most of the hate we get there is because we support that genocide. Id say having Israel as an ally is the reason we have the enemy's we have there. Also how fucked up is it that 9/11 was primarily inspired by US support of Israel and they afaik, never assisted in any military shit there. All we get is "intelligence" from some chronic liars. Been trying to find concrete shit theyve done to help and cant find any.

  • DOJ sues eBay for selling ‘rolling coal’ devices; fines could hit $2 billion [article]
  • Out of the blue. Was driving through Norfolk a few years ago and this ford pickup decided to roll coal several times in the I-64 tunnels between Newport News and Norfolk. Dude blacked out the entire tunnel multiple times and they were clearly trying to cause a major accident. I follwed the sonofaremoved to get his plates and tried to call the highway police number but the lady on the other end refused to listen (kept pretending i was talking about normal exhaust shit) and started threatening me for reporting it.

  • Palestine-Israel Crisis Megathread
  • Also Israel has two means of aquiring citizenship. First is having Jewish ancestry. The second and more problematic is that anyone who converts to Judaism can apply in a slower process that grants them citizenship. People who aquire citizenship can then live there and gain govt benefits that subsidize living cost, in other words, govt sanctioned stealing of Palestinian homes/land. Thats why Palestinians say they often hear settlers with Brooklyn accents. People who live in places like NYC with high costs of living are basically given the option to have much cheaper housing if they convert and forget their morals about theft.

    So basically Israel recruits citizens from groups of people who have financial incentives to move there and lack a sense of humanity to turn down "free stuff stolen from destitute opressed people" and thus you build a citizenry who is totally comfortable with this Apartheid/Genocidal bullshit.

  • Israel calls for all 1.1 million civilians to leave Gaza City within 24 hours
  • And finally, i can say this no problem because its so fucking easy not to do any of these things, even on my worst days of my life, i have no worries that i might be so stupid to do any of these things even for a second.

  • Israel calls for all 1.1 million civilians to leave Gaza City within 24 hours
  • If i even once had the nerve to suggest the festival celebrated peace between me and the people who are locked in said prison and cant even attend because their race inst allowed outside of those walls, even if they could afford the expensive as fuck tickets, when they are destitute because of being locked in this prison, than that would make me so fucked up, I wouldn't blame anyone for shitting on my corpse afterwards.

  • Israel calls for all 1.1 million civilians to leave Gaza City within 24 hours
  • If i lock you in an open air prison and arrogantly hold a huge trance festival dorectly outside the walls of your prison that celebrates peace, love, and happiness, with 0 regard for you as a human being, while you and your family waste away under my opression, I'd deserve to be shot, because thats fucking demented, unnecessary and quite frankly, callous to the point of being soulless.

  • Israel calls for all 1.1 million civilians to leave Gaza City within 24 hours
  • If i try to invade your house and take it for myself, if i make you a second class citizen and subject you to constant violence and dehumanization using disproportionate force, you have every right to shoot me in the face.