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KrupskayaPraxis KrupskayaPraxis
Posts 62
Comments 99

Advertisements are just capitalist propaganda

When people think of propaganda, they think of state propaganda, but they don't realise that the advertisements between their tv shows are just as much propaganda. The myth of consumers being responsible for climate change was spread through advertisements for example by fossil fuel companies. People don't realise how big of a role advertising has in trying to convince people of this status quo.

Ethan and Hila Klein from the H3 podcast had some real shit takes on Palestine today
  • I thought he didn't have Israeli citizenship, but could be wrong.

  • One of my favorite Anti-Imperialist songs🚩 (OG video got yeeted by YT, edited URL)
  • I love streamable, I've begun to download videos that are at risk of being deleted from it, but was sadly too late for the pro-Palestine ones

  • One of my favorite Anti-Imperialist songs🚩 (OG video got yeeted by YT, edited URL)
  • Can someone find that one song about the assassination of Zeevi?

  • Poland
  • Poworld

  • I swear the Dutch socialist subreddit gets more right wing by the day.

    It's called r/poldersocialisme and I feel like even the slightest anti-imperialism or ML thought gets scrutinized there. Today with the war in Palestine, every single pro Palestine comment or post got downvoted. This wouldn't have happened a year ago I feel like. Slowly the subreddit got run over by more social democrats and even right wingers. The mods don't do anything to stop it. They are actually making it worse. I once got a tempban for 'denying the Uyghur genocide'. They have a flair for right wingers as well, like theyre inviting them. What's the point of a Dutch socialist subreddit when the viewpoints are the exact same as the ones that are already established throughout the whole Dutch media landscape?

    Sorry for my niche rant, but as a Dutch ML I feel more alone in my viewpoints every day, and I'm losing hope in the Dutch left but hope I can do something to revitalize it.

    Which is the Marxist Leninist take on the death penalty?
  • My take is no death penalty under capitalism, since the capitalist justice system isn't about justice. But I'm in favour of a death penalty under socialism since a socialist justice system is actually just.

  • In which ways do you think that China will help spread socialism to the rest of the world?
  • Right now by being an example for how to run a country.

  • 🎶Life could be a Dream🎵
  • Why is French Basque Country and French Catalonia gone as well? At least Corsica remains.

  • How many more years do you give to the USA before it collapses?
  • I don't know but think in 20 years. Hope Hawaii, Alaska, Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands, Guam and Mariana islands will secede before that.

  • A year of lying about Nordstream by Seymour Hersh
  • The media are doubling down on the claim that Ukraine carried this out, with so called new evidence

  • Opinion on Hippies?
  • Radical leftism without class analysis gives you hippies

  • So Gunther Fehlinger follows me now.
  • Person who pretends to work for NATO, and has become an internet meme in left wing circles for his weird tweets. Here's the Corner Späti podcast episode about him:

  • we may
  • Especially when it's a controversial opinion

  • On a post on r/Hasan_Piker about the French military leaving Niger
  • Damn, I don't really follow him closely so did not know this

  • Environment KrupskayaPraxis

    Our Food is Killing Us

    Great video about how the current agricultural industry is based on nothing but profit and how that worsens the climate crisis


    Do any of you also think we need to change the global language away from English to stop the soft power of the USA?

    I think part of the reason why American propaganda is so powerful is because most people only speak English as a second language. That way they are extra vulnerable for misinformation since they only get the American perspective. And since they can't speak other foreign languages they don't get the other perspective.

    Eastern Libya: Floods Leave Over 5,000 Dead and Thousands Missing
  • This is genuinly one of the worst disasters that ever happened I feel like. 5.000 dead in a town of 90.000, all in a single day. Thanks to climate change and Libyan government incompetence.

  • Holy shit I'm done
  • Iguanodon, I'll definitely get killed by their sharp thumbs

  • Environment KrupskayaPraxis

    Are Men Killing the Planet?

    Really great video on how patriarchy and climate change are linked.

    EDIT: since I was downvoted, I can assure you this video doesn't go against class analysis


    For the ones that follow football/soccer here, what's your favorite team?

    Mine is Ajax, but also consider myself a fan of Tottenham Hotspur and FC Copenhagen.


    I think that religion/spirituality and socialism can coexist

    I hear a lot of people talk about how we need to look at religion from a materialist lens and that religion is incomparable with socialism. But I think we need to seperate the two. Religion is about the metaphysical so it's hard to look at it from a materialist lens. While politics deals with materialist matters, so it's necessary to view it with a materialist lens. And it's not like atheism is fully materialist either, with 'nothing after death', and 'universe starting without a god' being metaphysical explanations as well. And humans are naturally spiritual and to deny that, makes it harder for socialism to be accepted by people. But of course that doesn't mean we should tolerate the reactionary aspects of religion. We should combat it whenever necessary.

    What's your opinion?


    My brother, who's a social democrat, claims that social democracy is not capitalism

    This dude has a political science major... I tried telling him that in social democracy the workers don't own the means of production so it's still capitalism, but he doesn't listen. I remember went he stopped supporting my country's (Netherlands) neoliberal party (D66) and started supporting PvdA, our socialdemocratic party. I was hopeful that he was slowly turning to the left, but nothing's changed. What are some arguments against socialdemocracy that a social democrat might listen to?

    Eurovision KrupskayaPraxis

    In 2021 Belarus was banned from Eurovision because they sent this song because it was too political.

    The lyrics take an anti-EU stance, and the name of the song translates to I'll Teach You. A year later the head of the Belarusian broadcaster admitted the song was about the EU. Do you agree with the decision?


    I found this site where you rank famous people. It would be funny to boost socialist figures Famous Birthdays

    Learn about and discover celebrities.

    Update: Stalin rose 84 places to 3358. Not that much but enough to show as 'trending'

    Environment KrupskayaPraxis Flawed count puts ‘glorified’ Javan rhinos on path to extinction, report says

    JAKARTA — Every time a new Javan rhino calf is spotted, Indonesia’s environmental authorities issue an update of the precise population number for the near-extinct species. The rhino’s entire population is confined to a single national park, filled with hundreds of camera traps that allow conservati...

    Flawed count puts ‘glorified’ Javan rhinos on path to extinction, report says

    The Indonesian government has been overcounting the number of Javan Rhinos

    Eurovision KrupskayaPraxis

    The [Queer] Politics of Eurovision
