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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
Posts 54
Comments 142
The developer of Slay the Princess is encouraging those who can't afford it to pirate the game as a new Markiplier video goes viral.
  • It's well-deserved confidence. The game alone would have been intriguing with just the sheer amount of choice that's available, but the fact that it's all excellently voiced is icing on the truly delicious cake. It's one of those games that probably will only keep your attention for one or two full playthroughs, but those playthroughs will definitely be different for every person. If you want to give it a shot during the Summer Sale, you can finish at least the first part of a playthrough well under the refund time for Steam, in case it's not your kind of game.

  • Inside Out 2 - What did you guys think?
  • It was, for most of the movie, absolutely not a good time, but that was exactly the vibe they were going for. It's cringey, anxiety-inducing, and in a lot of parts like watching a train wreck in slow motion. Definitely worth seeing, but probably not one I'd rewatch in a heartbeat.

  • Tom Cruise Reshaped His Narrative with Edge of Tomorrow
  • If I had to guess, he's drawing parallels between Newman and Cruise's careers. The Hustler was the first of several films Newman made in a short period of time that marketed him as a hero. It wasn't his first Oscar nomination, but it did earn him one.

    The Sting was a huge box-office success Newman was in after a bunch of flops, and helped bring him back into the spotlight.

    The Color of Money finally earned Newman an Oscar, and it was reprising the same character he played in The Hustler after 25 years. You can definitely see parallels there between him and Cruise with Top Gun (36 years between it and the sequel), and weirdly enough Cruise is also in The Color of Money.

  • Are you "out" as furry?
  • I started using Discord during the pandemic to talk with co-workers in our off time. One of them is an anti-fur. The vast majority of people that I speak to on the platform are furries, but because I've got people I know IRL connected, I've kept the default blank profile pic.

  • particles
  • All of this is just going off checking Wikipedia, so it could be wrong. Gluons are a type of particle that can have nine different "color states" depending on the quarks and anti-quarks that comprise them (despite the name, it has nothing to do with literal color). These states are made up of red, green, and blue for quarks, and anti-red, anti-green, and anti-blue for anti-quarks. Depending on the combinations of quarks and anti-quarks, the color state of gluons listed something like "red-antigreen" as "rg", with the "g" having a line over it to show it's anti-green, not green. Since you can have a color matched with the anti-version of its color, like I said earlier, you get 9 potential color states.

    Then, of those 9 color states, you have combinations of two gluons of different types of states that combine. If you have a strong, stable version of this state, it's called a color state singlet. Particles like protons have this state, and it allows them to interact with other particles that also have color singlets. However, gluons can't interact at long range, that means they also can't hold a color singlet.

    So, that leaves 8 potential color state couplets that can be formed. I have no idea why there's only 8 valid arrangements of those 9 couplets that aren't a stable singlet, but apparently you can only get 8.

    Also tagging @[email protected] because I don't think they'd get notified.

    Edit: Sorry for the reply after it got answered. There was nothing when I started and it just took a while to figure it out.

  • Furry Kovukono

    The Summit (art by me)

    Done for Shardian. If you're interested, my commissions are open.

    Despite strong reviews, Hellblade 2 is struggling on Steam
  • That's kind of Ninja Theory's thing. Heavenly Sword was boring to play, but had an interesting premise. Enslaved was literally planned to be a movie and had the gameplay added on after that. The only game of theirs that I can think of that had good gameplay was DmC: Devil May Cry, and the story was absolute garbage. I don't know why anyone would pick up a game from them when their track record is so lopsided.

  • Captain Price seems to die in a cut ending from Modern Warfare 3, uncovered 13 years later
  • I played these games for the story. The campaigns used to be pretty solid, with good action and a lot of good moments. I'm not saying they're excellent still, but Modern Warfare had both the nuke and "All Ghillied Up" sequences, Modern Warfare 2 had the up-until-then relatively unexplored front of the United States and the "No Russian" missions, I was genuinely interested in Advanced Warfare's story, and if you want to go really far back, CoD 2 had some excellent missions that really nailed the scope of battles in WWII. A big part of the reason that Titanfall 2's campaign was so highly praised was because they had the talent behind Call of Duty's campaigns working on it. I'm not saying the multiplayer is any small part of the game, but there's at least some subset of people who played it for the campaign.

  • Tips for fighting bots?
  • On the contrary of "go slower," I suggest you actually move faster. Bots cause issues when dropships come in. Sometimes, even when you're doing everything right, you can still get a flare set off, and if you're trying to clear a base and a dropship comes in, it gets a hell of a lot harder. The longer the mission goes on, the stronger the bot patrols and reinforcements get, so the best option is to treat almost everything like a blitz mission.

    Most of what I'm gonna say, you probably already know given your loadout. The big difference between bot outposts and bug nests is that you don't need an angle for a guaranteed airstrike to take out a factory. If you're running the autocannon, you can take out factories if you're in front of them from a hell of a distance. Just aim for the upper part of the vent from within about 45 degrees of dead-on, and the factory goes up. If a flare goes off, it'll be dropped on the bot calling it in, and by the time they land, they won't have any idea where you are if you run. If you can't get line-of-sight on a vent, run up, call in an Eagle Airstrike, and run off again. For light and medium outposts, you can get in and out in no time.

    For just regular patrols though, if you have to engage, engage at a distance. I'd swap out the mortar sentry for an autocannon sentry, mostly because it brings more immediate results, with less of a chance of killing you if the bots get too close. If you shoot at them from a distance, they're more likely to have less time to react, and not get a flare off, which again, is the worst outcome of engaging. Deal with it, and move on. Don't get bogged down in engagement.

    Aside from that, the only real change I'd make is swapping out the orbital laser for the orbital rail cannon. You're not limited to just 3 uses, and while your autocannon can deal with sneak attacks on big bots, sometimes you just need to delete something. If they're close enough together, I've even seen it take out 2 hulks. You can get rid of a big threat every two and a half minutes, and not sacrifice speed. Only other difference between your loadout and mine is that I'm using the Liberator as my primary, but if you're happy with the Adjudicator, keep it.

    For your team wanting to shoot everything, if they're going to insist on drawing aggro, let them. Do objectives, be proactive. You get a lot more bots from an area filled with outposts than an area empty of them, and you'll lessen the number they have to fight. Finish a spot, move onto the next, and do it fast.

    One minor thing, factory striders. These things were built to withstand tons of air strikes, and even eat orbital lasers and rail cannons. But if you take off the machine guns on its chin, and walk up to it and unload on its belly with the autocannon, they go down very fast. The biggest challenge will be getting your team to stop calling in airstrikes so you can do it.

  • Furry Kovukono

    (Your) Terminal Velocity (art by me)

    Commission done for Luxury. If you're interested, my commissions are open.

    Increased enemy spawn rate
  • Check the patch notes here. A week ago they tried to up the difficulty for solo players who would stealth around the map. If you look under the section Enemy Patrols:

    Patrol spawning has been increased when there are fewer than 4 players. The fewer the players the bigger the change. For 4 player missions there will be no change compared to before.The biggest noticeable change will be for solo players at higher difficulties

  • Furry Kovukono

    Little Sunshine (art by me)

    Commission done for Ero.

    Furry Kovukono

    Sunlight Sonata (art by me)

    Done for SundownFox. Commissions are open if you're interested.

    Furry Kovukono

    The Last Sight You See (art by me)

    Done for Griffonki, with his sona as his D&D character. If you're interested, my commissions are open.

    Furry Kovukono

    Shy Boy (art by me)

    Done for Onedeadlymouse. Commissions are open, if you're interested.


    Private message security issue for Lemmy 0.18.5 Any authenticated user may obtain private message details from other users on the same instance

    ### Summary Users can report private messages, even when they're neither sender nor recipient of the message. The API response to creating a private message report contains the private message it...

    Any authenticated user may obtain private message details from other users on the same instance

    Users can brute-force their way into reading private messages with Lemmy versions below 0.19.1. I know there was the question of federation issues previously, but it appears to have been largely mitigated with the later versions at this point. Are there any plans to upgrade


    Using inbox dropdowns while browsing inbox crashes app

    Opening the inbox automatically brings up "mentions," but if you want to see private messages, you can click at the top and choose "all messages." Clicking any of those options though will crash the app. You can still access those options through the side window, just not the dropdown at the top while viewing the inbox.

    Furry Kovukono

    Stretch and Yawn (art by me)

    Done as a request for BalloonieLuna. If you're interested, my commissions are open.


    Bluesky code giveaway

    Hi guys, I've got a Bluesky code to give away, and I figured some of you guys would like it. Just a few requirements:

    • You must have been a member of for at least two weeks.
    • You must have commented or posted on something in in the past two weeks. Doesn't matter if you're doing so after this post either, though hopefully you'll keep being active.
    • To be entered, you need to reply to this post (which will not count toward the past two weeks' activity requirement).

    I'll be randomly picking someone after 48 hours, and I'll likely delete this post after another 24. Best of luck!

    Edit: It's been 48 hours, and of the 3 people who commented, only one actually didn't have Bluesky already, so DraconicNeo has been sent the code. I have to say the response has been surprising. I offered a free giveaway, and got the post downvoted to hell and nothing but negativity for it. I absolutely won't be repeating this again. Screw deletion, I'd just as soon leave this up so the next person doesn't try to make my mistake.

    Furry Kovukono

    New Year's Resolution: Make Time for the Little Things (art by me)

    This stupid idea popped into my head and I decided to put it down. If you're interested, my commissions are open.

    Furry Kovukono

    Red (art by me)

    Finished up the first piece for 2024, even though I definitely wanted to get this done last year. But done is done.

    Furry Kovukono

    Analytics for my first year drawing

    I started drawing in January of this year, and finally finished up my first piece in early February. Since then I've been trying to improve on it, and I decided to look back to see if there were any real metrics that could show I made decent progress.

    The most obvious first step was to take a look at the upvotes I'd gotten:


    Also, NSFW stats:


    And, overall, it's a mixed bag. Lemmy definitely has a longer running time for keeping posts alive (it helps that there's fewer posts here), and Reddit has the issue that if your post isn't noticed inside 2 hours, it won't be picked up at all. There's no real sign of definite progress on Reddit, though Lemmy does seem to see at least some uptick in this metric, though that could be attributed to c/furry growing.

    So, there's the next obvious metric, upvote percentage:



    Reddit drops these metrics after 40 days, so I have no idea what it's like for the majority of my posts. Generally though, the response is more positive on Lemmy than Reddit, but it might be a bit too early to tell if the percentages are actually meaningful, or if the community doesn't downvote good content just because it's not their type, and upvotes are a more meaningful metric.

    And, finally, FurAffinity:


    There's not a lot of items there, either. If I post something good, I might get a fav. If I post something really good, I might get 2. Like Reddit, if it's not noticed inside a short window, it appears to get buried. The one exception appears to be this piece, which has gotten fav'd repeatedly over time. Watches, on the other hand, appear to be entirely random--or it could be my work's just not good enough to get people wanting me on their feed.

    So, just some lessons from my time over the last year:

    • Memes are faster and lower-effort to draw, but get a lot bigger response (yes, I know, groundbreaking statement of the year).
    • Time and effort spent don't equate to response. I know, it's another obvious statement, but until you've spent weeks on something for nothing, it doesn't quite sink in.
    • Either a) I've not become a better artist, or b) these metrics aren't the full picture, and I also suck at promoting myself. I'm hoping it's the latter.

    Regardless, it's been a big journey, and I hope it's only the start. I came to Lemmy from Reddit after the API changes, and overall, c/furry's been an open, welcoming, and most importantly positive place. I love it here, and I'm really looking forward to seeing it continue to grow.

    Furry Kovukono

    Self-Portrait (art by me)

    Some vent art.

    furry_irl Kovukono


    Furry Kovukono

    Harvey is safe and can be trusted with sharp objects (art by me)

    Commission done for @[email protected].

    Furry Kovukono

    Inviting (art by me)

    Commission done for Griffonki on Reddit.
