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Kiwi Kiwi

The fruit, not the bird

Posts 4
Comments 28
Paris Rule
  • Kids these days smh, can't even abide by the traffic laws of France

  • Paris Rule
  • I'd like to see that, after some hard work destroying half the city simply by existing, Godzilla takes a break to eat a croissant

  • Paris Rule
  • merci, j'ai travaillé dur sur la photo

    I impeded traffic and everything

  • Does anyone like the taste of dragon fruit?
  • They're fine, it's basically a bigger and watered down kiwi

    The similarities easily put it in my top 5

  • A journey of self-rule. And murder.
  • Did she... did she loot the other girl's skirt?

  • Paris Rule
  • maybe...

  • Paris Rule
  • I don't know what you're talking about, the Eiffel tower is right there

  • Paris Rule
  • I can see how it could be seen as ugly, I mean it is mostly metal beams, but I like to think that some of it's beauty comes from what it represents and it's history

    it's old as fuck

  • Paris Rule
  • oui, je m'appelle kiwi, クロワッサン

  • Paris Rule
  • Well, there is only one, this one

    So of course it's the best

  • Paris Rule
  • Exactly, the way it's pointy and triangle-ish, who could get it confused?

  • Paris Rule

    Opened 196 by accident so here's a photo of the Eiffel tower

    "intermittent fasting" rule
  • Gottem B)

  • "intermittent fasting" rule
  • Seems like law and order is running smoothly

    I'm so glad I didn't get another cat, my cat turned out to be an asshole so I can't imagine what kind of mischief another cat would've brought

  • "intermittent fasting" rule
  • Last time I smoked while I was hungry I chased my cat around the house by walking with my hands out towards the cat like a toddler, until he got tired and flopped over

    I then picked him up and proceeded to cook and eat with one hand while still holding the cat

  • Let them eat cereal rule
  • ok but I unironically eat kellogg's for dinner because crunchy

  • What's a last name (family/surname) that you think is cool?
  • Matadamas

    It's Spanish and, translated to English, means: Lady-killer

  • Box rule
  • Nah just a dumbass, still love him tho. We sometimes smoke weed together

  • Box rule
  • One time I went to friends house to drink with The Boys^tm . At some point I fell asleep only to be woken later by my friend drunkenly covering me in a blanket. Woke up the next morning with a slight hangover and a towel, mother fucker covered me in a towel