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KindaABigDyl KindaABigDyl

Aspiring Polymath

I like to make things. Conlangs, video games, electronics, music, and more!

I also have a pet fish ๐ŸŸ

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Comments 1
What are your thoughts on the upcoming COSMIC DE?
  • @ItsPlasmaSir @DaisyLee
    I don't have any doubt about the Iced framework.
    Having worked with it personally, I can say it is 10x more clear what's going on once you have lots of code than something like Gtk. Like Rust itself, it just feels good to program in, and the final product is so much easier to maintain bc good practices like separation of application state from the view code are built into the design.
    If people like to program in it, you'll get more apps and more support. It's that simple