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Kasumi Kasumi
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Comments 6
Blumenthal: Democrats have ‘work cut out’ as Biden trails Trump in five swing states
  • Oh apologies, yes I am strictly speaking from a US polling perspective. UK election polling is generally fairly accurate as well as other Western nations as you implied. I lived in the UK from 2020-22 and remember the BoJo shitshow and the lettuce queen verrryyy well haha.

    Your point about a Biden-Trump match up is definitely salient. It does complicate expectations and polling cynicism to be sure. Though, I would still be shocked to see this polling result remaining accurate by June of 2024 - at least I am praying that’s the case :/.

  • Blumenthal: Democrats have ‘work cut out’ as Biden trails Trump in five swing states
  • My general rule of thumb, and I’ve found it has never failed, is that polling more than 6 months out of any election is generally going to be worth less than hot garbage in July. There are accurate polls sometimes, sure, but given the insanely tight and tense global situation as well as a weirdly shaky/unbalanced economic performance domestically things can change month-to-month in major swings.

    Gods forbid, but if China invades Taiwan, or the Arab states try something with Israel, Biden could see a blowout election in his favor. Again, highly unlikely, but just making a point.

  • Blumenthal: Democrats have ‘work cut out’ as Biden trails Trump in five swing states
  • I mean 2016 compared to 2024 is unironically a galaxy away in terms of both the daily life of Americans and the international economic/geopolitical situation. While I 1000000% agree with your sentiment of being hyper vigilant against complacency, doomerism and resignation are just as destructive forces for voter turnout. Not that I think you feel that way, just making a point

  • Blumenthal: Democrats have ‘work cut out’ as Biden trails Trump in five swing states
  • Eh. Every time there is an outlier poll there’s seventy articles printed faster than your heart beats. Legitimately, remember that polling - even today - is still hilariously bad in the US on both a methodological and counting level. Don’t get your blood pressure too high over it. I don’t see a path to trump winning in any universe - will it be an unfortunately tight results night again? Probably. Will he legitimately win? I truly don’t see it.

  • Tech bros' attitude to female colleagues stuck in dark ages
  • Pretty much. I recently left a horrifically toxic job in tech (security side.) Despite being a top performer a middle manager of mine hated that I asked if we could change some processes and beat me down for almost two years before I quit. I was called emotional, overreactive, “to let [manager] have his way and everything would be cool”, and so on. Pretty much considering leaving the field permanently and as you said - just look at these comments :p

  • Tech bros' attitude to female colleagues stuck in dark ages
  • Looks at article, glances at comments, yep

  • London set for massive pro-Palestinian protest demanding Gaza ceasefire
  • Please re-read my comment lmao. :p

  • London set for massive pro-Palestinian protest demanding Gaza ceasefire
  • lol no worries I get it, thanks for apologizing <3

  • London set for massive pro-Palestinian protest demanding Gaza ceasefire
  • I love how you read what I said - which wasn’t in relation to this direct article - and then strawmanned me so much I’m fucking choking on straw irl from it. Dude, take a break :p

  • London set for massive pro-Palestinian protest demanding Gaza ceasefire
  • Genuine ask - no BS or anything here. Has anyone else seen like the same three posters on this sublem bombard it with some of the most hilariously pro-Hamas biased content I’ve ever seen? Like, effectively personal blogs being passed around here as literal legitimate news being reported. It’s WILD to see in real time.

  • LinkedIn Issues Warning to Site Shaming Pro-Palestinian Sentiment.
  • You didn’t read the article did you lol :p.

  • LinkedIn Issues Warning to Site Shaming Pro-Palestinian Sentiment.
  • I mean, get mad over your feelings towards either Israel or Hamas, but let’s be brutally honest - there’s nothing wrong with this. You’re going on an entirely public website specifically made to network with professionals or advertise your workplace - and you post anti or pro ‘hot button topic’ statements…I mean reap what you sow?

  • ***
  • Are you using strict privacy settings? If not, do so. I have never seen an anti Adblock notice on YT despite watching quite a lot while working / listening to podcasts etc. Never had an ad either. /shrug

  • ***
  • Y’all…get the hell off chrome and chromium. Firefox and uBlock Origin lmao. I have no idea why so many people still use these browsers when there is a free and fantastic alternative that has been around longer than chrome has - and is more secure/privacy focused to boot.

  • Remote work is still 'frustrating and disorienting' for bosses, economist says—their No. 1 problem with it is how difficult it is to observe and monitor employees
  • I had so many negative interactions with my now former manager over this. We worked primarily remotely with occasional in-office days and he constantly complained normal back-and-forth communication on projects or delays by teammates on certain sections of said projects was because we weren’t “collaborating in-person.” Nah, it’s because the project wasn’t staffed properly and unclear expectations were set by bad management. Shrug, who knows if we’ll ever get rid of this nonsense

  • Americans will spend half their lives taking prescription drugs, study finds
  • I mean, I have a chronic health issue and without recent advancements in systemic medications I’d live a horrifically painful and potentially socially isolated life. I’m thankful to be taking medications that make my life enjoyable - if for nothing else than to spend time with my dog <3

  • Finding a Tech Job Is Still a Nightmare
  • From what I’ve seen nearly every position requires university-level German or native. Definitely impossible to achieve in less than 2 years at best haha

  • How to smash the looms today - I've always loved tech. Now, I'm a Luddite. You should be one, too.
  • Wut. You really have to be reading my comments in bad faith to get that take from what I’m saying. I didn’t say “AI/ML bad smash all tech.” I said it’s current deployment and iteration in our systems of economics in most of the west is not a positive thing as it stands. Make huge societal changes and economic model shifts, and I’m all for it? But at the moment, it’s likely to do far more harm than good?