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Kaldo Kaldo
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Comments 66
I know at what point of a MMO's lifecycle we are.
  • I know we like to indulge in some FUD but I feel like you could have made that argument at any point after PoF, we've had very little changes to core gameplay besides balance since then. And it might not be necessarily a bad thing either if their current team can't support it - we'd all love 9 perfectly balanced classes with each elite spec being useful and completely distinct but it is kinda obvious to anyone that this is just not possible, and maybe it never was in the first place.

    If anything, I feel like the relic changes and addition of new weapons for every class is a pretty big change to the game, larger than what we've had in years. They are focusing on the skyscale and griffon for a flying sky-themed map, but that just says to me that they are finally focusing more on mounts and flying rather than making another formulaic ground meta-map where everyone just raptor-dashes or roller beetles around.

  • The new legendary armor looks sweet
  • Ehh, too tacky. Do we know if they come with animations / transformation too?

  • How important are tags in Kbin?
  • I think articles can also be read on Mastodon though, while other types of threads like url/image/... don't show up there.

  • Join or ignore the anti-meta fedi pact
  • ActivityPub is a W3 Consortium protocol.

    Same as browser standards that google adjusts as it suits them and everyone else like firefox has to fall in line or be incompatible?

    And I just used hotmail as an example, it can be gmail or even protonmail. The point is, you will not be hosting an email service from your rpi at home. The same could be true for fediverse if in 5-10 years it is dominated by meta, google and ms. I think that's the potential fear with them coming here, not just stealing data that is already public anyway.

  • Join or ignore the anti-meta fedi pact
  • They dont need to control the fediverse, they just need to control the users and content. If everything important starts appearing on meta people will want to federate with them. Fighting against it will be as pointless as trying to get redditors off reddit for more than 1 week. Once they have this monopoly they can change AP to suit them and others either fall in line or lose access.

    You bring up windows vs linux but that's not a reassuring thought, despite all efforts put into Linux it's still the second child playing catch up while everyone develops and adjusts for windows first. And Linux has the advantage of being ancient, used by devs everywhere, and recently being backed by valve for gaming, which the 'old' fediverse won't have. Meta just wants to step over old instances and become the @hotmail of email while everyone else goes on the 'unknown' blocked list.

  • Join or ignore the anti-meta fedi pact
  • It seems the issue is that if meta comes here one day with 10 million users it's going to just stomp over every other instance in the fediverse. Next step will be changing AP so it benefits them, forcing other instances to either adapt or get cut off from 90% of the content (and if you are wondering what will the people choose, look at reddit), like what Google does to browser standards despite W3C. And the final step is reaching the same state as email today - if you are not coming from one of the big approved providers, you are unsafe, blacklisted and completely isolated.

    In short, if meta succeeds at breaking into this new tech, they will take the reigns, they won't play nice by the rules. Doesn't even matter if they get blacklisted or not.

  • How do we call kbin users?
  • Actually we are just Erns, he alone is the Ernest.

  • Open the sub up already.
  • I think everyone is aware that brand new tech like this can't compete directly with reddit, a megacorporation with literally thousands of employees and a 10 year headstart, in terms of convenience or stability. There is also the sunk cost of having been on reddit a while and having it already configured, setup and filled with data.

    Personally for me, that is hardly excuse to not try something new and maybe improve the situation a bit in the long term. After all following that logic we'll be using reddit 50 years into the future as well and nothing will ever change, which just sounds horrifying to me. I also know most people don't care about this beyond the basic convenience so yeah, the moderators will have to find a balance how much they can push it but it's only been a week, larger and more important reddit subs are still locked too, and some by public vote too.

    tl;dr Of course it is less convenient, but there are other good reasons to be less dependent on reddit.

  • Open the sub up already.
  • Why would I, it's not my argument to make. If you have problem with the protest open your own subreddit as you've already been told to, you are not entitled to free moderation services.

  • Open the sub up already.
  • If you think you can do a better job than the mods you are free to open your own warframe-themed subreddit and moderate it. You have no right to demand anything of the mods when most of the community is backing them up in this too.

  • How much of an impact is the protest really having on Reddit?
  • The louder they protest it's not doing anything, the more you can be certain that it is.

  • how do we report problematic instances?
  • It's not censoring, they can still go and subscribe to something even if it's defederated afaik. It's just not shown by default, which sounds like a great idea for instance owners that want to protect their users or curate the overall atmosphere. Or they just create an account there if they disagree with the decision.

  • Bethesda Clarifies Doom Developer Id Software’s Involvement With Starfield
  • Kind of a clickbait article, the involvement is: not combat related.

    Bethesda boss Todd Howard confirmed Id Software had helped out with Starfield’s graphics, but "they did not help us with the combat.”

    And then he talks about motion blur later.

  • Microsoft says the 2-3 year development cycles of big-budget games are over
  • It's pretty good, agreed, but we've had procedural generation since before minecraft. It doesn't have anything to do with ML/AI afaik.

  • Microsoft says the 2-3 year development cycles of big-budget games are over
  • Exactly, we've been getting better engines, tools and educated game devs for the past decade too and it's what led to current situation. I don't think AI is going to help with anything, it will just result in more soulless cash grabs if it's used the same way ChatGPT has been lately.

  • Cyberpunk 2077’s Expansion Will Add New (Maybe Happier?) Ending
  • So you just arbitrarily decided you want to make it harder for other people to interact with you, to bring down the quality of content here, just to feel special or something? It's just going to get you blocked, nothing more.

  • Cyberpunk 2077’s Expansion Will Add New (Maybe Happier?) Ending
  • I dunno, I don't really get the appeal of everything having to be so dark and gloomy and hopeless. It felt like they had to go out of their way to make everything look shittier than it actually is in cp2077, more than it would actually make sense.

    Story spoilers:


    Like you're really telling me that we get so powerful and influential to be able to kidnap leaders of arasaka, kill their godlike cyberpsycho guardian, break into top research facitilies, facilitate help from a god damn AI, have the best fixer in NC willing to give her life for us... and there is still nobody that can help us with the relic or find an alternative like download us into a clone body or sth?

  • Is there a solution to links from different instances?
  • I'm guessing it would work the same way with Kbin, just using /m/ instead of /c/?

  • Redfall's first patch brings "incremental improvements" to gameplay, combat, AI, and more
  • I really wish that they just made an expansion for desthloop instead of redfall, it's actually a pretty good game. Just a bit too short and lacking options, but the core gameplay loop (pun intended) is fun and engaging.

  • Whats a game that everybody seems to love that you cant stand for one reason or another?
  • I really wish I was good enough at the game to actually see all the amazing stuff people keep talking about. As it is, it's just frustrating and boring whenever I try it.