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Why in 2024 do people still believe in religion? (serious)
  • A hypothesis requires no evidence.


    It’s then tested through repeatable controlled experiments

    repeatable controlled experiments are only one aspect of evidence gathering to falsify a hypothesis. Here are a few other methods:

    • Observational Astronomy
    • Modeling and Simulations
    • Indirect Experiments
    • Lab Experiments
    • Historical Data Analysis

    By combining these methods we can still falsify a hypothesis, thus allowing "science to happen".

    The events leading to the Big Bang have no evidence.

    Correct! There is no evidence for what lead to the big bang because we can't gather any data before it started. But we have mountains of evidence that all point to a "big bang" happening - down to a fraction of a second shortly after it started! [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] .

    If science can hypothesize, why can’t religion?

    Science is willing to discard ideas that lack evidence or aren't falsifiable. Is religion ready to stop preaching because faith, by definition, is a lack of evidence?

    Have you read string theory? It’s no different than Spinoza’s god.

    The difference between string theory and Spinoza's god is the falsifiable part. String Theory, being a scientific theory, makes predictions that should be able to be tested through experiments (although testing will likely be a challenge much like Astrophysics and will instead depend on other scientific methods to gather evidence for/against it). Spinoza's God is a philosophical concept and not directly falsifiable through scientific methods. Spinoza's god is the equivalent of me claiming I'm friends with a telepathic unicorn from another dimension, both useless and irrelevant.

    [1] Gravitational Waves:

    [2] Redshift:

    [3] Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation:

    [4] Abundance of Light Elements:

    [5] Expansion:](

    [6] Olbers' Paradox:'s_paradox

    [7] Quasars Existence:

    [8] WMAP Survey:](

  • Why in 2024 do people still believe in religion? (serious)
  • Are you familiar with Baruch Spinoza? His take is fascinating. His higher power did not concern itself with the fates of mankind, but is responsible for the lawful harmony of existence. It also does not discount or displace science in any way.

    That's basic deism but I would disagree and say it does conflict with science. Science is evidence-based, if you claim something exists you must present evidence to support it. I can't just claim there's a 5-ton diamond in my backyard and say "trust me bro". Nobody would believe me, so why should anyone believe in any god without evidence?

  • The US healthcare system is barbaric...
  • The last time Democrats controlled the House and Senate for more than a single term was with Jimmy Carter, 1977-1981 [0]. It's hard to make progress when Republicans are willing to shut the government down to prove how bad the government is. It's a self-fulfilling prophecy.


  • Children are dying of starvation in their parents’ arms as famine spreads through Gaza | CNN
  • Israel has been putting up with indiscriminate murder of their innocent women and children for a century now and they’ve had enough.

    GAZA IS AN OPEN AIR PRISON [0] [1] [2] [3] AND HAS BEEN FOR MORE THAN FIFTY YEARS [4] - Israel is the bad guy here and has been for quite some time. Nearly HALF the population of Gaza are children and "two-thirds of the Palestinians living in Gaza are refugees or their descendants from the 1948 war" where they've "been under a strict land and sea blockade by Israel that prevents civilians, along with goods like food and medicine, from easily moving across the border, contributing to harsh economic conditions and high poverty levels." [5]. Excuse me for not not giving a shit about Israelis casualties when Israeli settlers appear to be the aggressor at nearly every opportunity and then crying foul when the oppressed fight back [6].

    My guess is this whole shitshow will continue until your side finally says...

    MY side? First, FUCK YOU for assuming I side with terrorists. My only side is the humanitarian side. There's no need for Israel to respond to terrorism with genocide. Two wrongs do not make a right. Fuck Hamas, but FUCK ISRAEL especially because they know better, should do better, but opt for evil.

    Surrender, release the hostages, negotiate like civilized people to come to an agreement where both sides acknowledge there is residual pain but are willing to set it aside in the interest of a lasting peace that respects both sides. Or, keep on Jihading until the problem solves itself. Your call.

    You know what's funny? Palestinians tried peaceful protest in 2018 and were murdered by Israeli snipers [7] [8]. Sorry, who are the terrorists again?

    Lastly, get radioed 🤣 you have two upvotes, probably from your two alts. nobody agrees with you. go away, troll.










  • New German citizens required to affirm Israel's right to exist
  • Germany, there's a time and place for everything. This is like supporting a "sovereign citizen's " right to freedom during a murderous rampage. It's giving "blue lives matter" during George Floyd's murder.

  • Children are dying of starvation in their parents’ arms as famine spreads through Gaza | CNN
  • What do terrorist holding hostages have to do with the indiscriminate murder, displacement and starvation of innocent women and children? Genuinely curious. Cops don't kill innocents when there's a hostage situation, why is Israel allowed to commit genocide in this situation? Can you explain?

  • The US healthcare system is barbaric...
  • Continue to support policies (thus Politicians (i.e. Democrats)) that want to give everyone access to healthcare, regardless of economic status. This would mean never voting for Republicans as they are opposed to this.

  • 100 upvotes and I'm doing this tattoo design
  • Here's gemini's attempt:

  • Flathub has passed 2 billion downloads
  • Offline/internal network installs can be handled with flatpak create-usb -

    One can distribute flatpaks along with their dependencies on USB drives (or network shares, etc.) which is especially helpful in situations where Internet access is limited or non-existent.

    Cache/mirroring would be great for those who need it.


    Thinking about it, I wonder if there's enough "core features" with 'create-usb' that its just matter of scripting something together to intercept requests, auto-create-usb what's being requested and then serve the package locally? If a whole mirror is required, it may be possible to iterate over all flathub packages and 'create-usb' the entire repo to have a local cache/mirror? Just thinking "out loud".

  • Why in 2024 do people still believe in religion? (serious)
  • Here are a few reasons people believe:

    • Meaning and Purpose: Religion can offer a framework for understanding the universe and our place in it. It can provide answers to big questions about life, death, and morality.

    • Community and Belonging: Religious communities can provide social support, a sense of belonging, and shared values. This can be especially important during difficult times.

    • Comfort and Hope: Religion can offer comfort in times of grief or hardship. It can also provide hope for the afterlife or a better future.

    • Tradition and Identity: Religion can be a core part of a person's cultural heritage or family identity. People may feel a connection to their ancestors or cultural background through their faith.

    • Ethics and Morality: Many religions provide a moral code that guides people's behavior. This can be helpful in making decisions about right and wrong.

    I don't believe, but I can see why people stick with it and don't look beyond it. You can get all these things without religion, its just not something that's taught/passed down in the same way as religion is. Additionally, deconstructing is very difficult. You're raised to believe something to be real and you're expected to just drop it and step out of Plato's cave? You'd look like a madman to any friends/family who aren't willing and ready to step out and look around.

  • Why in 2024 do people still believe in religion? (serious)
  • Science tests hypothesizes and never claims they're true until there's mountains of evidence to indicate so.

    Religion on the other hand takes a book written by bronze age goat herders and claims it to be true, damn the evidence stacked against it and contradictions within.

  • Why in 2024 do people still believe in religion? (serious)
  • Like it or not, people who went to prayer house or religious gatherings socialise more than people who stay indoor and only interact with limited amount of people.

    While this statement is true, its also true even if you're not religious. I was not raised religious at all but always got together with family/cousins/friends nearly every weekend.

    ... they tend to be happier considering the fact human are social animal and the feeling of loneliness due to lack of human to human interaction is the build-in alarm system to warn us against solitude. It’s this reason religion is so success because it’s enforce togetherness and make you feels like you’re part of something.

    Kinda. This study [0] of 3,942 19-year-old in Sweden put it best:

    ... religion and religiousness per se have little impact on happiness. In particular, we find that social networks tend to be positively associated with happiness, and that this effect is driven by co-organizational membership among friends.

    So while religious upbringing can force people to socialize, that doesn't mean the lack of religiosity will have a negative impact as the lack of religion does not dictate that you will not congregate/gather with peers/friends/family and feel the same level of "belonging" to a group - even if its not a well defined group.

    If we’re going into a utopian world where human doesn’t need to work anymore and social security is guaranteed, religious will be something even bigger than today.

    I'd say this claim is unfounded. Why must we turn to religion? There are clubs, groups, meetups, friends, events and niches of never ending categories that easily fulfill the need of "belonging" to a group - it's actually one thing humans are really good at - forming "in" and "out" groups.

    Source: [0]

  • Thumbnail importing stopped working after 10.9.1
  • Restart jellyfin and take a look at the logs? There may be some useful info there pointing to the issue. Go to your 'dashboard' then click 'Logs' - look through that see if anything stands out. If that doesn't work you may need to enable debug logging:

  • Boeing CEO admits company has retaliated against whistleblowers during Senate hearing
  • Seriously! Maybe he's trying to play the honesty card in hopes that people see it as being transparent and we should trust him, but this is admission of guilt and willful negligence that lead to death. The guy should be charged and locked up.

  • Nostr continues to raise the bar on private, uncensorable online discourse
  • Anyone following anyone interesting on Nostr? Tried it for a while and while the tech is cool I felt it was missing a good collection of people. All I ever saw was crypto scams and self referential memes/discussions about how cool Nostr is - which I agree - but that's not what I'm interested in.

  • Apple is bringing RCS to the iPhone in iOS 18 | The new standard will replace SMS as the default communication protocol between Android and iOS devices
  • Image for the lazy (and yes, of course, Apple's breaking their own accessibility guideline of having text at least 3:1 contrast ratio for text to be readable and instead making it 2:1 by picking the lightest shade of green possible).

  • Apple is bringing RCS to the iPhone in iOS 18 | The new standard will replace SMS as the default communication protocol between Android and iOS devices
  • It’s a terrible move, especially to make it default.

    Subjective, but lets see what you bring to the table.

    It’s just as bad a protocol as SMS in its own way: It’s still tied to a phone number/sim, so you can’t just login to the service via a browser or an app.

    That's how text (SMS/RCS) messaging works. Did you expect something different? Did you expect the SMS replacement to not require a phone number?

    It has lots of failures, worst of all, SILENT FAILURES, where you don’t even know your messages aren’t being sent - just look at the communities around here discussing it.

    I've been using it without issue for quite a while now, but that's just one data point. If you have stats to back up your claim, I would love to see that.

    There’s no common protocol here really, ...

    "The GSMA’s Universal Profile is a single, industry-agreed set of features and technical enablers developed to simplify the product development and global operator deployment of RCS" Source:

    lots of parts work only by decree of each host (e.g. iOS won’t have E2EE with anyone not on iOS, because that requires every cell provider to agree to the config they’re going to use.

    This is how distributed/federated systems work and this is one of their cons. They won't always be 100% compatible as each component is independent but the goal is to eventually reach feature parity. See Matrix chat clients that didn't all have encryption (or other features) on day 1 or XMPP which has lots of clients, none of which support all features.

    This is the 21st century, and this is the best they can do - a protocol that fails with no notice? Without standardized encryption? That’s tied to hardware?

    Please post evidence of this. Again, I've had zero issues and every Android user is using RCS by default now - have heard zero complaints.

    I had a better experience in 2009 running Pidgin on my phone and my laptop using XMPP. That didn’t require a phone number - I could login and see my messages in both places simultaneously… 15 years ago.

    Correct! XMPP is not an SMS replacement and thus it doesn't need a phone number. In fact, you can't "text" an XMPP user, so I'm not sure what you're complaining about here?

    No, RCS is a way to make the plebes think they’ve got a new and better system while still delivering garbage.

    RCS vastly improves over SMS with the following features:

    • High Quality Multimedia Messaging: Unlike SMS/MMS, which is limited to text and potato sized image/videos, RCS allows sending and receiving photos, videos, and other files at significantly higher quality.
    • Rich Content Sharing: RCS supports sharing richer content formats like GIFs, location sharing, and contact cards.
    • Improved Group Chatting: RCS provides a more feature-rich group chat experience with features like group chat names, adding/removing participants, and seeing who has read messages (with read receipts).
    • Typing Indicators: Similar to many messaging apps, RCS lets you see when someone is typing a message.
    • Improved Message Reliability: RCS messages are sent over data networks, so unlike SMS, they shouldn't get lost due to network congestion.
    • End-to-End Encryption: RCS can offer end-to-end encryption for chats, providing an extra layer of security for your messages (availability varies by carrier).

    But keep spreading FUD and hating on something that actually moves the needle forward.

    Love you downvoters that don’t know enough to argue, just drive by and downvote.

    I think they're downvoting you because you're wrong - plainly wrong - and in this day and age its much easier to bury (downvote) blatantly wrong information than to reply to it. So I'm replying for everyone else but I will not be downvoting you. FUD should be fought back with evidence, but MAAN is it tiring.

    ONE person had the guts to say why he disagreed with me.

    It's not about guts, its about wasting time, effort, not giving a shit. I slightly give a shit and want people who are less educated on the subject to see the other side of it.

    Nevermind that BorgDrone explained what’s wrong with RCS better than I care to. You drive-by downvoters can’t even be bothered to learn about RCS.

    Nothing to comment on here.

    RCS is garbage. Plain and simple. I will never allow it on my devices, ...

    At the end of the day RCS is objectively better than what exists today in the world of carrier messenger services (SMS/MMS). Is it better than iMessage? I don't think anyone would agree, especially not if you only message other iPhone users. Is it a better out-of-the-box experience for interoperability? Absolutely! And you're being disingenuous if you disagree, but I'm happy to hear you out.

    just like with Whatsapp, Facecrap, Twitter, Instagram, etc.

    We can agree to these being garbage ✊

    All that said, am I actively going to ask people to use RCS? Never! The same way I wouldn't ask someone to use iMessage if I had an iPhone. They're both products developed ultimately to push users into their respective ecosystem to the benefit of Google/Apple/Carriers.

    I'll stick to Signal and Matrix until something better comes along.

  • Android 7.6 features Signal for Android v7.6

    Signal news and updates. We post about new and upcoming features to keep you up-to-date with your favorite E2EE messaging app.

    Signal for Android v7.6
    • Group call reactions 🎉
    • Double-tap a message to edit ✍️
    • Link preview images no longer show in the 'Shared Media' section 🏞️
    • Improvements to missed call handling 📞
    • Updated permissions popup UI 🍾
    2 Memos - Easily capture and share your great thoughts. Open Source and Free forever

    A privacy-first, lightweight note-taking service. Easily capture and share your great thoughts.

    Memos - Easily capture and share your great thoughts. Open Source and Free forever

    cross-posted from:

    > Check out the live demo at

    3 Memos - Easily capture and share your great thoughts. Open Source and Free forever

    A privacy-first, lightweight note-taking service. Easily capture and share your great thoughts.

    Memos - Easily capture and share your great thoughts. Open Source and Free forever

    Check out the live demo at

    20 The San Diego Humane Society wants to pay you to take home some puppies, even for a little while

    A respiratory illness is threatening dogs in its overcrowded shelters, prompting the organization to offer free adoptions and paid fostering opportunities

    The San Diego Humane Society wants to pay you to take home some puppies, even for a little while

    Merge movies with different resolution on different paths?

    I know this works if I have, for example:

    movies/ - movie1 - 1080p.mkv - movie1 - 2160p.mkv

    but what if I have:

    movies/ - movie1 - 1080p.mkv movies2/ - movie1 - 2160p.mkv

    Because I'm out of space on the driver under "movies". Do I need to have them in the same parent folder?


    Edit Message in Signal

    cross-posted from:

    > > Edit Message > > > Now you can edit a message even after it has been sent! Fix a tpyo, include the missing ingredient in grandma's chocolate chip cookie recipe, or add the punchline to a joke if you hit the send button too quickly. The choice is yours. > > > Messages will always show when they have been edited, and you can tap on the "Edited" indicator to see the full edit history for any edited messages. > > > Update the past in the present to prevent future confusion today! > > Got this today on Signal beta. Editing is one feature I really wanted in Signal. > > Anyone else got it?


    Signal's Meredith Whittaker: AI is fundamentally 'a surveillance technology' Signal's Meredith Whittaker: AI is fundamentally 'a surveillance technology' | TechCrunch

    Why is it that so many companies that rely on monetizing the data of their users seem to be extremely hot on AI? If you ask Signal president Meredith

    Signal's Meredith Whittaker: AI is fundamentally 'a surveillance technology' | TechCrunch

    > Why is it that so many companies that rely on monetizing the data of their users seem to be extremely hot on AI? If you ask Signal president Meredith Whittaker (and I did), she’ll tell you it’s simply because “AI is a surveillance technology.”


    Was thinking of creating a honeypot

    but before I do, I figured I'd ask if anyone's aware of any tools/software that covers my basic needs of setting something basic that may alert me if there are any intruders in the network?


    1. Fake ssh login that can trigger a script so I can take care of the rest.
    2. Fake network share (cifs/samba) that can trigger a script if anything tries to access it.

    Would be great if there are any docker images I can just pull, make some minor edits, and run.



    Find out what's happening around San Diego Hapnyn

    Find out what's happening near you!

    Found this cool site, not sure who runs it or how things get added, but it seems to have a lot of events listed.


    Clima: A beautiful, minimal, and fast Android weather app clima

    Beautiful, minimal, and fast weather app.


    Just found this today and thought I'd share.



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    36 Imperial Beach, Coronado under boil water advisory due to E. coli contamination

    The presence of E. coli bacteria could mean the water is contaminated with human or animal waste, the county said.

    Imperial Beach, Coronado under boil water advisory due to E. coli contamination

    >A water advisory was issued Thursday for the Silver Strand area of Coronado and Imperial Beach after E. coli was found in the drinking water system, according to the California Water Resources Board. > >The presence of E. coli bacteria could mean the water is contaminated with human or animal waste, according to the San Diego County's Department of Environmental Health and Quality. > > >Residents impacted by the advisory should boil water for at least three minutes and let it cool before using it, county officials said. People are encouraged to use bottled water for drinking, brushing their teeth and food preparation until further notice.


    Not everything is secret in encrypted apps like iMessage and WhatsApp

    One feature of apps such as iMessage and WhatsApp is that your texts or voice calls are scrambled and private from everyone.

    With end-to-end encrypted technology, no one but you and the intended recipients can know what you wrote or said — not hackers, the app companies or the police.

    Except, not everything is end-to-end encrypted in end-to-end encrypted apps.

    That could mean what you type in chats are saved on company computers that corporations such as Apple or your phone provider could read. Details such as the timestamps of every text to your boyfriend might not be under lock and key, either.

    That’s not necessarily bad. Each end-to-end encryption choice has trade-offs. More privacy and security could also make it harder for you to use an app, or can shield activity of terrorists and child predators.

    The mess I’m describing — end-to-end encryption but with certain exceptions — may be a healthy balance of your privacy and our safety.

    The problem is it’s confusing to know what is encrypted and secret in communications apps, what is not and why it might matter to you.

    To illuminate the nuances, I broke down five questions about end-to-end encryption for five communications apps.

    Is the content of every message automatically end-to-end encrypted?

    • WhatsApp: Yes

    • Apple’s Messages: No

    • Messages by Google: No

    • Meta Messenger: No

    • Signal: Yes

    The biggest encryption caveat is for the built-in texting apps on iPhones and most Android phones in the United States. Those are Apple’s Messages app, also known as iMessage, and the Messages by Google app.

    If you use Apple’s app, texts that you send and receive are only end-to-end encrypted if everyone else in the chat is using that app.

    If the text you see is in blue, the contents of messages are end-to-end encrypted for everyone in the chat.

    Even if Apple wanted to read your texts, it doesn’t have a key to unscramble those messages. (There’s a caveat in the next section about backup copies.)

    But the dreaded green bubbles are Apple’s warning. If you’re in a group chat with three people using Apple’s chat app and one person on an Android phone, no one’s texts are end-to-end encrypted.

    Each of your mobile phone providers might save every word of your communications. Those companies could, in theory, read your messages, lose them to thieves or hand them over to police with valid legal orders.

    Google’s chat app has the same encryption loophole. (For most people in the United States, Messages by Google is the standard texting app on Android phones.)

    Your texts in Google’s chat app are only end-to-end encrypted if everyone else is using that app.

    Google shows if your texts are end-to-end encrypted with signs such as a lock icon under texts and another on the send button.

    Are backup copies of your messages automatically encrypted, with no option for the app company to unscramble them?

    • WhatsApp: Yes

    • Apple’s Messages: No

    • Messages by Google: Yes*

    • Meta Messenger: No

    • Signal: Yes

    WhatsApp and Signal don’t let you save copies of your texts or call logs to the app makers’ computers.

    That means they don’t have saved message copies in a cloud that crooks could break into.

    But if you buy a new phone and forget your password, WhatsApp and Signal can’t really help you transfer all your old texts.

    If you back up copies from Apple’s chat app and Meta Messenger, the companies have the keys to unscramble what’s written in encrypted chat copies. Again, these unscrambled text copies can help in criminal investigations or they could be stolen or misused.

    Apple recently introduced a choice to fully end-to-end encrypt backup copies of iCloud accounts, which means not even Apple could unlock your scrambled backup texts.

    If you pick that option, Apple can’t help recover your chats if you forget your account password.

    This risk is why Apple makes this feature a pain to turn on, and requires you to list a plan B if you forget your password, such as a personal contact who knows your decryption code.

    WhatsApp has an option to save backup copies of your messages to Apple’s or Google’s cloud. WhatsApp doesn’t save those backups.

    For Messages by Google, the company says chats backed up to the company’s computers are automatically encrypted – as long as your Android phone has a screen that you need to unlock with a password or another method.

    Google gets an asterisk because it says it cannot unscramble your backup texts in its cloud. But it can for attachments like photos.

    Meta Messenger has been testing an option for people to turn on fully end-to-end encrypted backups.

    Does the app save your account details in a way it can access?

    • WhatsApp: Yes

    • Apple’s Messages: Yes

    • Messages by Google: Yes

    • Meta Messenger: Yes

    • Signal: Yes*

    Most end-to-end encrypted apps save some “metadata,” or details about you or what you do with the app. They can retrieve the metadata if necessary.

    The app companies aren’t necessarily specific about which metadata they save and can unlock. This information can make you less private– and it can help in criminal prosecutions.

    WhatsApp, for example, may have your general physical location when you use the app and the names of your group chats. Under legal orders, WhatsApp has the ability to log the phone numbers your number communicates with.

    WhatsApp says these details can help identify spammers and aid in investigations of potential criminal activity including people who share images of child sexual abuse.

    Signal is a yes with an asterisk because it doesn’t save much the app can retrieve – just a phone number used to set up an account and the last time the account connected to Signal.

    Are disappearing messages an option?

    • WhatsApp: Yes

    • Apple’s Messages: No

    • Messages by Google: No

    • Meta Messenger: Yes

    • Signal: Yes

    Even with end-to-end encrypted texts, someone on the receiving end could leak them or turn them into the police.

    For extra privacy, WhatsApp, Meta Messenger, and Signal have an option to set texts to automatically delete in as little as 24 hours from the phones of everyone in a chat.

    This isn’t ironclad, either. Someone could take a photo of your messages before they disappear.

    Does the app use the Signal protocol?

    • WhatsApp: Yes

    • Apple’s Messages: No

    • Messages by Google: Yes

    • Meta Messenger: Yes

    • Signal: Yes

    The Signal protocol is considered a gold standard. No one yet has found holes in the end-to-end encryption technology.

    Read more:


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    SDG&E Community Tree Rebate Program for Residential Customers

    cross-posted from:

    > The SDG&E Community Tree Rebate Program for Residential Customers enables qualifying residential customers throughout the region to plant trees and other plant species to help provide direct environmental, health, and economic benefits. This program is designed for customers in parts of SDG&E’s service territory where trees may be needed to help make a positive impact in their community.


    SDG&E Community Tree Rebate Program for Residential Customers

    The SDG&E Community Tree Rebate Program for Residential Customers enables qualifying residential customers throughout the region to plant trees and other plant species to help provide direct environmental, health, and economic benefits. This program is designed for customers in parts of SDG&E’s service territory where trees may be needed to help make a positive impact in their community.
