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KBTR1066 KBTR1066
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Comments 17
Why aren't advertisers (Microsoft, Facebook, Google) held responsible for allowing scammy adverts?
  • One of which is fraud. So yeah, this argument holds no water. The only reason this shit is allowed is money. There's money to be made by allowing it. And money to be lost in preventing it. The end.

  • Lemmy when someone posts memes about obese people
  • Congratulations for latching on to one of the last acceptable groups to be bigoted against. You should feel good about yourself.

  • ‘John Wick’ Director on How His Henry Cavill ‘Highlander’ Reboot Will Feel Like Prequel
  • I'd say it's less Cavill specifically and more the entire mood of a "Superman" story. Superman is basically entirely about the hopeful motivation of the human spirit. He's an avatar for humanity though he's not even human. He's the best of us without even being one of us. To me it can be boiled down to one moment, the moment where Jonathan Kent talked his own son out of being the best he could be in favor of selfishly keeping a secret.

  • Ikea
  • You absolutely cannot rent the truck at Home Depot for $20/day. It's $20 for the first 75 minutes. Then you gotta pay for gas.

  • Vote for a new icon
  • 2

    Stop copying Reddit, if you wanna not be Reddit.

  • AITA -
  • No, I guess you're not an asshole, but I can't argue against this having been a terrible plan. I would like to ask though, is the 3 month notice period yours or your employers? Because if it's theirs, I can't imagine that's legally enforceable in the US.

  • What self-professed 'centrists' sound like
  • cough Straw Man cough

  • I'm trying to prove a point. Without looking it up, what are these?
  • If you've seen "Cocktail", they're flugelbinders.

  • PPP loans (Edit: stimulus checks totaled a little over $800 billion)
  • I agree with this in principle, in the sense that it's frustrating that people who complain endlessly about the stimulus checks seem to think the PPP loans were a necessity, and that's rank hypocrisy. But the phrasing of this statement is bullshit. The PPP loans totaled a little under $800 billion, while the stimulus checks totaled a little over $800 billion. So it was a lot more than "a few $600 checks".

  • Human Monogamy Has Deep Roots
  • God forbid you should read the paper and discuss the evidence rather than spouting your psycho-babble bullshit.

  • Thanks for all the love for my orange boy in my last post! Did you know that he was a package deal? This is Charlie and his twin brother... Bambi!
  • This no shade on you, you've got two super handsome pooters there.

    But is there a name that was popularized in reference to a male character that is more absolutely feminine then Bambi. Just a shower thought, I guess.

  • TIL that in 1916 there was a proposed Amendment to the US Constitution that would put all acts of war to a national vote, and anyone voting yes would have to register as a volunteer for service in the
  • So? Today this person learned about. It doesn't say "Today I and Everybody Else Also Learned". I'd never heard of this proposed amendment, why does it matter that the article is old?

  • Reddit CEO calls unpaid moderators' concerns "noise" - time to send a message he won't forget.
  • Then you're never going back. It's absurd to think that Reddit should just let 3rd Party apps have access to its API for free indefinitely. You wanna argue that the price should be sensible? Fine. You wanna argue that the way Reddit has rolled this out is reprehensible? Fine. But to argue that they HAVE to keep giving it away for free? Forever? That's just a ridiculous thing to expect.

  • What's your favorite 'Star Wars' video game?
  • Here we go... My first fediverse comment, and it's to say that to this day I think "Tie Fighter" is my all-time favorite video game.