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This is another reddit country waiting to be fully exposed
  • Obviously not agreeing with them nor defending ISIS...

    But are these people unaware that groups like the Taliban and ISIS exist as direct results of actions countries like cough the United States cough took in the past? They're so fast and quick with condemnations, and ISIS certainly has earned them, but they never stop for half a second to ask why a group of young men would want to behead people and drown people in cages and shit on video.

    Like, that isn't normal behavior for humans. You either have to accept something externally acted upon them to drive them to do such things or they are genetically predisposed to be like that. One of these things makes sense and the other one is shit that Himmler would probably enjoy discussing.

    This applies to regular crime as well where I see and hear people everyday saying or implying that people steal just because they're "bad people." It's just amazing to me how fucking stupid and evil people are. Well, it isn't, but also it is.

    These last few days I've seen some of the most unhinged and absolutely demonic shit said by people who are otherwise "normal." On one hand I'm glad they expose themselves, but on the other... it's rather demoralizing and bleak to see that despite my naïveté of thinking westerners had become more sympathetic to the plight of Palestinians... it was all meaningless platitudes, thrown away as soon as anything actually happened. Incredibly disappointing.

  • I just heard that the DPRK is PatSoc. Thoughts?
  • "PatSocs" don't really exist, for one. It's an entirely online, entirely grifter-run "organization" to whatever extent they do exist.

    Secondly, they are a reactionary, western-centric ideology. All ten of them.

    And lastly, I can only assume somebody saw/heard "patriot socialist" and saw that the DPRK has a nationalistic bend to it (reinforced by US-imposed isolation btw) and just equated the two. I really can't overstate how utterly meaningless and effectively non-existent the patsocs are.

  • How can I get myself to read theory?
  • Audiobooks while doing menial tasks (like cleaning).

    Capital (all volumes) is available online for free.

    If that's still too much then I recommend Prof David Harvey's lectures on Capital Volume I (he has some on II/III as well, but I will suffice). They're also freely available on YouTube, etc.

    I would actually recommend audiobook/reading and then listening to Harvey's lectures for further context. He's not perfect by any means, but he does offer a lot of insight and additional context due to his experience over a super long career teaching courses In physical universities. Remember to consider that he has biases, as we all do, and his commentary and vision are limited, as we all are.

    Reading and studying Capital, at least the first volume, is absolutely critical imo to anyone who calls themself a Marxist. Of course other books are foundational as well, but that one book, if you study it and pay attention, will get you most of the way.

  • Ethan and Hila Klein from the H3 podcast had some real shit takes on Palestine today
  • He's both. He lived in Israel for several years like a decade ago working for some sort of Israeli call center. He's said before that he holds dual citizenship (US/Israeli)

  • Norman Finkelstein response to crocodile tear crying liberals
  • It's easier to count US politicians who aren't Zionists than those who are... and I'll help, the answer is like... two?

    Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar

    I'm unsure about Tlaib's current stances. I think she's still the US' most anti-Zionist congressperson. She also gets called antisemitic constantly (or did a few years ago anyway) for making lukewarm, objectively true statements like "Israel treats Palestinians like the Nazis did the Jews." Then people cry, and I will happily direct them to Norman above to rip their buttholes. Not that you need to be Jewish or have had parents in the Holocaust, but, I guess it doesn't hurt. No can accuse Finkelstein of antisemitism, for sure.

    Anyway, the last I heard of Omar's anti-Zionism was also several years ago. She spoke out in the House I believe, stuck by her words for a while, but ultimately some mixture of Pelosi, the broad democrat party and pro-Israel PAC seem to have beaten her into submission and silence. They tried to fuck her out her congressional seat too this past election and I'm sure they will continue. They meaning democrats/the DNC and donors... just for zero ambiguity there.

    AOC and Bernie will sometimes speak out. Feinstein, yeah the who just died, didn't like the pro-Israel lobby. But all these incredibly powerful people either get broken into silence very very quickly or just change on their own or are never really pro-Palestine to begin with. The US is a hellhole, and this is yet another example of the corruption all throughout.

  • Norman Finkelstein response to crocodile tear crying liberals
  • Unfortunately untrue considering Biden has promised and appears to be currently acting on providing all support possible.

    This is what we on the "far left" (Marxists, MLs, MLMs, etc.) mean when we say "the US does not have a two party system of governance- it has a uniparty, effectively one party rule." The R and Ds may lightly disagree outwardly in their public persona, but actions speak louder than words, and every single US democrat president since the occupation of Palestine began under the current government has supported them essentially without hesitation and without reservation. Obviously the same is true for Republicans. They are united in their foreign policy agendas. And mostly united in domestic policy too... but that's for a different day.

  • Norman Finkelstein response to crocodile tear crying liberals

    This was during a Q&A after he spoke about Palestine years ago. You still see many liberals and so-called "leftists" (who are really just libs) crying like this girl. People act like fascists then cry when people call them what they are.

    [Zionism ]Zelensky
  • I have never seen a country and a man so cucked to the US gov. Have some self respect and just say nothing. You're gonna get the weapons and money either way, don't worry, the MIC will take care of that. You just gotta stay lightly pro-US. No one demanded you deep throat the entire boot. That was a choice.

  • Looking for a recommendation to torrent music
  • Do you use Android OS?

    If you do, it's very very easy to download an .apk for app called "xmanager" which automates the download and install process (and updating) of Spotify. Just make a dummy second Spotify account (you could use your main one, but, you know...) and after you install and login you have Spotify premium with all the benefits still. You can find Pandora cracked .apks too.

    I'll give the weirdos on reddit credit for their piracy lists though. Here's a big ol fat list.

    Finding decent torrents for music is one of the more challenging ones now days. It used to not be the case, but since like google music, spotify, etc. the torrent scene, especially for obscure music, got shittier. On public trackers anyway. In my experience. Anyway, there's certainly some shit on that list that fills your need.

  • Am I Elitist?
  • Yes, I totally agree with you. It's just hard to articulate because you have to sort of be of two minds at all times. Or switching between them maybe.

    If you're always "on" you will burn out. If you're always in a mindset of "focus on enjoyment. Make my life less depressing" then you're just the same as all the people who are ignorant willfully or not. It's a "pick your battles" thing, I suppose. It's a "know what is realistic and push where you can push" thing. It's all fundamentally a compromise, which sucks, but there's really no alternative currently.

    And on the future of the world/US, I'm just observing it from where we are now which is basically at a standstill. It will break at some point, and none of us know when or how it will happen. I'm just remembering that Lenin quote about weeks and decades and just here for the ride until then...

  • Am I Elitist?
  • Lmao.

    Somehow my posts keep getting longer.

    Fuck me

  • Am I Elitist?
  • I don't think you're an elitist.

    (and here I will be an elitist...maybe?) I do think you've missed a red flag though. Your friend, assuming this conversational quote is mostly or fully accurate, just explained to you their material reality and essentially just said, through some extrapolation, "material conditions elsewhere are bad. But my material conditions are still good." I assume you're a Marxist of some flavoring being here and all. So, there you have it. You as a class conscious person recognize that while materially things are still decent on average in the US (again, on average), things are incredibly "not good" elsewhere in the world and you know which country is largely responsible for that being the case: Your own.

    Your friend, being willfully ignorant, a coping strategy but also a luxury afforded by all material needs being met, something nearly all Americans suffer from, just some of us are conscious of it and most of us are not, lacks the historical context perhaps beyond a vague "we did something bad a long time ago" and, furthermore, realizes the reality that we are effectively powerless at the moment. In their mind, maybe even consciously, I can't say, they probably think of you as the weirdo or crazy to some degree because you sit around thinking about and fretting about things that we all objectively know we cannot change. I'm not trying to be, you know, doomer, or fatalistic, or whatever, but it's simple reality that what the friend said "Biden's going to do what he's gonna do" is absolutely true. None of us here can stop that no matter what individual actions we take, even the most extreme ones. It would take a whole country's army to stop Biden from doing what he wants to do if he wants it that bad. We all know we can't change shit, some of us feel bad, and really at the end of things those of us who are conscious of things are the ones suffering for it. But only until you accept the reality of things and you understand why your friend can toss off such bad news so easily.

    I think, broadly, you agree with me here. Maybe not on the powerlessness towards current US politics, but, as much as it sucks, I'd... invite you to explore that line of thought more. It's honestly the only way out of this type of despair and alienation you're experiencing. You either have to change everyone else or you have to learn to live with them somehow and, luckily, you already know the answer, although you don't like the answer. Neither do I or anyone else who wishes to see more justice and equity in the world, but I don't know what else to say than you just gotta accept that the same way worsening material conditions causes people to veer towards socialism or fascism, depending on their temperament and education and, of course, perceived class position, improving material conditions causes this sort of de-radicalization or "de-politicization" where people consciously and subconsciously refuse to see the plight of others and, more importantly, absolutely will refuse to do anything that might actually improve others' material conditions because, in their mind, it might worsen their own. The classic story that plays out daily.

    I understand you're ranting, but I do find myself wanting to ask "what else would you have them do?" Acknowledge things are shitty elsewhere including in the US? Not play Minecraft? I'm not trying to be an asshole here, I'm being completely serious, what else should they do? And how does that compare with what you do? Again, gotta keep saying, I am absolutely not trying to be an asshole here or say "make your bed" or whatever the hell. I'm just saying, you're laying down a lot of, I dunno, accusations? Maybe? I can't think of a better word for it.

    My interpretation of that rant, and rants aren't always logical nor representative of true feelings, so, this is just me kinda riffing on what it written there, is basically, worst-faith nutshell "Why are you enjoying yourselves while others suffer?" (And I'm talking about acceptable enjoyment, not like racism, homophobia, etc. just to be crystal clear. I mean playing games, seeing a movie, etc.)

    I think that's a perfectly valid question, if that's your intention. And I'd say they already answered it for you previously in your own rant. "Biden’s going to do what he’s gonna do". I guess the real question is, and I provided my non-unique analysis already, why can't you enjoy things? And, again, I already answered why I think you can't. You don't seem to have to accepted that your friend is ultimately correct as shitty and terrible as that feels.

    "Biden’s going to do what he’s gonna do." I keep quoting that because it's actually a perfect encapsulation of a lack of class consciousness and lack of education on material reality, but also, it's the answer to socialists, Marxists, etc. in similar veins living under a capitalist system. It's an acceptance that shit sucks, it's going to continue sucking for the current moment and likely many more moments ie beyond our lifetimes. The only way to settle this is through a balanced mixture of acceptance of reality (neither of us, or even 10000 of us together, can change the current system) and figuring out what you can do, within your own power, to push the needle the tiniest amount that you individually can. You have to accept first and foremost, this probably won't benefit you. You probably won't live to see a glorious collapse of the US and takeover of socialism. But, maybe? The point is you have to kind of... not care. Yeah, that's really easy, I know (sarcasm). I say this stuff and I'm not even fully at this magical stage in life, although I do believe I've come to the better end of it after years of suffering much like you are with right-wing parents, friends, coworkers, etc. that seemingly do not care. I bashed my head on that metaphorical wall for literally years. All I can say is, you kinda just gotta... let go. That sucks, I know, everyone knows. But what else is there? You either compromise in your own mind and decide on a plan of realistic praxis that you can personally engage in, or, what else? Suffer everyday until your brain fuses together into a solid rock and you go numb or, worse, find yourself becoming a cynical ex-Marxist right winger? That sounds shitty. I took the compromise route.

    It's not easy, it fucking sucks actually, but what else can you do in the moment? If there is something that you, or I, or anyone, can do right now to stop Biden from putting kids in cages at the border I legitimately want to know so I can offer aid to it. But we both know, I hope, that we quite literally cannot stop it from happening. That fucking suuuuuucks. I am not saying, and would never advocate for, letting that rage inside die. You have to keep that indignant righteous anger that, in my opinion, is a completely natural human trait to have and feel. That's why they spend so much time and energy trying to break people's minds. But, hey, you made it here as a person living in the imperial core of the greatest, most hyper-capitalist country on earth. You have every incentive to turn your mind off to the plight of others, but you don't. That should and does say something about your character. (Little self-jerk there; we deserve it).

    This shit sucks because it just goes in a circle of misery. You realize you can't change things, but you realize you are unfairly benefiting, you can't stop that because the entire capitalist society you live in was created to benefit you via the exploitation of others, you either physically remove yourself (a commune or move to a socialist country) or you go back to the beginning of the circle where you consider "how do I change this?" "Fuck, I can't" "Fuck, I'm benefiting still." "Fuck, this was all created for me to be benefited." "Fuck, I can't just leave nor do I want to." "Fuck, how do I change this?" On and on and on for years. Maybe it never ends, I dunno. All I can say is, I dunno, take up jogging/running if you are physically able. Some sort of cardio. Same for weightlifting if you can. Focus on your physical and mental health. Whatever extra you have on the other end put into something you find worthwhile. That might mean direct action of some sort which, to be clear, is absolutely not the solution, but it is a temporary relief to those who are helped, and that is something. I bet if you join in some community (or nearby) activities like helping with homeless people or whatever else you'll meet some like minded people. Maybe they won't know or care as much about Marxism, but ok, maybe you introduce it to them. I dunno. You just gotta pick out the things you can do that will help now and also push the needle slightly.

    Apologies if this comes off as patronizing, etc. I felt like the entire thing was required for me to work out all my thoughts here. I could always keep typing, but, you know. Also, never apologize for long posts. I certainly don't. (Do not look at my post history and average post lengths)

  • r/serbia brainrot
  • Because Reddit is a cesspit generally. It used to be "better" in the sense that it was always right wing but it used to be more right wing libertarian types who, genuinely I think, didn't care much about oppressing women, forcing religion on people, people being gay, drug use, etc. They just didn't wanna pay taxes and wanted austerity to the point of zero government- which is moronic. But a common sentiment in the early 2000s- mid 2010s. The Ron Paul types, in a nutshell.

    But in recent years, maybe the last decade or so, the libertarian types either left or, more likely, saw that their fantasy no tax world view was stupid and no one else cared about it and they just fell in line with the regular republicans who had been super religious, hating women, LGBTQ, etc. since... well, forever, but especially ramped up in the 60/70s onwards.

    And now the site agrees basically 100% on foreign policy and most domestic policy (R and Ds both being neolibs afterall) and the only disagreement they have is smoking weed and how many gay kids are acceptable to throw in a meat grinder. The military funding though? Always more. Cop funding? Always more (Ds will add the "*but tell them to try to be more nice!" while Rs will say "shoot more black people, but do it in a way you can deny it and I can support it.").

    It's actually, imo, a decent mask-off representation of the US in general. Center right politics on average with a corner for basically just Nazis who don't identify as such, a less right wing area where executing gays is still bad (but will propose nor back ANY solution to crush the right wingers- so effectively supporting them). Some center left types Bernie bros and then some actual socialists/commies. All 4 of them in the country, on reddit. And all those Bernie bros and further left are called tankies by the centrists and center rightists who call themselves the real left or progressives.

    Holy fuck I hate this country. And reddit.

  • r/serbia brainrot
  • Education has truly failed most of the world at this point, I'm convinced.

    Just a "quick reminder" when someone says they have Cuban heritage:

    "Cuban" isn't a race, ethnic group or... really descriptive of anything about a person. Everyone there or their families "from Cuba" are a mixture of the indigenous people who inhabited it first, Spanish, Africans, various other European ethnicities. It's similar to Mexico. A lot of (racist) white Americans (mostly) think they're all brown-skinned. Sure, a lot of people do have brown skin. There's also a lot of white and black people. Turns out, big surprise, the Americas were colonized by white Europeans who later imported African slaves and all these peoples had sex and babies for hundreds of years leading to the current ethnic breakdowns within the nations.

    So what's my point? Well, the people who say "actually! I'm Cuban-American! (or insert whatever)" are often the whitest motherfuckers on earth LARPing around as brown skinned people when it's convenient for them to say some dumbass, usually racist shit and attempt to avoid criticism under the general racist view of Americans (again, usually. There's a huge Cuban exile population in this country) that "well, he's Cuban! He gets to say dumb, racist shit directed towards Central/South Americans even though his skin looks just like mine..."

    Example 1 and only example: Recently Sen Menendez said he was being targeted because he's a Cuban-American. Ok, next time some guy with grandparents from Ireland gets criticized, hopefully he says that too. Or some white guy with grandparents from, I dunno, Bosnia i Herzegovina. People would correctly laugh their asses off, and I think most did at ol' Bob here, but he still tried. And it happens a lot with those dumbass white people with a Cuban ancestor somewhere.

    The actually important thing that they never talk about (odd how being Cuban, a country shat upon for 60 years by the US for no actual reason, is treated as "EVERYONE SHUT UP WHITE BOB FROM CUBA BUT NOT REALLY IS TALKING STFU") is skin color and it's historical and modern ramifications. See, this gets rather hard to deal with quickly.

    "Castro was a dictator!"

    That's easy to deal with. "You're Cuban and here now? Oh, you or your family suffered and I'll pretend your white skin is brown. Please speak! Anyone who questions you is a racist!"

    "My ancestors were systematically enslaved and treated like property for hundreds of years and were never given a single ounce of reparations for their labor."

    Yikes. Gonna have to sidestep that one. "But you're American! Stfu! You had all this opportunity! Be grateful! Look at Cuban White Bob! He's a senator!"

    You see, conveniently, race and nationality are just these ethereal things that we can pull into reality or dismiss at will as they benefit us. The US treated (and treats!) Cuba, as a state, as an island nation, horrifically. So anyone from there (kids, grandchildren included) gets elevated or treated as if they are Cuban as an ethnic identity or race. Anyone who disagrees, well, Castro brainwashed them!

    On the same point, any black people (especially) or brown people are treated according to their skin color first and the nationality comes into play only if they agree with the general racist, right wing, American vibes. If you're a black Cuban-American well, first, do you even exist (the racist whites would wonder)? And secondly, well, you better agree that Castro was basically Hitler Jr. or you'll quickly drop that extra Cuban identity and be back to just black in their eyes.

    Oh you're a white guy from Honduras who wants to talk about how US policy wasn't so bad and it was actually your own corrupt country men who fucked things? Give that guy, that Honduran-American!, a mic IMMEDIATELY! Oh you don't support American policies and you're looking a little... not so white? "Where were you from again? Mexico? El Salvador? Honduras? The fuck is that? Hey, so, anyway, sorry your country sucks. Bet you're grateful to he here. Right? Right?!"

    Anyway, I don't think I need to keep going on about how stupid-as-fuck American's conception of "Hispanics" is. Hopefully not anyway. And I really hope I don't need to expand on how white Cuban-Americans opining on Castro being Hitler is quite literally dogshit. The words could be printed on toilet paper and wipe my shit covered asshole and still not represent how worthless and disgusting they are. And to do it all behind a nebulous, meaningless nationality represented as a race/ethnic group is the cherry on top of a mound of shit covered in the aforementioned toilet paper.

    If any of this sounds angry or whatever, good, because it is. I fucking despise right wing, almost always white, assholes from countries south of the US which have been historically colonized and then absolutely assfucked by US imperialism. If you can come from that environment as a privileged fuckwad and end up endorsing the continuation of the same policies in the same places once you get to push the button you can rot in hell as far as I'm concerned. And doing it behind some made-up idea of "but my name is Ramirez! So what if I'm pasty white!" is extra disrespectful to everyone on an intellectual level (yet it does somehow keep working) and disgusting on a human level.

  • Today: the clean SS Tomorrow:
  • "The Ukrainian Nazi SS divisions were defending themselves and their culture, their religion from the invaders like the Jews who took to communism because they were poor and jealous and wanted to legally have the wealth of the non-Jewish Ukrainians. You know people get caught up in the race science, but if you ignore that part, the Jews were still bad because they were poor and they wanted to steal wealth! Maybe the Germans and Nazi Ukrainians went too far, but can you blame them! Look at history you tankie! The Russians and Jewish communists did the same to the more "Aryan" types!"

    You gotta smash up the obvious antisemitism and repackage it with more contemporary divisions. And toss in some "feels vaguely true" lies to the Americans (mostly, but westerners generally). Few people will openly state they "hate Jews" now days or that they equate Jews with Communism (probably few even know of the history of this equivalency based on how Jordan Peterson has been saying it, in slightly different wording, for like a decade now), but if you tell them some ethnic group is poor and wants their jobs? Well, suddenly border detentions, torture, and even some murder becomes easier to swallow. Different packaging for the same product... liberals love optics and they love defending fascism. Give them a shiny box to place all their terrible ideology in so they can pretend it's justified and they'll be plenty happy. I mean, just look at the fucking world.

  • For once Musk is right and this is the comment section...
  • I don't know who the fuck 90% of the little online politics adjacent influencers they're chatting on about are, and I'm glad.

    Also these guys are like taking a test and their answer sheet has only two answers

    A "Slava Ukraini" B Evil bear man!

    But the test has at least three answers

    C "The US isn't World Police and shouldn't be arming other countries in effect perpetuating a forever war that will kill far more people than staying the fuck out."

    They're just taking a hammer and forcing that triangle shaped block C into the square hole B. It ends up resulting in whatever bumble fuckery is going on over there where they're reading tea leaves desperately trying to prove people support Putin, whatever that means on an individual level (nothing, it means nothing. Who the state supports is what matters and their choices are not influenced by YouTubers, Twitter dingdongs or basically anyone who doesn't own a company called "Black [insert noun]" or Boeing or Lockheed Martin or Raytheon, etc. What a wonderful distraction apparatus that has been constructed to keep people, including me, reading and discussing the most pointless shit on earth while the decisions we're all "debating" over have already been decided for us a long time ago and we almost basically can't do shit about it besides yell at Bear man fans or whatever. Somebody let me off.)

  • Real
  • Jump scaring my ass while I deliriously doom scroll. Why... why... 😞

  • Senator Dianne Feinstein Dies at 90
  • Good, rest in shit you selfish sack of piss

  • A specter is haunting
  • It really is incredibly hilarious. I have no idea why they focus so hard on hexbear and mostly ignore us. Maybe name similarities between and, I dunno. Maybe they don't get that grad is a not subtle reference to Leningrad or Stalingrad, again, I don't know.

    I've got a hexbear account cooking though. I should post more from it just to get triggered™️ lib responses. This account doesn't farm them enough.

  • Being a Nazi was very nuanced
  • It's depressing to think how many of us will probably die due to dumbasses like Trudeau...