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JonnyT Jonathan T

A stuffed simian. Posts auto-delete after 2 weeks.

Avatar alt-text: The head and upper torso of a stuffed gorilla. The gorilla is seated and its body is directed slightly towards the left. The head faces the same way but the gorilla is looking directly at the viewer.

Header alt-text: A 'Show Your Stripes' graph showing temperature anomalies for London since 1850, relative to a 1961 to 2010 baseline. The lines to the left are blue and become progressively redder to the right.

Posts 1
Comments 2
An interesting new feature that I've only just noticed has been added to [@MonaApp](
  • @weirdwriter @main @flschr @MonaApp I haven't found the time to get on the TestFlight for it yet but that's really good to hear.

  • An interesting new feature that I've only just noticed has been added to [@MonaApp](
  • @flschr @main @MonaApp I've started using captions in Photos as a means to store the alt-texts I write for here. That way they're available to me should I want to use them again in the future or somewhere else (eg in a non-Mona app; I cross-post some photos to Pixelfed, for example, and I use Ice Cubes every now and then).

  • An interesting new feature that I've only just noticed has been added to (

    An interesting new feature that I've only just noticed has been added to @MonaApp:

    Adding an image from your Photos library to which you have already added a Caption (in Photos) automatically adds that caption as your image description/alt-text in Mona.

    The video shows this in action (nb the centre bit where I locate the photo has been edited to remove personal content).

    \#Mona #MonaApp #Accessibilty #ImageDescription #AltText #iOS #macOS @main

    This is cool. /r/blind which is heavily affected by [#Reddit]( 's bullshit has created their own instance instead of using a existing instance and creating a community
  • @padraig @main Fascinating that replies on Mastodon appear on the Lemmy instance ... if someone using can be bothered, could you reply to me to see if that comes through to Mastodon, thanks?