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/kbin's APIs Almost Here and Artemis Public Beta Isn't Far Behind!!
  • You’ve done an excellent job on regularly rolling out new features and bug fixes into the current beta, keep up the good work!

  • Post creation, filters and more coming to Artemis App
  • Looking good! Love the ability to swipe down to get more context.

    Will the same swipe down for context be available when replying to comments to see more context than just the message you are replying to as well?

    Great work!

  • Are you on X or Wayland?
  • Still using X on some of my servers because AnyDesk does not currently support Wayland, and sometimes I want a GUI instead of ssh.

  • My 3rd party app is coming along! Got it pulling actual data from! Huge inspo from Apollo app.
  • What about something like Komet? Then it would still be space themed, but have the K from kbin as well.

  • Duplicate Pages Across Fediverse
  • I wonder if it would be worth it to have an option to combine content of communities with the same name from different federations into one feed automatically.

    Part of those options could be to exclude a community from a certain federation from that feed if their content in that community does not match the others (r/superbowl for instance, where the name does not match the expected content)