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JD557 João Costa

Portuguese software engineer at Kevel.

My instance is running on a small server so please #nobot

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  • @[email protected] I've heard about that, and agree that is more appropriate.

    Although I would like to share this snippet from the the official mantainer position ( has always been a niche site, and it will most likely stay this way.

    If you dont like the way works, thats okay. Federation exists exactly to solve that problem, let different groups have their own instances, with their own rules and political views.

    So, while is meant to be niche and opinionated, at least the software seem to be quite "agnostic".

    Sharing this mostly to avoid people moving to kbin due to FUD (although IMO kbin does look nicer)

  • Welcome to this Scala community
  • @[email protected] @[email protected]

    I see that there are already two Scala communities in Lemmy and, while I don't see any in Kbin, that looks like a nice alternative. Seems hard to say which one will take off 😅.

    I'm kind of curious to see which one will win in the end. The fact that I don't have to create any new account either way is very nice (no need to pick a side).

    (P.S. This comment might be broken, I'm trying to see what happens if I reply from my instance)