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Irremarkable Irremarkable
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Germany’s first African-born MP to stand down after racist abuse
  • Yeah no, this is one where I'll almost always say you got to go with your gut.

    I don't have basis for this being the case here, but often time people are able to hold out when the threats are against them, but it's a whole other story if there starts to be credible threats against your family.

  • Does What It Says on the Tin
  • That's part of it, yes

    But there is also a hardcore contingent to which controlling women is the goal. Theocratic Fascists tend to be that way.

  • Is 0.3 quarts extra too much oil in a car?
  • Oh trust me, if It was drivable, I would've kept it.

    Unfortunately a younger, much more sleep deprived me flipped it one morning.

    Loved that damn car

  • Is 0.3 quarts extra too much oil in a car?
  • We did routine oil changes between 5-6k miles until it started burning oil. I assure you, that was not the issue. We spent a while trying to figure it out before saying fuck it because it never gave us issues.

  • Is 0.3 quarts extra too much oil in a car?
  • Had an old accord that started burning oil at about 100k miles. Lasted another 100k with only a handful of oil changes (I think none in it's last 50k, just topping it off as needed). Still worked perfectly fine besides very slowly burning oil when I totaled it at 200k miles.

    I miss that car. I'm convinced I could've gotten at least 300k miles out of it.

  • Rachel Maddow Warns That SCOTUS Trump Immunity Decision Is ‘a Death Squad Ruling’ | Video
  • Oh they're well aware that they're blatantly lying. Chuds don't argue in good faith.

  • A terrifying hurricane is brewing in the Atlantic
  • Yes, I'm aware they're going to be hit currently. They would still be hit even if it shifted north to hit, for example, Cuba, as it doesn't exactly have to shift far north to do so.

  • A terrifying hurricane is brewing in the Atlantic
  • ...who would still be hit if it shifted slightly north?

  • A terrifying hurricane is brewing in the Atlantic
  • You mean the ones that would still be hit if it shifted north?

    It's current path is over about as few people as you could ever hope for a storm of this size. Realistically, you knew I meant that and felt like being a smartass anyway.

    E: typing is hard

  • After Initial Success, Helldiver’s 2 Has Lost 90% Of Its Players With No Signs Of Recovery
  • Basically this. Anyone who is surprised by this has been paying literally zero attention to how these things usually go. The majority of the time when a game explodes that much, this happens. Sometimes to a lesser extent, sometimes to a greater one. A good chunk of the people who buy the game in the first place buy it to play with their friends, and when their friends move on to another game, they will too.

    While you will have games that are the exception, such as PUBG which has had massive a player count for forever. they are indeed the exception.

  • A terrifying hurricane is brewing in the Atlantic
  • All things considered, that's a pretty lucky path if it doesn't drift north into the larger Caribbean islands

  • Those without A/C, what are your tips to stay cool during the summer?
  • Plus at least part of the walls will be exposed to the ground, not the air, and since past the first layer the ground stays consistently relatively cool, that helps a lot.

  • Should Democrats stay the course or replace Biden? | Robert Reich
  • I think we're all well aware that this is far from an ideal situation.

  • Dropbox now requires login to download a shared file
  • Dropbox's own website claims they have >700M users.

    18M paying customers is a lot (and I wouldn't be surprised if in terms of percentage of data stored paying customers are the majority), but nowhere near a vast majority.

  • This started as adding onto a preexisting meme and it turned into a format to vent
  • My general mental state can be described as that one picture of the horse on the beach that says MAN

  • ‘I am not made for war’: the men fleeing Ukraine to evade conscription
  • You don't have to be patriotic to end up stepping up. When you see the shit Russia did to the Ukrainians in the areas they annex in 2014, it's easy to see why people wouldn't want that to happen to their family, and why they'd be willing to step up.

  • Shot in 1.6 seconds: Video raises questions about how trooper avoided charges in Black man's death
  • Oh trust me, I'm well aware how shit most (non cop) first responders have it. Round my neck of the woods, cops start at around 60k will full benefits. That's still damn good money here, and they go up quickly.

    Our firefighters don't even make minimum wage. They finally just got a pension. Our EMS hardly makes more than minimum wage.

  • Shot in 1.6 seconds: Video raises questions about how trooper avoided charges in Black man's death
  • The fact that there isn't a minimum of 2 years classroom work before they even get a ride along is fucking ridiculous.

  • Boebert faces first election Tuesday since switching districts and the vaping scandal
  • He's a complete ass, but I have to say, for history's sake, I'm glad we have video of a congressman vamping on the floor of congress. Truly the modern day's version of beating each other half to death with canes.