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IngrownMink4 IngrownMink4☭

Cybercommunist ☭ (maybe) and web0 advocate. I also help to translate Lemmygrad into Spanish and Basque.

Main account:

Posts 7
Comments 25
*Permanently Deleted*
  • Yeah, you're right.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • Okay. Thank you <3

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • They're talking me through a Gambian number (+220) tho...

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • UPDATE 1: Thank you for all the support you are giving me. I told Abdou to go to the station, and I am accused of helping a trans person and sending her sexual pictures (which is not true, and they had to look at his phone to know that). I am scared because I know that in Gambia many LGBT things are forbidden... and because some accusations seem real. And they are harassing me to pay ASAP. Abdou said that it's true all of this. The Police number that is harassing me is +220 358 5509, can you check if its real or not?

    UPDATE 2: I am gathering information to report to the police. Apparently they have tried to scam people in my close circle also asking for money. It is more than clear that this is a scam. I will see if I can get something with the report (although I doubt it). Thanks for the help!

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • Can't it be reported and get something out of it? She may not be the only victim, and the official Gambian police may not even know about it. In any case, if anyone is interested in helping me with this, I will pass on proofs and stuff so you can see that sometimes it is so well put together that it even looks real.

    Cut your losses and stop giving money to people you don’t know.

    And yes, great advice, I'm stupid for donating. I'll do some self-criticism on this and be careful.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • I mean, yeah, I try to be a good comrade but i'm so stupid... Like, these things just make me insecure and depressed. Apart from that, I have literally spent a Spanish base salary on donations. My parents don't know that...

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • I feel stupid for having swallowed all of this... Now in perspective it is more evident, but at the time, I don't know if it was impulsivity or being too naive, I wanted to believe in all this. My life has been hell ever since. Do you think I should present evidence to the police to denounce him? Will I be able to recover part of the money or...?

  • Hi Lemmygrad!
  • Hi :)

  • Most nostalgic video game for you?
  • Kingdom Hearts and NBA Live 06 (PS2)

  • “The Future Worker of Communism” by Josep Renau Berenguer, DDR, 1969

    Josep Renau Berenguer (17 May 1907 — 11 November 1982) was an artist and communist revolutionary, notable for his propaganda work during the Spanish Civil War.

    Marina Ginestà, 17-years-old communist during the Spanish Civil War in 1936
  • Fun fact: Marina Ginestà had a little affair with Ramon Mercader 😳

  • Any Obsidian users here?
  • I'm using Logseq instead.

  • The Leftsthetics community is being misused and I think we should reorient it
  • Exactly! And as for publications in Spanish, I'll be honest. I'm Spanish, I speak Spanish and all that stuff, but, knowing that most of you here speak English, it seems to me to be exclusionary to use Spanish, especially in images and without even putting a translation in the description of the publication. This makes the content inaccessible to many users and confusing for those who only speak English.

  • On a scale of 1-10, how buggy do you think Starfield will be on release?
  • 10 for sure. I really don't understand how toxic Xbox fans still think this game is going to be polished from day 1 lol

  • The Leftsthetics community is being misused and I think we should reorient it
  • That's a good idea, but I also wanted the moderators to agree on new guidelines for that community.

  • The Leftsthetics community is being misused and I think we should reorient it
  • I agree with you. I used to be on Lemmygrad a lot too until Reddit's self destruction happened. The problem is that many people expected to port the same dynamics of Reddit to Lemmygrad, ignoring the potential there was to create something custom-made from scratch, without the need to be just another Reddit. It's a shame, but the quality has declined partly because of that, because the conversations are much less deep and the posts are less and less interesting overall…

  • The Leftsthetics community is being misused and I think we should reorient it

    Hi. I wanted to talk about an issue that has been bothering me for a long time and that is the quality of the publications that are being made lately in the Leftsthetics community.

    I have a specific problem with the user “Роძэя ΟЬяэяо” who I think has not understood the purpose of that community very well. The description of the community reads as follows:

    >For propaganda posters, art, influential photos, and anything else that promotes the aesthetics of revolution and the Left.

    The problem is that this user does not upload anything that has to do with socialist or Marxist aesthetics. With so many artistic and aesthetic expressions of this movement, I don't understand how they can use the community to upload memes, which are also in Spanish. They also share famous quotes from great thinkers but again, is out of place in this community. In fact, this user currently moderates the Latino Marxist community and they have not even oriented it towards anything concrete, it is an accumulation of his publications that are completely decontextualised. And always, in all publications, it says "Latino Marxist", without descriptions or anything, as if it were some kind of branding or an automated bot. It gives a very bad image and worsens the impression of Lemmygrad.

    I don't want to promote hatred towards this user because I doubt their intentions are evil, but I think this community has a lot of potential and right now it is full of out-of-context posts and memes. For that we already have other communities with more varied subject matter.

    I attach examples where you can see what I am talking about. Having said that, I hope that the moderators will do something to improve the quality of the publications. Thank you.

    Edit v1.01: Change pronouns (he/him -> they/them)



    Lemmygrad Vent Post!
  • Sorry to hear that comrade… 🫂 ❤️

  • Hello comrades, how is life?
  • Oh! I live in the Basque Country. What was your experience here? The gastronomy is one of the best in the world, and although people are a bit more shy than in the rest of Spain, you can have a great time if you go out partying with Basques. If you need advice about tourism here, I know of a few places that might interest you :) @[email protected]

  • Kohei, Saito - La naturaleza contra el capital, el ecosocialismo de Marx

    Hi friends.

    Today I share with you a book that has given much to talk about lately, written by Kohei Saito. It's based on the Spanish version (sorry English comrades) but it is meticulously digitized, with a good layout and good color contrast.

    I hope you like my contribution <3

    Philosophy IngrownMink4☭

    Reading Hegel gives me headaches :S

    Socialist Music IngrownMink4☭

    “Auferstanden aus Ruinen” – National Anthem of East Germany

    Nationalhymne der DDR (1949)


    How to make a Juche flag
