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Infinitybiscuit Infinitybiscuit
Posts 1
Comments 17

Dang it, Boohauer!

Youth Lagoon is a back with a new album
  • I remember seeing this and was shocked. The Year of Hibernation will always be a nostalgic favorite of mine but I’m excited to see a comeback.

  • Something I WONT miss from Reddit/other social medias
  • 100% this. My mood levels have been way more stable since I deleted Reddit. I think the forum based media here also only attracts people willing to contribute more than just a sensational picture or video.

  • Comfort games?
  • Stardew Valley. Pretty much the community I wish I could live in.

  • Is anyone else beginning to mourn reddit?
  • I miss the community and the excitement it brought me to discover something new. That faded a long time ago. I think it’s a good thing to just let it die.

  • What are you reading? (June 2023)
  • I legitimately did not know there is a book. It’s my favorite movie so I might pick this up.

  • Apollo for Reddit is shutting down
  • We all got here before the trolls and bots. It’s so refreshing to have actual conversations without the hate.

  • 4 here
  • Wind Waker will always have a special place in my heart. It was the first game to open a whole world of exploration for me.

  • Reddit perma-banning account promoting Lemmy has Streisand effect
  • I don’t. I want people who will take the extra time to add to the discussion. Most people aren’t going to want to acclimate to the fediverse which I think will filter out a lot of nonsense.

  • What are some communities that aren't here yet that you hope to see in the future?
  • I would personally like a fine art related community. Something for critique and discussion of art and art history. It seems like many places I’ve been before turn their nose up at anything abstract or outside the realms of traditional western art.

  • How many of you are making your own music?
  • I would love something to share and critique on. Is there and instance for songwriters?

  • It’s WIP Wednesday! What’re you working on right now?
  • Been taking a break on painting lately so I can Finnish up my indie surf album. I’m almost done. But now I’m focusing on studying more web art history so I have a more clear vision of where I want to take my work when I’m ready.

  • Reddit mods are organizing blackouts to protest against API changes
  • I deleted my almost 11 year old account and moved here because of this. I used there shitty app for way too long and after switching to Apollo i suddenly saw all the old subreddits I subscribed too become more prominent in my feed. On there app if felt like I was getting fed rage bait.