We love dynasties out here on the prairies, no matter how little it relates to reality.
My machine can't handle that upgrade and I've not gotten any popups, thankfully.
Interesting. Newsgroups are literally what i used last century for my piracy. But back then you got newsgroups (and other services) included with your internet.
Windscribe free doesn't support P2P anymore? Hmm, that's an interesting development.
I check my srt files for that kind of thing and just remove it. But i don't download as much material as many people, perhaps.
It's strictly about cost of living. Nothing else. Most people's retirement locations have more to do with where their children/family are than anything else.
I'm with you on this. Almost all jokes re: Halloween are in poor taste so I'm not sure why this one is off limits suddenly after years of indifference.
Never say anything related to politics where you can be identified. If you do you're just a chump who will get it in the neck eventually.
I mostly listen to jazz, blues and classical. I use rutracker which has everything I want and in lossless formats. Mp3s too but I'm more interested in lossless.
I have no idea what uncles have to do with this especially but I've heard lots of people, young, old, male, female say these kinds of things.
Do they have a good healthcare plan? If they don't...well just never get cancer or something.
Where is this from that there were just these six options for plates? Stores had dozens of plate varieties and they changed from year to year.
Well unless their ideology is baked into the programming I'm not sure why it would matter. It certainly doesn't matter to me.
As it does every summer but it started earlier than I can ever remember it doing before.
Well he represents the very noisy conspiracy nuts in Toronto.
We haven't had letter grades (not % or numbers either) here in Regina for more than 10 years for grades up to 8. High school (9-12) just uses a %.
It's ridiculous that they're even allowed to dump untreated/poorly treated sewage and other effluent into the ocean within the 200 nautical miles which is Canada's jurisdiction.
Kids were trying to solve problems 25 years ago, too, even if you weren't.
By more than human do you mean like a snake that can unhinge its jaw so it can actually fit these sandwiches in our mouths.