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IgnoreKassandra IgnoreKassandra

Cursed to utter true prophecies, but never be believed.

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Comments 34
Twitter tells users to touch grass, adds new rule limiting how many tweets you can read per day
  • Every tweet you scroll past counts as a read tweet. That probably cuts down the number you can actually read by quite a lot.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • Hot dog! This day keeps getting better!

  • [WIRED] How to Tackle AI—and Cheating—in the Classroom
  • I mean honestly... is this an actual problem? If someone uses AI to bullshit all their assignments, they're just going to get to the test and then flop. That, or they do genuinely know the material and are skipping the busywork.

    Yes, as it currently stands it could be considered dishonest, but does it actually harm anyone but the student doing it? I'm not so sure we actually need a solution to these problems other than trusting students to fuck around and find out.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • God damn, apparently they came out with six nee wifis while I wasn't paying attention.

  • Not me watching multi hour long lore videos.
  • It's like the bible but if the apostles were all hot beefcakes and instead of duping fish or whatever jesus decided to use his psychic powers for galactic genocide.

  • Are there any good jobs out there where you can show up, do your work, and then just leave when it's done?
  • 2nding the trades. Become an electrician and join the union. Once you get your journeyman's license you work exactly the shift it says on the call you took from the job board, and while you may be offered overtime there's no shame in not taking it.

  • Ukraine managed to gain ground in Ukraine as Russia faced off against Russia in Russia
  • Eh, at least something good came of it. I was really hoping the nazis would kill eachother for a change (azov excluded), but that's life for you I guess.

  • I’m slowly getting used to it but i feel it’s worth the move

    That should get you to it, but it's going to be nonfunctional on the 30th so dont get too attached.

  • Reddit is in danger of a death spiral
  • It's not a loss of volunteer manpower, its just a changing of the guard. Sadly there will always be legions of scabs willing to take the place of those protesting.

  • The name of this sub is racist or is recreating structural racism
  • Jewish person here. I don't care, and neither would anyone from my congregation. It turns out that minorities are capable of understanding cultural and contextual differences regarding the use of language.

  • The name of this sub is racist or is recreating structural racism
  • The origin of the phrase "PC/Linux/whatever-non-serious-thing master race" is self-deprecating. It's an ironic jab at the enthusiasts in these communities that take themsevles way too seriously and gatekeep users of other platforms.

    Do you know of any actual minorities who are upset by this phrasing, or are you just white knighting?

  • I’m slowly getting used to it but i feel it’s worth the move
  • It's available for ios on testflight as a beta, but obviously only for another week or so.

  • I’m slowly getting used to it but i feel it’s worth the move
  • The guy who makes Sync for Reddit is making a lemmy app, so whether or not apollo happens there will at least be one high quality app

  • Debris found in search area for missing Titanic submersible
  • Yeah that about sums it up for me. There's a certain point where you're like... what did you THINK was goimg to happen?

  • Debris found in search area for missing Titanic submersible
  • I feel bad for the 19 year old who got dragged along by his dad, but honestly as an endeavor it was kind of begging for a disaster to happen.

    Like if you go back and look at interviews from a while ago the guy is talking about how bullshit the safety regulations are and how hes not going to follow them because thats what innovation is all about.

    To be honest, good riddance. The world is better off without a handful of billionaires who spend their money gawking at mass graves.

  • Russian Thermonuclear Bomb Creator Found Dead in Moscow
  • I mean yeah, that's probably what I'd do if I was 92 years old too. Unless something more comes out, I don't think there's any reason to believe this is anything sketchy.

  • [/r/atheism] Only 13,000 signatures to ban creationism in science classrooms. Sign the damn thing. (+1473)
  • Time is a flat circle, I guess. I mean, that or liberals just never learn. Protests and petitions just don't work the way you learn in school, sadly.

  • Reddit says it’s ‘not acceptable’ for communities to go NSFW in protest
  • I'm sure reddit considers pretty much any kind of protest as "not acceptable"

  • Pentagon orders AMRAAM missiles worth over $1 billion for Ukraine
  • The difference between this and Afghanistan being that we don't have boots on the ground, we're just supporting a geopolitical ally avoid GENOCIDE via a geopolitical enemy.

    I’m in favor of my tax dollars going to keeping Americans alive for once, instead of being spent on yet another war we shouldn’t be involved in in the first place.

    Okay, from that perspective allowing Russia to grind itself into nothing prevents future proxy wars where Americans will die. Russia is an enemy of the United States. They fund anti-american terrorist groups, the interfere with our election, they attempt assassinations on US soil. Allow Russia to operate unchallenged does not result in a safer world for the American people.

    Also, maybe I'm the asshole here, but I feel like America SHOULD get involved to stop literal, capital G genocide. I think the fact that you're happy to watch Russia exterminate Ukrainian towns just because it saves us a couple bucks pretty despicable. I mean, honestly, not to make that same worn out comparison, but if the Japanese hadn't attacked us, would you have happily sat out of World War II because it "wasn't our fight"?