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Ignacio Ignacio

Spanish guy, who likes open source software and has just discovered the fediverse (as of 28th of April, 2022). I like video games, and indie and retro music. I’m a student. I’m officially diagnosed with ADHD and ASD since January, 2023.

America is a continent and Americans are people from that continent (Canadians, Usonians, Mexicans, Cubans, Argentinians, Brazilians...)

Mastodon user: Peertube user:

Posts 56
Comments 582
[Solved] I am unable to install flatpaks as user.
  • Well, after some very obscure search over internet, I found something that solves my issue (maybe yours too in case you want to install packages as user).

    If you use Lubuntu (I don't know whether it works on other distributions), you have to go to the folder /home/[youruser]/.local/share/flatpak/repo/. There is a file there called config. Open it, and write something like this:


    [remote "flathub"]

    (By the way where it says true, I set it as false, thinking that was my issue).

    Now, when I install OBS Studio as user, it lets me.

    PS: if GPG verification is set as true, make sure you downloaded the flathub.gpg file from the repo and copied it to your local folder as flathub.trustedkeys.gpg and flathub-beta.trustedkeys.gpg

  • I am unable to install flatpaks as user.

    What am I doing wrong?

    Steve with GN Considering Linux
  • BlindIRL seems niche, but he has more than 50.000 subscribers.

    His next live streaming.

  • the mods have gone psycho over at reddit
  • Only at reddit? Take a look at or

  • Spanish PM Pedro Sanchez leads EU in push to recognise Palestine as a sovereign state
  • Why do people keep calling him Prime Minister when he's clearly President?

  • UK's Cameron to warn that West has not learned lessons of Ukraine-Russia war
  • Especially when there are rumours about Putin wanting to invade Narva region in Estonia. Will NATO stand with Estonia no matter what, or will NATO start acting for once?

  • 07 May: Urgent. The second wave of bot attacks has begun

    *Permanently Deleted*
  • Me: Finally I have my ADHD under control, I feel so good.
    My ASD: Hold my beer.

  • The president of the Spanish government, Pedro Sánchez, announces that he will not resign after the accusations against his wife España: el presidente del gobierno, Pedro Sánchez, anuncia que no dimitirá tras las acusaciones contra su esposa - BBC News Mundo

    Tras cinco días de especulaciones sobre su futuro, Pedro Sánchez anunció el lunes que seguirá al frente del gobierno de España

    España: el presidente del gobierno, Pedro Sánchez, anuncia que no dimitirá tras las acusaciones contra su esposa - BBC News Mundo

    President Pedro Sánchez announced on Monday that he will continue to lead the Spanish government, after five days of speculation about his future.

    Last week, Sánchez announced that he would cancel all his official engagements after a court opened an initial investigation into his wife, Begoña Gómez, over accusations of influence peddling.

    Sánchez, who has been in power since 2018, called the accusations a harassment campaign orchestrated by right-wing media.

    “My wife and I know that this smear campaign will not stop, we have been suffering from it for 10 years,” Sánchez said. “We can handle it,” he added.

    His decision last week to take time away from office to reflect on whether he would continue to lead the government came as a surprise even to people in his own Partido Socialista Obrero Español (PSOE).

    The accusations against Begoña Gómez were presented by the organization Manos Limpias, led by a man linked to the extreme right named Miguel Bernad.

    The complaint

    The complaint admitted by a court in Madrid against Begoña Gómez states that "taking advantage of her relationship with the president of the government, she would have recommended or endorsed by letter of recommendation with her signature to businessmen who bid for public tenders."

    The document also points out that one of the companies that obtained public funds organized years later a master's degree in a university program that she directs and that another of them, the airline Air Europa, agreed to allocate funds for an innovation center in Africa that was also charge of Sánchez's wife.

    When the complaint was made known, the president assured that his wife will defend herself in court against "facts as apparently scandalous as they are inconsistent."

    On Thursday, the Madrid prosecutor's office asked that the investigation be archived due to lack of evidence.

    Manos Limpias also acknowledged that the allegations could be incorrect because they were based on online newspaper articles, one of which has already been proven false.

    Manos Limpias has gained notoriety by filing judicial complaints about alleged cases of political corruption that have frequently ended up being archived.

    In his speech on Monday, which lasted about 10 minutes, Sánchez thanked the messages of support he received, which, he said, weighed on his decision to continue in the government.

    He also ruled out that his five-day “reflection” period was a strategy. He noted that he decided to stop out of “conviction”, in order to change the course of politics in Spain.

    And he said: “It's about deciding what kind of society we want to be. Our country needs this reflection. We have been letting mud contaminate our public life for too long.”

    Sánchez emphasized that his decision "is not a full-stop."

    "It's a paragraph, I guarantee it."

    If Sánchez had resigned, he would have become the first president to leave office in the middle of a term since 1981, when Adolfo Suárez did so.


    "I need to stop and reflect": the Spanish president, Pedro Sánchez, announces that he is considering resigning after starting an investigation into his wife Pedro Sánchez: el presidente español anuncia que se plantea dimitir tras iniciarse una investigación a su esposa - BBC News Mundo

    La esposa del presidente ha sido denunciada por tráfico de influencias. Sánchez lo achaca a una "campaña de acoso y derribo" contra él.

    Pedro Sánchez: el presidente español anuncia que se plantea dimitir tras iniciarse una investigación a su esposa - BBC News Mundo

    The president of the Spanish government, Pedro Sánchez, announced this Wednesday the suspension of his public activities to consider his possible resignation from office after a Madrid court accepted a complaint against his wife, Begoña Gómez, for a possible traffic crime. of influences.

    In an open letter to citizens, Sánchez stated: “I need to stop and reflect. "I urgently need to answer the question of whether it is worth it, whether I should continue leading the Government or give up this honor."

    The leader of the Spanish Socialist Workers Party (PSOE) attributes the complaint against his wife to “an operation of harassment and demolition” of the “right and extreme right” with the aim of making him “faint politically and personally by attacking” his wife.

    And he points to his opposition rivals on the right of the political arc, the leader of the conservative Partido Popular, Alberto Núñez-Feijoo; and the far-right Vox, Santiago Abascal, as “necessary collaborators” of a campaign that seeks to “dehumanize and delegitimize the political adversary through complaints that are as scandalous as they are false.”

    Sánchez assured in the letter that she published on her X social network account that she "lives helplessly with the mud that is spread over her day in and day out" and announced that she will appear next Monday to announce her decision regarding her continuity in the post.

    The content of the complaint

    The complaint admitted by the Investigative Court Number 41 of Madrid against Begoña Gómez states that, "taking advantage" of her relationship with the President of the Government, she would have recommended or endorsed by letter of recommendation with her signature to businessmen who bid for public tenders." .

    The letter also points out that one of the companies that obtained public funds organized years later a master's degree in a university program that she directs and that another of them, the airline Air Europa, agreed to allocate funds for an innovation center in Africa that was also at the same time. charge of Sánchez's wife.

    The Spanish president assured that his wife will defend herself in court against “facts that are as apparently scandalous as they are inconsistent.

    The complaint was filed by the Colectivo de Funcionarios Públicos Manos Limpias, an organization often involved in controversy because its founder is a former far-right militant and which has gained notoriety by filing judicial complaints about alleged cases of political corruption that have frequently finished archived.

    In the case of Begoña Gómez, the investigating judge Juan Carlos Peinado has so far limited himself to ordering the opening of proceedings and summoning as witnesses the directors of the media that have disseminated the journalistic publications on which the complaint is based, some with an editorial line very critical of the Pedro Sánchez government.

    Alberto Núñez Feijóo, leader of the Partido Popular, the main opposition force, accused Sánchez of “dereliction of duties” for announcing that he is taking a few days until Monday to decide whether to continue in office.

    "If you have nothing to fear, why don't you explain?" Feijóo asked him, who also reproached him for what he considered an attempt to "victimize" himself.

    The support of the independentists

    Hours before Sánchez's letter was made public, the PP had demanded explanations from him in Parliament, to which the president of the government responded by saying that "on a day like today and after the news that I have learned, despite everything I continue believing in the justice of my country".

    Spanish media reported that Sánchez had left Parliament this Wednesday heading to his Madrid residence visibly upset.

    Sánchez's decision to suspend his public events comes at a tense time for the PSOE, ahead of the European Parliament elections in June and elections in the Catalonia region next month.

    Sánchez was precisely due to participate this Thursday in the start of the socialists' campaign in Barcelona ahead of the Catalan elections on May 12.

    The Spanish president managed to be sworn back into office a few months ago with the support of two Catalan separatist parties, which agreed to give him their votes in exchange for an amnesty for those accused and convicted of the independence process in Catalonia that culminated in a referendum of independence in October 2017.

    Without the support of Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya (ERC) and Junts per Catalunya (JxCat), he would not have been able to remain in power.

    Opposition parties are outraged by the amnesty, which also means that former Catalan president Carles Puigdemont can run in the May 12 elections, seven years after he escaped from justice by moving to Belgium.

    Puigdemont still faces a terrorism case, but believes the amnesty will allow him to return to Spain.

    Google Translate


    Those with executive function issues and who take atomoxetine, did/do you go to therapy or do any meditation technique? Did/do you notice ED improvements with that combination?

    Just what the title says. I'm taking atomoxetine since 13 months, and this week will be my first psychological session. I've severe ED issues, to the point I can't do almost anything productive (including meditation itself), no matter how much I want to.

    The most dangerous leader of the Mocro Maffia escapes from Spain after a judicial lack of coordination
  • Firing doesn't exist in public service. Suspension of job and payment does, but only under circumstances specified in the law, which is not the case.

  • Hungarian PM believes West is “one step away from sending troops to Ukraine”
  • If Budapest does not want a war, the tell your puppeteer Putin to leave Ukraine alone.

  • YouTube is finally cracking down on third-party apps that enable ad-blocking
  • unless PeerTube finds a way to pay content creators

    Google is a for-profit organization. Framasoft, which developed PeerTube, is a non-profit one. The only way to pay content creators is when people donate money to PeerTube and then PeerTube share that money with creators. Which is also difficult because there are no trackers to know internally who has more subscribers or which video has more views, etc. Internally as using a tracker, but you have to visit one by one every channel and every video to know its numbers.

  • Imanol Pradales, PNV candidate, attacked with pepper spray while leaving a rally in Barakaldo Imanol Pradales, candidato del PNV, atacado con spray pimienta al salir de un mitin en Barakaldo

    Una persona ha atacado con spray de pimienta al candidato a lehendakari del PNV, Imanol Pradales. La agresi�n ha tenido lugar pasadas las siete y media de la tarde de este martes,...

    Imanol Pradales, candidato del PNV, atacado con spray pimienta al salir de un mitin en Barakaldo

    A 49-year-old man has been arrested. Imanol Pradales leaves the hospital and attends the debate on Basque television with the other six candidates for 'lehendakari'

    A person has attacked the PNV lehendakari candidate, Imanol Pradales, with pepper spray. The attack took place after seven thirty in the afternoon this Tuesday, when Pradales was leaving the rally he had given in the Biscayan town of Barakaldo to go to the ETB headquarters. Pradales has been treated at the Cruces hospital and is currently heading to Basque public television, where he plans to participate starting at 10:15 p.m. tonight in the electoral debate with the rest of the candidates for the Lehendakaritza.

    The attack on Pradales was recounted at the beginning of his speech by the president of the PNV EBB, Andoni Ortuzar, at that same electoral event. As he explained, when the lehendakari candidate "was leaving to prepare for the ETB debate, a person approached him and sprayed him with pepper spray and they had to take him to Cruces to clean his eyes."

    The Ertzaintza, minutes later, confirmed that the attack was carried out by a 49-year-old man who is in custody. The individual threw pepper spray at Pradales when he was going to get into the car that was going to take him to the Basque television headquarters in Bilbao, next to the San Mamés football field. A companion of Pradales has also been affected by the attack and has required medical assistance.

    Although Ortuzar has called to "not worry" about Pradales' condition, he has shared his concern about these events with the supporters present at the rally. "We don't know what it is, but in any case, I think that this type of behavior, this type of events, has to lead us as a society to reflect on whether all of this that we are experiencing, of stretching, of tension, of creating division , to create tension, is the way for a society like the Basque one. Of course, in the opinion of the PNV, no, that is not our way," he stated.

    The PP candidate for Lehendakaritza, Javier de Andrés, has expressed his "most resounding and energetic condemnation" of the attack suffered by his electoral rival. "The condition of Imanol Pradales is pending after the pepper spray attack of which he was a victim this afternoon. I trust that he will be perfectly well as soon as possible. My most resounding and energetic condemnation," Javier de Andrés wrote on social networks.

    The President of the Government has expressed himself in the same sense. "I want to convey all my support and solidarity to Imanol Pradales. In democracy there is no room for aggression. Never. To anyone. I wish him to recover soon so that I can continue with the final stretch of the electoral campaign," Pedro Sánchez wrote in a message distributed on social networks.

    Half of America Makes Less Than 35k
  • That's half of United States rather than half of America.

  • Reddit is so toxic
  • There’s so much hostility

    Same here, to be honest. Except for Beehaw, every other place seems like a no-mod/no-remember-the-human land.

  • President Biden is now posting into the fediverse
  • And some governments, like Germany and The Netherlands.

  • lemmy.rule
  • To me, it seems like you and the OP resent US users for simply existing in an online space without putting forth any solutions to the issue. Are you sure you’re not trying to find ways to justify anti-US bias?

    If you want the space to have more equal representation, why not produce high-quality content that appeals to your fellows rather than moaning about people who by your own admission mean no harm?


  • If you make a grammar/spelling mistake in your comment and realize later will you edit it to fix it?
  • I always do that, but only if I have the option to edit it. If I don't, then maybe I delete my comment and start over, or maybe I don't.

  • A reminder not to spiral from a simple mistake
  • ADHD and ASD enter the chat: "May we join?"

  • The Government is already cutting the syllabus in the 'light' oppositions for civil servants and allows candidates to do "pools" to study less El Gobierno ya recorta temario en las oposiciones 'light' a funcionario y permite que los candidatos hagan "quinielas" para estudiar menos

    El Gobierno ya est� aplicando las denominadas oposiciones light, los ex�menes para acceder a la Funci�n P�blica o ascender dentro de la misma con una menor carga de temas, en...

    El Gobierno ya recorta temario en las oposiciones 'light' a funcionario y permite que los candidatos hagan "quinielas" para estudiar menos

    In the internal promotion of the Higher Corps Cadastral Management has eliminated 34 topics, and in Medical Inspectors the reduction has also reached free access




    Milestone in neonatal surgery: a tumor in a baby before birth is successfully intervened on Hito en cirugía neonatal: intervienen con éxito un tumor en una bebé antes de nacer

    Los expertos extirparon un tumor cardiaco que ponía en riesgo la vida de la gestante, de 28 semanas, y de su madre

    Hito en cirugía neonatal: intervienen con éxito un tumor en una bebé antes de nacer

    Experts removed a heart tumor that put the lives of the 28-week gestating infant and her mother at risk.

    It is the first time that an intervention of this type has been performed in Spain on such a small baby.


    RTVE resolves the internal crisis in extremis by appointing Concepción Cascajosa as the new interim president RTVE resuelve in extremis la crisis interna nombrando a Concepción Cascajosa nueva presidenta interina

    La nueva presidenta era consejera desde 2021 a propuesta del PSOE y ha dedicado la mayor parte de su vida profesional a la investigación y la ens

    RTVE resuelve in extremis la crisis interna nombrando a Concepción Cascajosa nueva presidenta interina

    The new president was a councilor since 2021 at the proposal of the PSOE and has dedicated most of her professional life to research and teaching in audiovisual matters.

    After a day and a half of battle, the final result is that the left retains that key position and that the dismissed, Elena Sánchez, manages to get her two opponents, José Pablo López and Alfonso Morales, to leave RTVE


    The first generation without tobacco, an increasingly probable utopia? La primera generación sin tabaco, ¿una utopía cada vez más probable?

    El número de fumadores diarios en España desciende cada año y algunos países legislan ya su ilegalización progresiva. Sin embargo, nuevas formas de consumo como el vapeo muestran que todavía queda un largo camino por recorrer.

    La primera generación sin tabaco, ¿una utopía cada vez más probable?

    The number of daily smokers in Spain decreases every year and some countries are already legislating their progressive illegalization. However, new forms of consumption such as vaping show that there is still a long way to go.


    Does anyone know good and especially cheap therapists who do online therapy for ADHD?

    Hello. I was diagnosed with ADHD one year ago already (I was 35 back then), but since then I'm only with medical treatment, in other words, with medication. This medication can keep my ADHD symptoms under control, at a degree. But it does absolutely nothing against my executive dysfunction and my focus issues, and I don't have proper tools to handle my ADHD.

    On a Discord server someone told me to look for therapists that do online sessions from third world countries for ADHD people, but I don't know where to look for them, and I don't know whether they're actual therapists or random scammers either. I live in Spain (pointing that out in case you try to push your US narrative), and a psychologists charges between 40 € and 60 € per session, being one session per week. And I can't afford spending 160 €/240 € per month when I don't even have a job.

    Does anyone can give me some advice or recommendations, or webpages where I can look for someone?


    Vladimir Solovyov wants to nuke Western cities


    My Love-Hate Relationship With Lemmy

    Cross-posted from here:


    Ffmpeg makes choppy videos when recording audio

    Well, my issue is simple to explain, but I tried everything to solve it without success.

    I like recording gameplays, just for fun. The game I currently make recordings for is not resource heavy (it's Doom 2 through GZDoom). I'm using Lubuntu 22.04.

    So, here is the command I've just used:

    ffmpeg -f x11grab -draw_mouse 0 -framerate 30 -probesize 42M -video_size 1920x1080 -i :0 -f pulse -i default -c:v libvpx-vp9 -r 30 -g 90 -quality realtime -frame-parallel 1 -qmin 4 -qmax 48 -b:v 4500k -c:a libvorbis prueba.mkv

    The issue is, if I record without including the audio, then the video plays smoothly after being recorded. But if I record including the audio, no matter what parameters, codecs, bitrate or anything I use, then the video is barely watchable, with lots of choppiness, and even with delay between audio and video, apparently.

    SimpleScreenRecorder works fine, but sometimes there are few frames dropped and I don't like it much. OBS is very heavy for my hardware (Mac Mini 2016, Intel Core i5 1.4 GHz 4260U, Intel HD Graphics 4000, 4 GB RAM).

    I also tried VAAPI, with same results as above.

    And the thing is that I remember recording some years ago, with no issues at all.

    I don't know what to do. Any tip or solution?


    Ffmpeg makes choppy videos when recording with audio

    Well, my issue is simple to explain, but I tried everything to solve it without success.

    I like recording gameplays, just for fun. The game I currently make recordings for is not resource heavy (it's Doom 2 through GZDoom). I'm using Lubuntu 22.04.

    So, here is the command I've just used:

    ffmpeg -f x11grab -draw_mouse 0 -framerate 30 -probesize 42M -video_size 1920x1080 -i :0 -f pulse -i default -c:v libvpx-vp9 -r 30 -g 90 -quality realtime -frame-parallel 1 -qmin 4 -qmax 48 -b:v 4500k -c:a libvorbis prueba.mkv

    The issue is, if I record without including the audio, then the video plays smoothly after being recorded. But if I record including the audio, no matter what parameters, codecs, bitrate or anything I use, then the video is barely watchable, with lots of choppiness, and even with delay between audio and video, apparently.

    SimpleScreenRecorder works fine, but sometimes there are few frames dropped and I don't like it much. OBS is very heavy for my hardware (Mac Mini 2016, Intel Core i5 1.4 GHz 4260U, Intel HD Graphics 4000, 4 GB RAM).

    I also tried VAAPI, with same results as above.

    And the thing is that I remember recording some years ago, with no issues at all.

    I don't know what to do. Any tip or solution?


    Ffmpeg causes choppy video when recording with audio

    Well, my issue is simple to explain, but I tried everything to solve it without success.

    I like recording gameplays, just for fun. The game I currently make recordings for is not resource heavy (it's Doom 2 through GZDoom). I'm using Lubuntu 22.04.

    So, here is the command I've just used:

    ffmpeg -f x11grab -draw_mouse 0 -framerate 30 -probesize 42M -video_size 1920x1080 -i :0 -f pulse -i default -c:v libvpx-vp9 -r 30 -g 90 -quality realtime -frame-parallel 1 -qmin 4 -qmax 48 -b:v 4500k -c:a libvorbis prueba.mkv

    The issue is, if I record without including the audio, then the video plays smoothly after being recorded. But if I record including the audio, no matter what parameters, codecs, bitrate or anything I use, then the video is barely watchable, with lots of choppiness, and even with delay between audio and video, apparently.

    SimpleScreenRecorder works fine, but sometimes there are few frames dropped and I don't like it much. OBS is very heavy for my hardware (Mac Mini 2016, Intel Core i5 1.4 GHz 4260U, Intel HD Graphics 4000, 4 GB RAM).

    I also tried VAAPI, with same results as above.

    And the thing is that I remember recording some years ago, with no issues at all.

    I don't know what to do. Any tip or solution?


    Ffmpeg causes choppy video when recording with audio

    Well, my issue is simple to explain, but I tried everything to solve it without success.

    I like recording gameplays, just for fun. The game I currently make recordings for is not resource heavy (it's Doom 2 through GZDoom). I'm using Lubuntu 22.04.

    So, here is the command I've just used:

    ffmpeg -f x11grab -draw_mouse 0 -framerate 30 -probesize 42M -video_size 1920x1080 -i :0 -f pulse -i default -c:v libvpx-vp9 -r 30 -g 90 -quality realtime -frame-parallel 1 -qmin 4 -qmax 48 -b:v 4500k -c:a libvorbis prueba.mkv

    The issue is, if I record without including the audio, then the video plays smoothly after being recorded. But if I record including the audio, no matter what parameters, codecs, bitrate or anything I use, then the video is barely watchable, with lots of choppiness, and even with delay between audio and video, apparently.

    SimpleScreenRecorder works fine, but sometimes there are few frames dropped and I don't like it much. OBS is very heavy for my hardware (Mac Mini 2016, Intel Core i5 1.4 GHz 4260U, Intel HD Graphics 4000, 4 GB RAM).

    I also tried VAAPI, with same results as above.

    And the thing is that I remember recording some years ago, with no issues at all.

    I don't know what to do. Any tip or solution?


    Is it possible to use OpenGL recordings with SimpleScreenRecorder without using Steam?

    I like recording my gameplays as a hobby, especially since I watched some youtubers recording theirs. But I have some issues on Lubuntu:

    • OBS is too heavy for my hardware, which is a Mac Mini 2016. Everytime I tried to do some recordings, video appeared heavily stuttered.

    • Ffmpeg is very lightweight, and I was experimenting with it, but for some reason video appears faster and ahead from audio, out of sync.

    • SSR (SimpleScreenRecorder) is the best option for me. But sometimes there are dropped frames. Not too many, although enough to be noticeable at some times.

    Now, my issue with SSR is that I want to use the OpenGL option to see how good or bad it is. The problem is that there is no information on internet except for Steam. And when I want to execute the command ssr-glinject [program], a segmentation fault appears.

    What can I do?


    Health will include glasses and contact lenses in Social Security benefits Sanidad incluirá gafas y lentillas en las prestaciones de la Seguridad Social

    El Ministerio de Sanidad considera que es una necesidad que la salud visual se incorpore a la cartera común de la atención primaria.

    Sanidad incluirá gafas y lentillas en las prestaciones de la Seguridad Social

    The Ministry of Health considers that it is a necessity that visual health be incorporated into the common portfolio of primary care.
