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IRQBreaker IRQBreaker
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Comments 37
  • I have this T-shirt and I love it!

  • [2023-08-25] Frittsnack fredag
  • Idag skall jag hjälpa stora sonen med att flytta till studentlägenhet i Lund. Kommer att kännas tomt här hemma...

  • Flatpak is not the future (2021)
  • Pretty much nails it.

  • Debian turns 30 – and important to Linux world as ever
  • I really enjoy Debian. I have no need for bleeding edge software releases, what I need is stability. I even run Firefox ESR 😀 It's quite hard to brick a Debian stable installation (if not doing any extraordinary that is).

  • Do you still write notes with pen and paper?
  • Oh yes. The actual craft of writing something down with a pencil does wonders for me to actually remembering stuff.

  • Do you still write notes with pen and paper?
  • I'm 53. Never got the hang of typing fast on the phone, so whenever I'm in a meeting and not having my laptop with me, it's pen and paper for me. 🙃

  • A video by The Linux Cast on the debian website and how it needs to be more user friendly.
  • I know that they don't spell it with big letters on the website, but Debian is NOT a distro for new users. So why even go there?

  • What is your preferred daily driver distribution?
  • Debian + I3 when working and Debian + KDE when slacking off. 🙃

  • A few days ago I posted about an app to sincronize Lemmy accounts, here's the design update
  • Let me sync... LetMeSync... LemmeSync... LemmySync...

  • python < shell (for scripts)
  • Granted, it's a kind of niche use case but in the embedded world there's usually size constraints which prevents a full blown bash installation.

    However, things are better now than 20 years ago. Flash is cheap.

  • Junk websites filled with AI-generated text are pulling in money from programmatic ads
  • "...wasting massive amounts of ad money."

    I don't see this as a problem.

  • Do you use a scooter for your commute? Just for fun? Or something else?
  • I do. I'm quite lucky since live very close to my office so I could (should) walk. But it's more fun taking the scooter.

  • Algeria summons Danish and Swedish envoys to condemn Koran desecrations
  • Yes, in Sweden we are secular and have freedom of religion. However, my personal preference would be freedom FROM religion. And I mean all religions.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • I did the same. Lemmy-Easy-Deploy made thinhs easy.

  • New Player Strat
  • I'm a simple man, show me a Stratocaster and I upvote.

    Nice strat! I've had mine for about fifteen years now and it's still my favorite to play.

  • is there an easy way for non-technical experts to set up their own Lemmy
  • Setting up an own instance of Lemmy got super easy using Lemmy-Easy-Deploy

    I'm using Dynu for DDNS.