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Hyphlosion Hyphlosion

Your local Zero Sugar, Meatatarian, Johtoker.

I love everything Johto!

I’m here for the chill vibes and to have a good time.

Billy O’nares refer to me as “A commoner with gumption.”

Posts 1
Comments 103
violently cries and sobs
  • You don’t have to accept being called anything. Doesn’t have much use outside the Internet anyway.

    You don’t say “That trans person over there” or “That cis chick over there” or “That gay dude over there.” You say their names. (Or “that person” if you don’t.)

    Because no one is really going to care about my sexual orientation in a formal setting or when they come across me or another random person at the grocery store.

    You can call me a leaf for all I care. We most likely won’t be seeing each other the next day anyway.

  • He will weep.
  • We usually call ‘em clankers.

  • Do you know any singleplayer games that are infinitely replayable?
  • For me, that would be the 3D Mario games (or any Mario game, really).

    I have over 70 hours logged into Super Mario 3D-Stars, and that’s just the newer way I’ve played these games.

  • It's what makes us special!
  • Behold, the real reason why Elon launched a car into space.

  • Loyalty to the flag
  • “naked undergarment”

    Never heard that oxymoron before.

  • Please vote
  • I’ve long fantasized of people being so fed up with both parties, that along would come a third party at the right time and enough people would flock to them that and vote them into office.

    But it’s just that: A fantasy.

    And anyways, there’s always the chance that said third party would be way way worse and maybe there’s a good reason why they weren’t more prominent to begin with.

  • *Ackshually*
  • ME: You forgot the comma in that sentence. Commas are important!

    DEVIL: Keep it up, jackass…

  • “Where did all the money go?”: Star Wars Fans Can’t Believe Disney Spent Twice the Money as Godzilla Minus One to Make Each Episode of The Acolyte
  • You would think they aren’t starting from scratch, but each crappy shot of an underbaked Coruscant suggests otherwise.

  • Do you recognise any usernames on Lemmy?
  • No, but then again, I’m better remembering names when they’re paired with the pictures by their names. I lurk Lemmy with the Voyager app, which doesn’t seem to display pics next to names. So… Yeah

    Also, low key happy to see I haven’t been mentioned. Means I’ve really toned it down since my Reddit days and leaving Reddit a year ago. Progress.

  • Please submit within three business days
  • “Excessive lens flare”

    Star Wars: The Force Awakens:

  • Many such cases
  • Please tell that’s pronounced as X-Face.

  • Makes sense to me
  • Four White Mages? It’ll never work.

  • The latest Ads
  • @Maven Also all the “As Seen on TV” stuff that’s just hanging around by the checkout aisle.

  • New FPS Built Using Doom Tech Is Better Than Most AAA Shooters
  • @Duamerthrax I’d love to get me one of those raspberry pie mini consoles one of these times.

  • The American People
  • Being miserable and treating other people like dirt is every N̶e̶w̶ ̶Y̶o̶r̶k̶e̶r̶ American’s God-given right.

  • New FPS Built Using Doom Tech Is Better Than Most AAA Shooters
  • My PC specs are 0. You might’ve missed the part where I said “console peasant.”

  • They're going to kill that poor woman!
  • Nobody ****s with the Jesus! I have the death sentence on 12 lanes!

  • New FPS Built Using Doom Tech Is Better Than Most AAA Shooters
  • Most. But there’s a small problem: Us console peasants can’t play it yet. So… Yeah.