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Hugh hugh

Pretend internet tiger. Rawr and such.

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Comments 7
What games did you enjoy so much that you still think about them?
  • A Hat in Time has great gameplay and a very charming world and cast of characters and has firmly lodged the word "peck" into my memory.

  • Tell about some times you've played games in ways that were clearly not intended by the developers. :)
  • There's this old game called Shootmania Storm that died off super fast because it had some serious problems. The main game mode was basically a small scale battle royale with an instant-kill field that closed in on a capture point when one of the players captured it. The developers clearly intended the game to be a no-randomness purely skill-based game. The kill field's speed was carefully set to be just slow enough that if you bee-lined straight for the center it wouldn't catch you.

    So anyway I modded the server I hosted so that the instant-kill field's speed was set randomly anywhere between "immediately kills anyone not on the point" and "doesn't move at all".

  • Whats a game that everybody seems to love that you cant stand for one reason or another?
  • I guess I'll take the hit for this one. Dark Souls.

    The combat can be really fun and I had a great time fighting the bosses but the slow, careful crawl between boss fights is just so dull to me that it's not worth it.

  • Favorite SGDQ 2023 Runs?
  • The Golf It! race is fantastic! Very funny commentary the whole way through and an unexpected twist ending.

  • The tools and resources thread
  • Shouting it out here because it's been incredibly useful for a number of years. The format it saves to has libraries for pretty much anything you could want, and if any of those don't do it for you the tmx files are really easy to parse. I was able to write an importer for Unity that generated the mesh and colliders without too much trouble!

    (side-note I'm new to Lemmy so I'm not sure if I'm doing this thread structure right)

  • The tools and resources thread
  • Tiled is a tilemap or tile-based level editor. It's free and open source software licensed under the GPL-2.

  • Comfort games?
  • For me it's Tribes 2. I can spend hours bouncing around with bots on some old favorite maps, and there's something weirdly serene about being able to just leave the map on a grav cycle and keep going because the terrain repeats.