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HotBoxghost2743 Ghost

Cyber security enthusiast/ pen tester who loves Linux and teaching how to keep people safe online. Also a Linux advocate and open source GNU/Linux supporter.

Knows python, rust, C++ C# and java (unfortunately)

Posts 0
Comments 50
Why does grub show up like this in the BIOS?
  • Why are you using Arch as a reference for ubuntu? Also... I have secure boot on and I run arch and have for the last 5 + years it runs just fine lol

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • Please just drop it. Leave me alone please and do not message me.

    Thank you.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • How many times do I need to ask for the harassment to stop?

    For the 10th time please leave me alone

  • [Hyprland] Rosé Pine Moon
  • Oh this looks very clean! Great work and love arch

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • Because when I first posted this post they didn't dm me they sent me a private message about 15 minutes after I had made this post. You asked for something so I gave the proof. So stop removed. I have you exactly what you asked for

    These SSs were not included because I did not have them at the time

    I didn't violate anything.. people show names in SSs all the time.

    When someone exposea something they don't hide what they are exposing -_-

    Yeah let me just blur out the stuff i wanted to expose... Lmao

    I don't understand how you're going to threaten to report me over this.... When you're all defending the people saying this stuff

    My DMs had the names edited out. How are you going to threaten to ban me from Taking SS of users who aren't even on this website?

    Please leave me alone.. I really don't want to keep asking this.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • Bruh there was clearly incest and animal porn to report... So i reported it... These people confessed to it...

    I've asked you multiple times to just leave me alone.. and you aren't.. you keep accusing me of trolling... And I'm not.. stop making accusations and please leave me alone

    I will not ask you again. If someone tells you to leave them alone and you keep messaging them that is harassment.

    Someone talked about drugging their aunt to have sex with them.. and you're going to sit here and tell me that that's not something that needs to be reported and looked at for user safety?

    I'm not the troll here. You people are.

    Who the fuck makes a community for reddit on lemmy when the point of this site is to get away from reddit and to be better?

    I am not trolling. I have all the evidence I needed to.

    Ever since I joined lemmy I have done NOTHING WRONG. I have been super nice to people and have helped people and you're the one making accusations trying to defame someone who was just trying to make the internet a safer place

    Yeah and somehow I'm the troll

  • *Permanently Deleted*



    The report button is for reporting violations against reddit and the communities as a whole....

    You're really gonna sit here and say "it's for LAW VIOLATIONS"

    On a post that's talking about incest

    Are you really that stupid?

    This person messaged me saying they wanted to drug their aunt with sleeping pills.

    And somehow you fucking people make ME the joke and not taking this situation as serious as I thought you people would

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • how the hell is me reporting somebody once for a post about incest violating and abusing the report button?

    you people cant be serious right now.... and im not trolling... i didnt even do anything wrong to any of you... and you all sat here and ridiculed me and talked down to me over some pretty stupid shit

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • if you dont care then why did you reply and make this smart ass remark? i think you are the one that needs to stop.

    im not the one that told you to comment your piss ass excuse of a remark

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • ask and you shall receive dickhead

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • me reporting someone for incest is using the report button for the wrong reason? wtf is wrong with you? you are harassing me and making me a target and this is a problem

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • Really? I'm pretty sure when they posted it they made it everyone's business.

    Stop attacking me

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • How the fuck you gonna sit here and tell me joking or talking about incest isn't a bannable offense but me reporting it is?

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • And no I'm not rightfully banned you really don't get it do you? You shouldn't be banned from a website for reporting disgusting stuff this. I wasn't abusing reporting people who should rightfully be reported....

    Please stop attacking me

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • Would you like the DMS? I have them. And if you say no then don't say "DMs you didn't share with us"

    Even if I show them y'all still gonna tell me joking about incest is morally okay. So I don't see the point in proving my case if y'all just gonna be dicks

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • "what should be done about people who don't want it to be safer"

    Are you fucking for real?

    And somehow I'm the one that's part of this problem?

    Re read your comment buddy...

    You're the problem

    You all attack me and then say something as fucking stupid as that 💀

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • Eh I'm being made fun of and ridiculed now.

    And supposedly what I just showed isn't morally wrong...

    The people in this comment section are the issue here not me.

    Thank you for being nice to me

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • Are you fucking serious? it's about incest and someone admitting to wanting to drug their aunt and fuck them in my DMs......

    You're the problem here not me...

    You all are here attacking me I didn't do anything wrong..

    You all in this comment are part of the fucking problem not me

    What the fuck did I do that was so wrong?

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • I'm sorry what do you mean?

    I'm not trying to make it better. I'm trying to make the internet as a whole safer for everyone. This isn't just about reddit why can't you see that? Lol

    I'll just delete this post but all I'm saying is they sent me a message for some reason and they said they wanted to confess so I went along with it to see how far it would go and I'm 100 percent on this one and it's really bad.

    My point in this post isn't directed at reddit as much as it is about being on the internet as a whole and making it a safer place for everyone not just reddit.

    I don't like reddit at all I just want to keep people safe is all

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • No you just don't get my point lol