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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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Germany, Once a Powerhouse, Is at an Economic ‘Standstill’
  • A lot of other European countries depended on Russian gas. Some even more than Germany. That's not the main reason for the slow recovery from COVID and the energy crisis. Germany let a lot of it's infrastructure rot and is now facing the consequences. Additionally there are ideological debt restrictions in place, hindering the government to start a stimulus program, while a lot of other countries are doing exactly that.

  • Vergleich mit NSDAP: Arbeitnehmerflügel der Union fordert Verbot der AfD
  • Eine Nachfolgepartei bakäme zumindest keine Parteifinanzierung vom Staat Aktuell bezahlen wir alle das Gehalt für einige professionelle Vollzeitfaschisten. Ohne diese Gelder könnte sich die AFD Strukturen nicht leisten.

  • Hospitals have special protection under the rules of war. Why are they in the crosshairs in Gaza?
  • How long will the mellowing out take and how many Israeli civilians will die during that? Half of the people in Gaza were born after Hamas came into power.

    Ireland is a viable economy on it's own. The average education level in Gaza is abysmal, there are no resources, little farmable land,... There is no perceivable way for Gaza to function as a independent part of Palestine independent of either Israel or Egypt. So what's the plan here?

    Egypt wants nothing to do with Gaza anymore. I don't think anyone in Israel would support incorporating Gaza into Israel and grant citizenship to it's inhabitants.

    Just closing the border and largely keeping out there is what Israel did the last two decades and that is exactly what ended up in an unprecedented terror attack on Israeli civilians.

  • Hospitals have special protection under the rules of war. Why are they in the crosshairs in Gaza?
  • They should but that would only help with the west bank. As long Hamas is there, there is a security threat and Hamas can hide behind civilians. But even if Israel dismantles the current Hamas structures, in a few years they or something similar will be back.

    There are 2 million people in Gaza and no perspective for any improvement of their situation. Gaza is economically viable on it's own. But neither Egypt nor Israel wants to incorporate Gaza and it's inhabitants into their states.

  • Hospitals have special protection under the rules of war. Why are they in the crosshairs in Gaza?
  • A total war is when you utalize all of a societies resources for war. That's essentially what Hamas is doing, they have been syphoning the tiny economic capability the Gaza Strip had to arm themselves and are not hesitant to employ every available human being as a fighter or as a shield. Hamas also is in favour of Palestinian civilians dying,

    The time to facilitate a peaceful solution was decades ago but the Israeli government missed that opportunity for selfish reasons. Now there is a conflict with no good solution available for Israel.

  • [DE] Wahlkampf ist für die Grünen mittlerweile ziemlich gefährlich. Im Moment vor allem in Bayern - mit Polizeischutz im Bierzelt. Einschätzung: Demokratiegefährdend
  • Zwischen der Ölkrise Ende der siebziger/Anfang der achtziger und der Bankenkrise lagen zumindest gut 25 Jahre und in diese fiel auch der Fall der UDSSR und die Wiedervereinigung, welche als tendenziell positive Ereignisse aufgefasst werden.

    Inzwischen haben wir alle 5 Jahre eine Krise.

    Ich will hier auch nichts entschuldigen nur Ansätze zur Erklärung liefern.

  • [De] Fühle mich in Berlin auf dem Rad und als Fußgänger viel zu sicher. Gut, dass die CDU das anpackt. Für eine autogerechte Stadt.
  • Zu schnell fahren gehört zum guten Ton. Alles was nicht mit Pollern, Steinen oder Minenfeldern gesichert ist, wird beparkt. Überholabstand gibt es je nach Tagesform. Zebrastreifen sind auch eher eine Empfehlung.

    Radfahrer sind übrigens nicht weniger verpflichtet die Regeln einzuhalten. Viele Radfahrer besitzen auch einen Führerschein für Kraftfahrzeuge.

  • Bonn Horst_Voller

    Pützchens Chaussee: 42-jähriger Radfahrer nach Unfall in Beuel verstorben
