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Holyhandgrenade Holyhandgrenade
Posts 6
Comments 426
Part of this complete breakfast!
  • English is only the lingua franca for now, but that, as well as the English language, will inevitably change.

  • Part of this complete breakfast!
  • Well, what other language should be used? Latin is the language of science because there's no way we'd ever agree on which alive language to use.

  • Sony will cut around 250 jobs from the recordable media business manufacturing hub and will gradually cease production of optical discs, including Blu-ray discs.
  • If they're decreasing their production, it could mean that physical media is ending. If so, that fucking sucks because you can't own anything anymore

  • Anon thinks about Google
  • In Europe you can usually download an app for the public transit in that specific country/city. However, Google Maps is the only one that will show you how to get to a specific address (not just the train/bus station).

  • I'm getting old
  • Yeah my point was they don't have a political agenda besides what makes them the most amount of money. If trans people become universally socially accepted, they'll make movies with trans characters. If the US keeps moving to the right, they'll probably stop having minority characters altogether. All that matters to them is money.

  • Rock Eagle Flag
  • My home country (Iceland) has the highest gun ownership in Europe. It's not much compared to the US, but it's interesting that we have almost no gun violence. The reason is that we have very strict gun control with thorough background checks, mandatory training and psych evaluations. In addition to that, we have a functioning healthcare system and low income inequality. All these things need to be adressed before the US sees a decrease in gun violence.

  • I'm getting old
  • They removed Finn from the poster for the Chinese release. Star Wars is not and has never been "woke", Disney always just does what makes them the most amount of money.

  • Leaky bags
  • They recently did that in Norway, it has improved my life by about 1%. You still get the flour explosion when opening a new bag though.

  • distinctions, shmershminctons!
  • It's a good album. I prefer the first four Metallica albums but the Black Album is their biggest album (by a long shot) for a reason.

  • Don't Worry, Bee Happy
  • Bumblebees fly in a very non-threatening pattern (slow and predictable). Wasps fly like they could suddenly decide to fuck you up at any moment, which is why I'm reluctant to approach them.
    But I'm not afraid of regular bees so this may not be what triggers your fear. Also bumblebees are just straight up adorable

  • It's really not a big deal.
  • Techno Viking is a time traveller so he doesn't count. Fun fact, Vikings used to have a rave after a successful raid

  • It's really not a big deal.
  • Vikings were a very particular group of Scandinavians who, during parts of the year, went on their longboats and raided villages and stole stuff to bring home. For most of the year, they were farmers and fishermen. Having Scandinavian ancestry does not make you a viking, they literally don't exist anymore.
    I'm 100% Nordic by the way

  • Edison
  • I love the fact that Burns answers the phone this way. Subtle jokes like this are the reason why The Simpsons is infinitely rewatchable.

  • Expectation vs. Reality
  • I see D&D almost purely as an excuse to do some comedy improv with my friends lol
    None of us take it seriously but we all love it

  • Believe what you see, not what you’re told
  • He tried really hard to be called the "real life Tony Stark" and he was successful until, idk, he fired his publicist? Whoever that was did a hell of a job making this moron look smart

  • Pain of Salvation - The Perfect Element

    And a perfect song as well!
